Prevention Services
Title | Description | Material |
Real Life Teens: Emotional Abuse | In this program, teens discuss their experiences with emotional abuse, how they recognize it and the effect and consequences it has now and can have on teens throughout their lives. | DVD |
Mandated Reporting | This video provides all the education that a teacher, caregiver, or social worker needs to successfully fulfill her/his obligation as a mandated reporter. Can be used for staff training. | DVD |
Preventing Suicide | Assists high schools in designing and implementing strategies to prevent suicide and promote behavioral health. Assess their ability to prevent suicide among students and response to suicides occurrences. Understand strategies that can help students at risk and identify activities and includes tools to implement a multifaceted suicide prevention program. | Curriculum |
Downward Spiral Game | The?Downward Spiral?game focuses on the consequences of substance abuse on a person?s family, finances, self-esteem, health, legal status, and life expectancy (or lack thereof). Each player takes the role of a person who continues to abuse drugs throughout his/her lifetime. The last player left ?alive? in the game ?wins.? The game uses vignettes as well as facts and quotes to emphasize the consequences amassed in the game. An after-game discussion helps focus the players on issues that have surfaced during play. | Game |
What?s the Big Deal About Addictions?: Answers and Help for Teen | From drugs and alcohol to pervasive use of electronic devices, more teens are exhibiting addictive behaviors.?What?s the Big Deal About Addictions??provides teens with lecture-free, reliable, and factual information about a range of addictions, from drugs and alcohol to electronic devices, social media, and other addictive activities, such as pornography, eating, gambling, and sex, among others. A practicing psychologist and a certified substance abuse counselor, Dr. Crist shares advice for teens who are having serious troubles with addiction and for teens with casual levels of use who may be concerned about their use. With teen stories and quotes included,?What?s the Big Deal About Addictions??speaks directly to teens about the real-life struggles with casual use and addictions they?re seeing and experiencing among peers in school and in the broader community. | Book |
My Dad is an Alcoholic, What About Me?: A pre-teen guide to conquering addictive genes | Does Someone in Your Life Drink Too Much? Do Drugs? Does Their Addiction Often Make You Feel Unsafe? Do You Wonder if You Might Someday Be Like Them? Marc grew up in a family of addicts. Eventually he, too, became an alcoholic. His kids struggled to understand why their dad drank so much and why he was so angry when he did. It was only when he recognized how his addiction was affecting his family that Marc finally took the steps necessary to recover. In this book Marc and his daughter Lianna tell you everything they wish someone had told them about addiction. Together, they share their family?s journey of recovery. Science says that just like some people are allergic to peanuts, others are allergic to alcohol and drugs. If one of your parents has an addiction allergy, you might have that same allergy hiding in your genes. The good news is that you have a choice. Marc and Lianna teach you how to stop your allergy from ever ?turning on.? If you?re wondering what?s happening in your family, and what you should do, My Dad is an Alcoholic will help you find your way. | Book |
Counselor's Treatment Manual | Counselor's Treatment Manual. Matrix Intensive Outpatient Treatment for People With Stimulant Use Disorders | Book |
Nine Signs of Internet Addiction (The) | The purpose of this program is to raise awareness of the growing problem of internet and cell phone addiction. Several teens describe their experiences of playing online games for hours at a time, using cell phones to communicate with friends and spending endless hours on social networks. The video addresses nine signs where viewers can better understand if they are at risk for addiction. For each sign, the program describes ways to address and reverse course. | DVD |
Broken Lines: A Story of Addiction | Broken Lines is a true story of hope, transformation, and ultimately victory over drug addiction. We are all familiar with tragic stories of those who have succumbed to drug overdose and abuse, but we are not so familiar with those who have survived and triumphed. Broken Lines shares the unique insights of a bright young man who survived a near fatal accident and overcame numerous obstacles including ADHD, impulse control disorder, and chronic anxiety. It is the story of promise and the impossible made possible. | DVD |
You'd Be Home Now | For all of Emory's life she's been told who she is. In town she's the rich one--the great-great-granddaughter of the mill's founder. At school she's hot Maddie Ward's younger sister. And at home, she's the good one, her stoner older brother Joey's babysitter. Everything was turned on its head, though, when she and Joey were in the car accident that killed Candy MontClaire. The car accident that revealed just how bad Joey's drug habit was. Four months later, Emmy's junior year is starting, Joey is home from rehab, and the entire town of Mill Haven is still reeling from the accident. Everyone's telling Emmy who she is, but so much has changed, how can she be the same person? Or was she ever that person at all? Mill Haven wants everyone to live one story, but Emmy's beginning to see that people are more than they appear. Her brother, who might not be "cured," the popular guy who lives next door, and most of all, many "ghostie" addicts who haunt the edges of the town. People spend so much time telling her who she is--it might be time to decide for herself. A journey of one sister, one brother, one family, to finally recognize and love each other for who they are, not who they are supposed to be,?You'd Be Home Now?is Kathleen Glasgow's glorious and heartbreaking story about the opioid crisis, and how it touches all of us.? | Book |
Alcohol Problems in Native America : The Untold Story of Resistance and Recovery - the Truth about the Lie | This is a carefully researched history of Native American experiences as seen through the lens of the presence of alcohol in Indian communities, and more importantly, how communities resisted alcohol. The "Firewater Myths" told about Indians and alcohol are listed and carefully contrasted with the actual facts. In a section entitled Firewater Myths and Modern Science the book states, "While the firewater myths were well timed for their moral, economic and political utility, they are not supported by either the historical or medical/scientific evidence." Early Native American advocates for Native sobriety walk across these pages and repeat the messages they gave in their time. Some of them include Samson Occom, Mohegan; William Apes, Pequot; Handsome Lake, Seneca; brothers Tenskwatawa and Tecumseh, Shawnee; Kennekuk, Kickapoo; George Copway (Kahgegagahbowh), Ojibwa; Quanah Parker, Comanche; Jack Wilson (Wovoka) and so many others. The book moves from some of the earliest indigenous experiences in the Western hemisphere in the 1500?s, all the way to the vibrant sobriety movement taking place today. Yesterday?s Native American sobriety and wellness advocates fill these pages, as well as today?s. The roles of the traditional culture, the Indian shaker Church, the Native American Church, the "Indianization" of Alcoholics Anonymous, and the modern Wellbriety movement follow chapter after chapter. A chapter on Addiction, Recovery, and the Processes of Colonization and Decolonization places historical trauma into an addictions context for the first time. Alcohol Problems in Native America will benefit addictions counselors and treatment facilities working with Native American clients; Native Americans and others in recovery; addictions researchers and addictions recovery program providers; Tribal and Native community leaders; Native American history and Indian Studies programs; secondary, college and graduate education; high school, college and community libraries | Book |
Brain (The): Understanding Neurobiology Through the Study of Addiction | This curriculum supplement brings cutting-edge medical science and basic research discoveries from the laboratories of the National Institutes of Health into the classroom. This curriculum is a supplement to complement existing life science curricula at both the state and local levels. Teachers will be able to effectively facilitate learning and stimulate student interest by applying scientific concepts to real-life scenarios. | Curriculum |
When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story | This video is based on the true story of the sorely-tested, but ultimately enduring love between Lois Wilson and her husband Bill Wilson, cofounders of Alcoholics Anonymous. Together, Lois and Bill Wilson started movements that have helped millions of people around the world. Together, they've given the world a noble and inspiring love story. | DVD |
Rewired Workbook: A Manual for Addiction Recovery | The Rewired Workbook?helps readers to discover new healing strategies and coping methods ideally suited for those trying to achieve true and lasting sobriety. Featuring discussion questions, group and individual activities, and intuitive self-inventories to help you better understand your addiction, the workbook provides a framework healing for those in addiction recovery. | Book |
Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America's Greatest Tragedy | Addiction is a preventable, treatable disease, not a moral failing. As with other illnesses, the approaches most likely to work are based on science ? not on faith, tradition, contrition, or wishful thinking.?These facts are the foundation of?Clean.?The existing addiction treatments, including Twelve Step programs and rehabs, have helped some, but they have failed to help many more. To discover why, David Sheff spent time with scores of scientists, doctors, counselors, and addicts and their families, and explored the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, and medicine. In?Clean,?he reveals how addiction really works, and how we can combat it. | Book |
Mindfulness Skills Workbook for Addiction: Practical Meditations and Exercises to Change Addictive Behaviors | Managing addiction requires learning to live every day in the moment, one minute at a time. This mindfulness workbook gives you the tools you need in order to ground yourself in the present and create a healthier mindset, so you?re less likely to fall back into addictive behaviors. Providing a holistic overview, this compassionate mindfulness workbook helps you adjust your response to life?s challenges with simple meditations and exercises that teach you how to live in the present. You?ll find ways to increase your self-awareness and better understand your triggers as you learn skills that help you foster honesty and compassion toward yourself. No matter what kind of dependency you?re facing, equip yourself for the challenges ahead. | Book |
Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction | What had happened to my beautiful boy? To our family? What did I do wrong? Those are the wrenching questions that haunted David Sheff?s journey through his son Nic?s addiction to drugs and tentative steps toward recovery. Before Nic became addicted to crystal meth, he was a charming boy, joyous and funny, a varsity athlete and honor student adored by his two younger siblings. After meth, he was a trembling wraith who lied, stole, and lived on the streets. David Sheff traces the first warning signs: the denial, the three a.m. phone calls?is it Nic? the police? the hospital? His preoccupation with Nic became an addiction in itself. But as a journalist, he instinctively researched every treatment that might save his son. And he refused to give up on Nic. | Book |
The Addiction Recovery Workbook: Powerful Skills for Preventing Relapse Every Day | Get the tools you need to recover from alcoholism and other forms of addiction. This substance abuse workbook equips you with actionable strategies and coping techniques to succeed in recovery when faced with daily challenges, stressors, and triggers. From navigating intimate relationships to handling high-risk situations and environments, this addiction workbook offers practical tools and hands-on exercises that you can use in your home, work, and personal life. | Book |
Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific Needs of Women | The goal of this book is to assist substance abuse treatment providers in offering effective, up-to-date treatment to adult women with substance use disorders. | Book |
Four Good Days | A long-estranged mother and daughter navigate the most difficult four days of their lives together in a heartbreaking and hopeful story based on real-life events. | DVD |
Adults and Co-occurring Disorders | Men & women speak frankly about how addiction and mental disorders fuel each other, the benefits of therapy, the importance of psychiatric medication taken regularly and the challenges and rewards of seeking support through a 12 step group. Hope for recovery is reinforced by psychiatrist Kenneth Minkoff. Includes facilitator's guide. | DVD |
Mark Lundholm: Humor in Treatment | The word is out. Mark Lundholm's long-awaited recovery-focused DVD is seriously funny. With his trademark raw emotion and luminous wit, Lundholm shares the turbulence of his own addiction and inspiring recovery since 1988-deftly moving his audience into the realms of hope. A support tool made for treatment centers, drug and alcohol awareness programs or anyone else in the recovery industry. The three-phase series dismantles with therapeutic brilliance the disease of addiction. | DVD |
Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment -A | This is a great booklet on using a motivational interviewing style. The book mainly addresses treating addictions, but nods to the effectiveness of using MI to help clients to find the motivation within themselves to make improvement in other aspects of their lives | Book |
Pleasure Unwoven | The important question about addiction is: "Is it really a "disease?" This video essay, filmed in high-definition and recipient of NAATP's Michael Q. Ford Journalism Award 2010, presents the arguments for and against this question. Reviewing all the latest research about addiction along the way. Uses the spectacular landscape of Utah's State and National Parks to describe the brain areas involved in addiction, turns complex neuroscientific concepts into easy-to-understand visual images that will help people in recovery feel better understood, and their families and friends feel hope that recovery is possible. | DVD |
Harm Reduction Therapy for Addictions | Harm Reduction Therapy is an innovative approach that focuses on reducing the harmful consequences of drug use. The therapist accepts the client on his or her own terms and tries to reduce barriers to treatment. In this video, Dr. G. Alan Marlatt, an expert on harm reduction and relapse prevention, works with an African-American client who is addicted to heroin and considering entry into a methadone program. Jon Carlson and Judy Lewis introduce Dr. Marlatt, and facilitate an in depth discussion of the further impact and uses of the model. | DVD |
Smashed | Kate & Charlie are a young married couple whose bond is built on a mutual love of music, laughter, and drinking. When Kate?s drinking leads her to dangerous places and her job as a school teacher is put into jeopardy, she decides to join AA and get sober. With the help of her new friend and sponsor and the vice principal at her school, Kate takes steps towards improving her health and life. Sobriety isn?t as easy as Kate had anticipated. Her new lifestyle brings to the surface a trouble relationship with her mother, facing the lies she told her employer, and calls into question her relationship with Charlie. Some adult content. | DVD |
Addiction Recovery Workbook | Get the tools you need to recover from alcoholism and other forms of addiction. This substance abuse workbook equips you with actionable strategies and coping techniques to succeed in recovery when faced with daily challenges, stressors, and triggers. From navigating intimate relationships to handling high-risk situations and environments, this addiction workbook offers practical tools and hands-on exercises that you can use in your home, work, and personal life. Develop addiction recovery skills through: A comprehensive introductionthat helps you understand your addiction and outlines the path to recovery. Coping skills?to deal with thoughts, emotions, relationships, and high-risk situations and environments. Prevention tactics?that help you succeed in lifelong recovery by setting new, addiction-free lifestyle habits and routines. Foster the skills you?ll need to persevere with this addiction recovery workbook as your guide. | Book |
Floating Away: A Book to Help Children Understand Addiction: | This book provides an avenue for dialogue with children who are affected by addiction in America. It follows a simple metaphor of addiction as the main character, Sam, is swept away in a bubble. At first he is curious and excited, but he slowly becomes bored and isolated, encounters a devastating storm, and, finally, tries to find his way back home to his family. His journey symbolizes the struggle of addiction in a way children can understand. | Book |
A Kids Book About Addiction | Quick Take Addiction is complicated?opening up the conversation can help kids better understand why it happens and how to cope with it. For Ages 5+ What's Inside It?s difficult when someone you know or love suffers with addiction, but it?s a reality many kids are confronted with and need help understanding. This book was made to help explain what addiction is and help all readers cope with and validate the many feelings that come when experiencing someone?s addiction. About the Author Born in Michigan, now based in Portland, Oregon, Nicole Lendo has a Master?s of Education and is currently a special education teacher. Through her personal experiences living with addicts, loving addicts, and teaching the children of addicts, she helps us learn to love ourselves and others, even within the loops of addiction.? | Book |
Children's Program | The?Children's Program Kit?provides over 100 skill-based and developmentally appropriate lesson plans and everything needed to offer a strong and effective program of support to school age children of addicted parents. They learn they are not alone, they didn't cause it, they can't cure it, but they can learn to cope with it. Improved affective and behavioral changes are noticeable as children complete programs using this comprehensive program kit. | Curriculum |
10 Toughest Questions | Families and friends ask about addiction and recovery. A wealth of knowledge. Being able to gain this much information in one short sitting will put your mind at ease and give you the confidence to move forward, knowing that recovery is within reach. Get straightforward answers from a professional who personally understand the powerful grip of addiction. | DVD |
Ten Great Therapy Groups: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Therapy Group Curriculum | Ten Great Therapy Groups is the best friend of any groups facilitator wanting to provide engaging and thoughtful group topics. Inside the workbook, there are over 20 hours of engaging group topics and materials at your disposal. The best part is that the groups will only take 10-20 minutes to prepare for. Ten Great Therapy Groups is evidence-based and proven effective with several group populations. The groups are fun and supportive. Never again will you have to experience that dreadful feeling of being unprepared for group. Ten Great Therapy Group is the accumulation of expertise in group facilitation and demonstrates how to run groups that engage your clients and provide them with useful tools for life and recovery.Kristen Brown is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over ten years of experience providing group therapy to Substance Abuse and Mental Health populations. She understands how difficult it can be to find engaging group material, and as a result she has compiled ten of her best groups over the course of her career and put them in a workbook format to allow for easy group facilitation. The workbook reads like a curriculum to allow for easy referencing and simple guidance on the group format. There are innovative and engaging worksheets and activities throughout each group to promote genuine growth and learning from each topic. Topics include applicable coping tools for maintained recovery, improved communication techniques, managing difficult emotions, and providing self compassion. The group material promotes group cohesion and authentic processing of real-life issues and experiences. Inside the workbook, you will also find instructions on how to purchase additional training videos for each group to give you total confidence in walking into your next group and delivering an engaging and introspective experience. | Book |
More Activities That Teach (E) | This book contains 82 activities that address anger management, peer pressure, diversity, violence and gang prevention, communication, values, problem solving, stress management, self-esteem, and more. | Book |
Meth: A Prevention and Education Toolkit for Communities | This comprehensive resource provides materials to create an effective, multidisciplinary plan for addressing the distribution and use of methamphetamine in your community. | DVD |
Memo to Self: Protecting Sobriety with the Science of Safety | Addiction is a potentially fatal illness, but is also eminently recoverable. In this film, they recount precarious early sobriety, negotiating hazards such as hostile prosecutors, treatment programs with divided loyalties, and the craving brain. Following the advice of Addiction Medicine experts, the author replicates the sobriety habits and success of recovering pilots and health care professionals. The author shows how recovery is possible with the right kind of support. This film provides valuable tools for therapists, counselors, recovery coaches, and clinicians to introduce audiences to the concepts and practices of recovery management. It also provides people in early recovery and their families insight into how to survive the first year of sobriety. | DVD |
Addictive Substances: What You Need To Know | The?What You Need to Know?series provides targeted coverage of addictive substances, including cannabis, alcohol, opioids, methamphetamine, nicotine and vaping, cocaine, club drugs, inhalants, and hallucinogens.?Addictive Substances: What You Need to Know?provides a broad overview of mind-altering substances and substance use disorder. | DVD |
Stages of Family Recovery | This video lets families know they're not alone- and that recovery is possible. Teens, parents, and grandparents share stories of despair and hope, helplessness and optimism. Clinical insights help families progress through the stages of recovery. | DVD |
Beautiful Boy | Beautiful Boy is a deeply moving portrait of a family's unwavering love and commitment to each other in the face of their son's addiction and his attempts at recovery. As Nic repeatedly relapses, the Sheffs are faced with the harsh reality that addiction is a disease that does not discriminate and can hit any family at any time. | DVD |
Addicted Teens: Heroin Addiction | Addicted Teens is a documentary series that takes an in-depth look at teen addiction. Heroin is an extremely addictive Opioid drug that's synthesized from Morphine. Teen Heroin Abuse is a growing danger. Today, the young addict could be as young as 12 years old, play video games and enjoy the music of his generation. This program helps teens recognize the conflicts and stresses they may face and the ways to deal with stress and tough situations by developing healthy habits so they become empowered to make the right decision. | DVD |
Whoa Dude!Think on these things before getting too deep into smoking Weed*: *or what the science of marijuana is telling us about the harmful effects for you, your friends, or your kids. | With the rush to legalize marijuana, it has been lost in the haze that marijuana is a psychoactive drug. A drug that can lead to serious health problems, in some people. Most vulnerable are adolescents, young adults, and pregnant women, but heavy or chronic use of Weed can also lead to dependence and health complications for people at all ages. The scientific evidence clearly shows effects of Cannabis and Cannabis products on Cognition, Memory, and IQ as well as influencing Psychosis, Anxiety, Depression, Cardiovascular problems, and other health and behavioral problems. This book leads you directly to the science of Marijuana and the deleterious effects on your health. | Book |
The Secret Addiction: Overcoming Your Marijuana Dependency | After almost a decade of living a life behind a veil of smoke and many failed attempts at quitting, Tony DeRamus began his journey of discovering the answers to abstaining from what most people consider to be a harmless drug, a non-addictive drug. For many of those who are trapped in this cloud of smoke, know this is far from the truth. Sadly, many of those individuals simply do not know how to find their way out. Although The Secret Addiction began as a personal quest, Dr. DeRamus quickly realized that there was very limited information specifically for marijuana addicts. Yes, the topic of addiction is extremely popular, but marijuana addicts consider themselves different and many times can't relate to a program focused mainly on alcohol or cocaine. The Secret Addiction will help guide those who are looking for the answers to escaping their dependency on marijuana whether it has been two years or twenty years. Compiled with the latest research, questionnaires, motivational and behavioral strategies, The Secret Addiction has been written exclusively for the marijuana user. | Book |
Cannabis: What You Need to Know | Hazelden Publishing's new?What You Need to Know?video series provides detailed information about the most widespread addictive substances: opioids, methamphetamine, nicotine, cannabis, and more. | DVD |
?M? is for Marijuana | ?M? is for Marijuana is a book to educate children about this drug with a faith based message. | Book |
Pathways to Resilience for Adolescents and Young Adults | Inspired by Robert Adelman's 2007 curriculum,?Reducing Anger in Adolescents: An REBT Approach, this program draws on the empirically based treatment modality that was introduced in 1955 by Albert Ellis, PhD. This easy-to-follow curriculum is designed to open the door to collaborative verbal interventions while make learning enjoyable for young clients and progress measurable for clinicians. | Curriculum |
A NIGHT IN JAIL: A story about drugs and mental illness, inspired by true events | Inspired by true events.Busted for smoking pot, suburbanite college-bound Danny is incredulous when forced to spend the night in jail. He?s repulsed by his cellmate, a homeless and mentally ill drug addict who keeps him awake all night with his delusional rants. By morning Danny?s world is completely upended. A Night In Jail is a grim page-turner with a staggering ending. | Book |
POP-D Curriculum | POP-D? is an engaging and effective prescription drug abuse prevention program for students in middle school. It is school-based and is aligned with the New Generation Science Standards, so it can be taught as prevention or science education. | Curriculum |
Teen Addictions and Recovery Workbook | Teen addictions come in many different shapes and forms. When most people hear the word addiction, they usually think of drug use and abuse. In reality, many different types of addictive behaviors exist. Addictions have very different effects on the body and mind of the person. Different types of addictions include drugs and alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, steroids, computer use and social networking, gambling, cigarettes and cigars, video games, texting, pornography, sex, sugar, money, shopping, self-injury, exercising, thrill-seeking and prescription drugs. The Teen Addictions & Recovery Workbook contains six separate sections to help participants learn more about themselves as well how addictions are impacting their lives. Use the exploratory activities, reflective journaling exercises and educational handouts to help teens discover their habitual and ineffective methods of managing addictions, and to explore new ways for bringing about healing. | Book |
Truth About Teen Alcohol Use 101 (The): A Social Norms Approach | The social norms approach of this groundbreaking video shows high school students that-regardless of what they assumed was going on-most of their peers do not drink. Interwoven with lifesaving facts about alcohol poisoning, student interviews reveal surprise and relief that their own non-drinking behavior is identical to that of a majority of their peers. | DVD |
Intervention #60-Dan | Dan has a beautiful wife and a is the proud father of a little girl. He is sensitive, funny and likes to write poetry. Sadly, he is losing everything he loves to his addiction to alcohol. He has become verbally abusive to his wife and she is scared for her safety and the safety of their daughter. | DVD |
Sarah T. - Portrait of a Teen-Age Alcoholic | Author Robin S. Wagner paints a true-to-life portrait of teenage alcoholism in this fictional book. | Book |
Ree Lasker | He speaks with humor and compassion about how it feels to be new in recovery. He emphasizes the importance of A.A. and provides vivid, hilarious examples of powerlessness and unmanageability. | DVD |
BASICS Brief Alcohol Screening & Intervention for College Students | BASICS Practitioners Workshop. Motivational interviewing with College Students. What is BASICS? ASTP & BASICS research and Development. | Book |
Protecting You Protecting Me Grade 1 | Protecting You Protecting Me is MADD's latest nationwide effort to prevent alcohol use by youth. The curriculum provides a series of forty classroom-based lessons (eight lessons each in grades 1-5). | Curriculum |
Protecting You Protecting Me Grade 2 | Protecting You Protecting Me is a curriculum developed by MADD to educate children on alcohol and discourage use. There are 40 lessons to be used (eight each in grades 1-5). | Curriculum |
Protecting You Protecting Me Grade 3 | Protecting You Protecting Me is an alcohol education curriculum for grades 1-5 developed by MADD. | Curriculum |
Protecting You Protecting Me Grade 2 (Tailored for Native American youth) | A series of classroom-based lessons designed to be infused into a school's core curriculum. The curriculum informs children on the dangers of alcohol and also teaches children "safety skills", including how to refuse a ride from an unsafe driver and how to reduce the risks associated with riding with a driver who is not alcohol-free. | Curriculum |
Protecting You Protecting Me Grade 3 (Tailored for Native American youth) | A series of classroom-based lessons designed to be infused into a school's core curriculum. The curriculum informs children on the dangers of alcohol and also teaches children "safety skills", including how to refuse a ride from an unsafe driver and how to reduce the risks associated with riding with a driver who is not alcohol-free. | Curriculum |
The Gateway Drugs Action Pack: What's Wrong with Alcohol? | This curriculum, aimed at elementary students, is designed to educate, entertain, and inform then of the extreme dangers of alcohol. Includes supplemental materials. | Video |
Protecting You Protecting Me Grade 4 | Protecting You Protecting Me is an alcohol education curriculum developed by MADD. To be implemented in grades 1-5. | Curriculum |
Protecting You Protecting Me Grade 4 (Tailored for Native American Youth) | A series of classroom-based lessons designed to be infused into a school's core curriculum. The curriculum informs children on the dangers of alcohol and also teaches children "safety skills", including how to refuse a ride from an unsafe driver and how to reduce the risks associated with riding with a driver who is not alcohol-free. | Curriculum |
Alcohol: What About It? | When a young boy is tempted to take his first drink, he is befriended by a spectral baseball player, who helps him identify his feelings of fear and confusion and guides him through the decision-making process. The boy discovers the far-reaching and long-term effects of alcohol use, as well as more immediate and short-term effects. He also learns assertiveness strategies and healthy ways to relieve stress and cope with difficulties. | DVD |
Protecting You Protecting Me Grade 5 | Protecting You Protecting me is an alcohol prevention curriculum to be implemented in grades 1-5. | Curriculum |
Protecting You/Protecting Me Grade 5 (tailored for Native American youth) | A series of classroom-based lessons designed to be infused into a school's core curriculum. The curriculum informs children on the dangers of alcohol and also teaches children "safety skills", including how to refuse a ride from an unsafe driver and how to reduce the risks associated with riding with a driver who is not alcohol-free. | Curriculum |
Protecting You Protecting Me Grade 5 (Tailored for Native American youth)(B) | A series of classroom-based lessons designed to be infused into a school's core curriculum. The curriculum informs children on the dangers of alcohol and also teaches children "safety skills", including how to refuse a ride from an unsafe driver and how to reduce the risks associated with riding with a driver who is not alcohol-free. | Curriculum |
Everyone's NOT Doing It! An Alcohol Prevention Video | Adolescents will learn about the risks that alcohol use poses for their bodies, minds & lives. By addressing the realities of peer & media pressure head-on, the video challenges teens to think in new ways about what they hear and make their own decisions. Tells the story of 3 teens and how they handled the pressure. | DVD |
Understanding Alcohol: Investigations into Biology and Behavior | This curriculum is designed to supplement existing life science curricula. It covers topics such as: alcohol consumption effects on the body, understanding important scientific concepts, purpose of scientific research, and relationships between knowledge,choice, behavior, and enhanced human health. Encourage students to think in terms of these relationships now and as they grow older. | Curriculum |
Be Right Back | Curriculum designed to educate seventh and eighth grade students about the risks of teen alcohol use and to prevent initiation of alcohol use among teens. The curriculum will provide information and resources to teach students about how alcohol affects teens' bodies and brains, including the ability to make decisions in difficult situations involving alcohol. The curriculum clarifies the risks associated with the consumption of alcohol and provides students with information and skills needed to make safe and healthy decisions. | Curriculum |
Understanding Alcohol: Investigations into Biology and Behavior | This module is established to help students understand how alcohol consumption affects the functioning of the body; to use the topic of alcohol as a way to understand important scientific concepts; to convey to students the purpose of scientific research; encourage students to think in terms of these relationships now and as they grow older. | Book |
DUI Goggles | Goggles are designed to simulate the visual impairment caused by alcohol or other drugs. Viewing through the goggles is rather clear, but confusing to the mind. The wearer experiences a loss of equilibrium, which is one of the effects of intoxication. | Other |
Teen Files: The Truth About Drinking (The | In this program, teens who are current drinkers see firsthand what the future may hold for them if they continue to drink. (2 copies: School Version and Adult Version | Video |
Alcohol Prevention Bingo | Ages: 12-18. Teens learn about alcohol prevention while having fun! Each card contains a fact or idea to start your group thinking about why they should not use alcohol. Includes handout, "Twenty Questions About Problem Drinking." For up to 16 players. | Game |
What is Alcoholism? | This video addresses what alcoholism is, who is at risk, what alcohol abuse is, health problems associated with alcohol use, the emotional crutch of use, how to find help for the alcohol problem and suggestions of what to do when they are offered alcohol and activities to spend their time with instead of alcohol. Video has teen alcoholics speaking about their problem and what they did to get help. | DVD |
Graduation Day | Kelly loves to shoot videos and on his high school graduation day, he kept the camera rolling straight through commencement and the party that followed. But what should have been a quirky keepsake turned into a record of tragedy as drinking and driving led to the violent deaths of two of his closest friends. | DVD |
WHY Banner | Watertown Healthy Youth Banner | Other |
Take a Stand Have the Talk | Parents Matter DVD talking about underage drinking and driving and how parents need to take a stand. | DVD |
How Could this Happen? | This program gives students a close up look at the story of Molly Amman, a vivacious nineteen-year-old, straight-A student who died of acute alcohol poisoning in 2011. Through emotional interviews with family and friends, viewers get a firsthand understanding of how one episode of binge drinking can kill. The choices and errors in judgment that lead to Molly?s death are presented in stark detail. Medical experts weigh in about the consequences of binge drinking and how the body systematically shuts down when too much alcohol is consumed. Students are made aware of the all-too-real dangers of alcohol poisoning and learn what actions to take if they suspect that someone is at risk of being poisoned. | DVD |
Binge Drinking Blowout 2.0 | A "no-use" message documentary focusing on how excessive drinking affects young adults. Students share experiences of blackouts, violence, date rape encounters, and alcohol poisoning emergencies, while friends and families of victims tell students about the heavy price they paid. Binge Drinking Blowout teaches that mixing drugs with alcohol is lethal and that "partying" has serious consequences not to be ignored. | DVD |
From the H.E.A.R.T | This is a true story of 2 SD teens that die after being hit by a drunk driver. | DVD |
Drinking Display | Glass of wine, shot glass and Glass of beer showing | Other |
Alcohol Changes Everything | Decode the hard facts about how life can change dramatically when you abuse alcohol. Players earn points by answering questions about alcohol abuse and use the included alcohol bottle decoder to read special cards to determine whether alcohol has caused them costly consequences. For 2-8 players or teams. Grade 7-Adult | Game |
Impact: Driving Drunk, Driving High | Addresses the effects of alcohol & prescription drugs on a driver's judgement, motor skills, and consequences of driving under the influence. Victims talk about how a drunk driver made the choice to get behind the wheel, forever changing their lives. | Video |
Class Action | Class Action is an eight to ten session classroom curriculum for high school students. Underage drinking is presented as a community wide problem, giving students the opportunity to debate the legal intricacies of alcohol-related cases involving teenagers. This curricula emphasizes broader social and legal consequences of underage drinking. Each classroom is divided into five or six legal teams who argue hypothetical civil cases. | Curriculum |
Without Warning: The Dangers Of Alcohol Poisoning And Binge Drinking | This video discusses the problems of alcohol poisoning, what it is, and what we can do about it. | Video |
Sudden Impact: After the Crash (DVD) | An NBC news special detailing the after effects-physical, emotional, monetary-from an alcohol related car crash. | Video |
Navajo Nation: The Native American Battle with Alcoholism | This program visits Gallup, New Mexico, a small southwest town with a large reputation for its alcohol-abusing residents. Students will learn about the frustrations of Native American life and how these frustrations can lead to poor decisions and a cycle of substance abuse. | DVD |
College and Drinking: A Risky Curriculum | CADCA is meant to accompany College and Drinking a 6 min video that highlights research on alcohol use and abuse among college students. | DVD |
Drunk In Public Mark David Allen Story | Drunk In Public" is a feature documentary directed by award winning filmmaker David J. Sperling. This final and complete film spanned and chronicled the last 18 years in the touching, tragic and thought provoking life of Mark David Allen, a man arrested more than 500 times. This documentary provides a non-judgmental objective long term look at alcoholism. Nothing produced captures the progressive nature of addiction like this film...It is somber, educational, and sometimes funny. Audiences seem to respond to this unique presentation on an issue that affects nearly everyone. Therefore it is ideal for rehabilitation programs, teenagers & their families, law enforcement training, churches, schools and anyone else touched by the trauma of addiction. Since it's first version, "DRUNK IN PUBLIC" has screened and collected awards in a number of festivals. This is an independently produced film with a gritty and realistic nature that is determined to open your eyes and challenge your heart. | DVD |
Totally Disgusting Alcohol Gross Out Video | This video is very graphic and disgusting. It will get students to think twice before engaging in underage drinking. It's all there the vomiting, the stomach pumping, the DUI's, the toilet clutching, the hangovers, the ER visits, the bad decision making. Viewers will gain a thorough understanding of how alcohol affects the body and the risks associated with alcohol use. This program delivers a strong no-use message. | DVD |
Falling Back: The Dry Drunk Syndrome | This video discusses relapse and the symptoms and prevention of dry drunk syndrome. | Video |
Loosening The Grip - 6th Edition | Complete resource for understanding alcohol and its physical and psychological effects on an individual. Covers range of psychological factors, physical complications, treatment options and family concerns. | Curriculum |
On The Rocks: The Epidemic of Teen Drinking | This program gives parents the facts on teen drinking; the dangers, the misconceptions, the consequences. Helps adults better understand the importance of not allowing teens to drink alcohol. | DVD |
Underage Drinking: A Video Guide for Parents & Professionals | This video clearly and straightforwardly engages parents and arms them with crucially important information about setting firm guidelines for their teenage children. Program also informs parents of their legal liabilities if teens are drinking in their homes or at unsupervised parties. | DVD |
Creating Safer, Healthier Neighborhoods by Reducing Chronic Public Inebriation | Citizen complaints about the problem of chronic public inebriation in the city of Tacoma resulted in a city ordinance recommending the establishment of an Alcohol Impact Area. The goal for establishing this area was to reduce the effects of the public consumption of alcohol and or public intoxication that endangers the welfare, health, peace or safety of a neighborhood or community. This program details the steps the city of Tacoma went through in reducing alcohol problems in this area, including getting some store owners to quit selling alcohol all together. | DVD |
Simple Solutions for Store Managers and Owners | Explains what store owners need to do to train their employees to make safe, legal alcohol sales. Also what store owners can do to keep their business safe. | DVD |
This Place | Alcohol-related topics discussed in this program: alcohol and the brain, adult role modeling, advertising/sponsorship, binge drinking, community environments, violence, youth access, people creating change. | DVD |
Fork in the Road: The Path to Reducing Underage Drinking in Your Community | A Fork in the Road will provide step-by-step directions to finding out what is going on in your community with youth and alcohol and how you can begin to solve it. | Other |
A Stone's Throw | This video explores the impact of adult attitudes and behaviors around alcohol use and it's impact on youth attitudes and behaviors with alcohol. It gently encourages adults to look at their own expectations and actions with regard to alcohol and encourages them to use their individual and collective influence to create safer and healthier environments for young people to live and grow. | DVD |
How to Implement Environmental Strategies to Reduce Alcohol Problems | The purpose of this manual is to provide basic steps on how to implement 12 different environmental strategies to reduce alcohol problems. The strategies were identified in a 2007 technical report released by The Rand Corporation that also encouraged the use of the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to achieve results. | Book |
Preventing Problems Related to Alcohol Availability: Environmental Approaches | This is a practical, detailed guide for considering the advantages and disadvantages of specific interventions and for planning prevention initiatives in the community. | Book |
Brief Alcohol SCreening and Intervention for College Students | Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS) is?a harm-reduction intervention for college students. Students often conform to patterns of heavy drinking they see as acceptable, while holding false beliefs about alcohol's effects or actual alcohol-use norms. | Book |
Promising Practices: Campus Alcohol Strategies | This curriculum includes the nature and scope of college student drinking, historical approaches to the problem and goals of Promising Practices. | Curriculum |
Task Force on College Drinking Materials Kit | Tool kit to assist college personnel in planning effective alcohol prevention on campus. | Other |
Changing the Culture of College Drinking | The book describes the development of the R U Sure campaign and suggestions are give for implementing a similar campaign on other campuses. The innovative nature of the R U Sure campaign combines social norms messages with interpersonally based experiential activities delivered by college students to their peers. | Book |
Alcoholism: The Genetic Inheritance | This book makes alcoholism understandable as a disease. | Book |
I Know the World's Worst Secret | A book about living with an alcoholic parent and choosing to grow in spite of the pain. | Book |
Case of Cool Al (The) | This DVD seeks to dispel the idea that drinking alcohol is "cool" for young people. The program stresses to elementary-aged students that drinking alcohol can leave lasting damage to the brain. Cartoon. | DVD |
Binge Drinking & Blackouts: What Every Teen Needs to Know | Binge drinking is the most common, costly, and deadly pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United States. This program interviews two teenagers who are recovering binge drinkers. Each recounts the details of their drinking and the related dangers including blackouts, hospitalizations, memory loss, and impacts on relationships with family and friends. Expert counselors weigh in on how alcohol binging has become an epidemic problem among teenagers. They share information on how alcohol damages the brain and can lead to various related health issues including addiction. ER doctors talk about what they see and some of the extreme treatments they use to save teens who have passed out, blacked out or worse. This program is a very visceral, candid look at binge drinking from teenagers who have experienced it first-hand and have recovered. | Book |
Alcohol: True Stories | Four young people tell how alcohol has affected their lives and offer insight into why young people drink. They tell their true stories about drinking and driving, addiction and how to avoid underage drinking. | DVD |
Alcohol and the Developing Brain | This program focuses on the effects of alcohol on the still-developing adolescent and young adult brain. Students learn that the moldable nature of the young brain makes learning and acquiring new skills easier but also poses greater risk of addiction and dependence. Testimony from experts and recovering alcoholics clarify why people start to drink and why young people are at greater risk of developing alcohol use disorder. This video then focuses on the risks of alcohol abuse on different parts of the still-developing brain and how alcohol effects decision-making, coordination, and memory. Viewers learn about the risks of binge drinking, which can cause blackouts and alcohol poisoning. The video details the difficulties of recovery from alcoholism but offers hope that recovery is possible. | DVD |
Binge Drinking & Blackouts: What Every Teen Needs to Know | Binge drinking is the most common, costly, and deadly pattern of excessive alcohol use in the United States. This program interviews two teenagers who are recovering binge drinkers. Each recounts the details of their drinking and the related dangers including blackouts, hospitalizations, memory loss, and impacts on relationships with family and friends. Expert counselors weigh in on how alcohol binging has become an epidemic problem among teenagers. They share information on how alcohol damages the brain and can lead to various related health issues including addiction. ER doctors talk about what they see and some of the extreme treatments they use to save teens who have passed out, blacked out or worse. This program is a very visceral, candid look at binge drinking from teenagers who have experienced it first-hand and have recovered. | DVD |
My Name is Bill W. | World War I veteran William Wilson has everything: loving wife, good health, Wall Street career - and a "drinking problem." Penniless overnight when the stock market crashes, Bill quickly descends into a "stormy sea of booze." Then he meets Bob Smith, an Ohio surgeon with the same "problem." Together they discover a way to stay day at a time. And their mutual triumph would soon become the world's, the powerful true story of how two lives intersected at a crucial time - and how the resulting friendship led to the formation of Alcoholics Anonymous | DVD |
Father Martin: Chalk Talk on Alcohol | Chalk Talk on Alcohol has long been known as one of the most important teaching films ever produced by those in recovery and treatment professionals. Offering one of the most effective descriptions of alcohol, alcoholism, and recovery from addiction, this has been a best-selling video for years and answers such important questions as: What is alcohol? How does it affect the individual? What are the symptoms of addiction? How can an individual recover? Because of the success of these videos, Father Martin has been a legacy of hope and healing for those affected by alcohol. "My friends, alcohol is a drug; alcoholism is addiction to it." | DVD |
Alcohol: What You Need to Know | This video features interviews with experts, historical information about alcohol, resources for individuals who need assistance, and insight on assessing use and adopting healthy. The accompanying flash drive contains a facilitator guide and fact sheets. | DVD |
Step 1 for Adults | In this program men and women in recovery candidly share their triumphs and set backs in working Step One: struggling with powerlessness, recognizing unmanageability, and overcoming secret-keeping. | DVD |
Step 3 for Adults | In this program men and women in recovery candidly share their triumphs and setbacks in working Step Three: maintaining conscious contact with a Higher Power, finding a sponsor and learning to have sober fun. | DVD |
Prevention Of Prenatal Alcohol Use | Interviews with 3 different ladies that currently use alcohol during pregnancy and what their reactions are to the person explaining how the effects of alcohol will effect their baby. | DVD |
Crazy Heart | This is a powerful story of a country music star's rocky road to redemption. Bad Blake, a boozy, broken-down singer who reaches for salvation with the help of Jean, a journalist who discovers the real man behind the music. But will Bad's hard-livin' ways and crazy heart cost him his last chance at a comeback? | DVD |
Parents Who Host Lose the Most | Beyond Billboards and Brochures this workbook includes worksheets from training to mobilize your community. | DVD |
Anger Tool Box | This toolbox consists of a 28 minute video,a leaders guide of 12 sessions,and an Imageries CD.This will guide a client through the recovery process with simple steps designed to act as a self-help tool that a client can use each day in their recovery. | Curriculum |
UnGame (Kids Version) | Game of self-expression for 2-8 players. One deck of cards has questions to help kids get to know each other. The other deck of cards has questions that are deeper and more intense. | Game |
Safe Places to Learn | Twenty-one lessons to help students promote a caring school climate. Includes CD-ROM with lessons, handouts and other reproducible. | Book |
Home Run | Baseball all-star Cory Brand knows what it takes to win in the big leagues. But off the field, with memories of his past haunting him, his life is spiraling out of control. With an unexpected second chance, Cory finds himself on a powerful journey of transformation and redemption. Based on thousands of true stories, Home Run is a powerful reminder that with God, It's never too late...Freedom Is Possible. | DVD |
Coping with an Alcoholic Parent | Native parent is an alcoholic, and the family's life is in chaos. Alcohol addiction has taken over the life of your parent - and your family. But there are things you can do - while your parent is drinking, and even if he or she stops - to make things easier on your family life, and on your kids. This dramatic program takes you into the lives of real people who have embarked on the long road to recovery from addiction, and it shares the intimate struggles of families dealing with this all too common disease. There are real tips here, solid information on how you can improve your family life until your alcoholic parent gets help. A program about recovery and family dynamics. | DVD |
CADCA Strategizer 26: Coalitions Address Children of Alcoholics | This pamphlet explains what the impact of alcoholism is on the family and how coalitions can address the needs of children of alcoholics. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 32: Alcohol Advertising: Its Impact on Communities, and What Coalitions Can Do to Lessen that Impact | This strategizer outlines the kinds of alcohol advertising that coalitions need to monitor, the audiences that are targeted by the alcohol industry and what coalitions can do to eliminate and/or curb such advertising. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 33: Promoting a Healthy Environment: Reducing Underage Drinking | When focusing on a healthy environment for kids coalitions need to focus on strategies that control availability and strategies that affect community norms. This pamphlet will help your coalition address these strategies. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 34: Working in Partnership with Local Colleges and Universities | This pamphlet is designed to help a coalition recruit college personnel to join the coalition, how the alcohol & drug problems on campus should be framed, what resources are available for help. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 37: Increasing Alcohol Taxes to Fund Programs to Prevent and treat Youth-Related Alcohol Problems | This strategizer offers information for you to begin the debate on raising alcohol excise tax rates at the state and local levels. Adjusting state and local level tax rates makes sense because states and localities bear most of the burden of alcohol-related problems in costs associated with law enforcement, emergency medical services, health care, homeless services etc. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 54: A Community's Call to Action: Underage Drinking and Impaired Driving | This publication will help a coalition develop a multi-layered prevention and intervention strategy to help teens and young adults safely reach adulthood. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer | Includes 38 separate technical assistance manuals for community coalitions. | Book |
Community How To Guide On Prevention & Education | These guides address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide contains a resource section, useful tools and a jumpstart to planning and implementing activities. | Book |
Community How To Guide On Coalition Building | These guides address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide contains a resource section, useful tools and a jumpstart to planning and implementing activities. | Book |
Community How To Guide On Enforcement | These guides address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide contains a resource section, useful tools and a jumpstart to planning and implementing activities. | Curriculum |
Community How To Guide On Pubic Policy | These guides address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide contains a resource section, useful tools and a jumpstart to planning and implementing activities. | Book |
Community How To Guide On Media Relations | These guides address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide contains a resource section, useful tools and a jumpstart to planning and implementing activities. | Book |
Community How To Guide On Self Sufficiency | These guides address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide contains a resource section, useful tools and a jumpstart to planning and implementing activities. | Book |
Community How To Guide On Resources | These guides address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide contains a resource section, useful tools and a jumpstart to planning and implementing activities. | Book |
Community Case Study On Underage Drinking Prevention | These guides address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide contains a resource section, useful tools and a jump start to planning and implementing activities. | Book |
P.S. I Miss You | This video focuses on Tanya and the toll her family situation has taken on her in the year and a half following her older brother's suicide. During this time, Tanya has tried coping by helping others, but gradually this proves not to be enough, and she turns to drinking to ease her pain. Ultimately, things get out of control and her friend must intervene to get her some help. | DVD |
Alcohol 101 Plus | This is an innovative, interactive CD-Rom program aimed at helping students make safe and responsible decisions when they get to a college campus. | Other |
Underage Drinking: Know the Facts, Know the Risks | This video was developed to help students understand the true face of underage drinking and how it applies to their own lives. Video includes activities to provide an opportunity for further learning & discussion | DVD |
Confronting Drug and Alcohol Abuse: What Would You Do? | This two-part ABC News series captures raw responses to troubling situations with the help of actors and hidden cameras. Whether compelled to take action or to mind his or her own business, each unwitting participant makes a split-second decision. The segments all involve alcohol. | DVD |
Preventing Suicide- A toolkit for HS B | Assists high schools and school districts in designing and implementing strategies to prevent suicide and promote behavioral health. Includes tools to implement a multifaceted suicide prevention program that responds to the needs and cultures of students. | Book |
Preventing Suicide: A toolkit for HS- C | Assists high schools and school districts in designing and implementing strategies to prevent suicide and promote behavioral health. Includes tools to implement a multifaceted suicide prevention program that responds to the needs and cultures of students. | Book |
Drinking & Driving: The Arresting Truth (DVD) | Teen viewers learn the considerable legal, physical & emotional consequences of drinking and driving. Question and answer sessions between police officers and high schoolers shatter many of the myths surrounding drinking and driving. | DVD |
DUI: The Hard Truth (A) | This video drives home the deadly consequences of driving while under the influence of alcohol or other illicit drugs, using hard-hitting stories to portray drugged diving as the danger it is. This video contains some very graphic photographs. Includes activity worksheets. | DVD |
Drunk & Dangerous Remote Control Car | Put your group members in the driver?s seat as they attempt to steer this remote control car while wearing our DUI Goggles. Your group will quickly learn that left seems like right and even keeping the car straight is nearly impossible?exactly like trying to drive a real car while intoxicated. Comes with five plastic Champagne-glass traffic cones to create a road course. Perfect for alcohol education programs and raising awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving. | Other |
Drunk & Dangerous Remote Control Car | Put your group members in the driver?s seat as they attempt to steer this remote control car while wearing our DUI Goggles. Your group will quickly learn that left seems like right and even keeping the car straight is nearly impossible?exactly like trying to drive a real car while intoxicated. Comes with five plastic Champagne-glass traffic cones to create a road course. Perfect for alcohol education programs and raising awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving. | Other |
Parents Matter-Have The Talk | Parents share how they "Have The Talk" with their children about drinking and driving; and riding with others who have been drinking and are driving. | DVD |
Smashed: Toxic Tales of Teens and Alcohol (B) | This documentary uses personal interviews with teens, their grief-stricken families and graphic hospital footage to detail the sudden devastation that a drinking & driving accident can bring-and how difficult the road to recovery (which is often only partial, at best). | DVD |
From High School to Heaven | This book is a true and honest account of a mothers feelings and emotions during the months following her son's death from an alcohol related car crash the morning after his high school graduation. The author is a resident of South Dakota and formed the Michael Glynn Memorial Coalition in her son's memory. | Book |
Just Wiggle Your Toes: How One Wrong Choice Changed Everything | After a night of excessive drinking, Kevin Brooks made the poor decision to get in his car and drive home. It was a decision that would permanently alter the lives of everyone he knew. Upon waking from the crash he learned the heartbreaking news that he had a passenger in the car with him. He didn't make it, and as for Kevin he was forever paralyzed from the chest down. Now what? This is a journey of guilt and self redemption. Kevin learns that just because his body is paralyzed, his spirit can?t be handicapped. Unable to walk he now uses his voice to stand up and positively impact others. Just Wiggle Your Toes tells the story of Kevin Brooks from the perspective of the lives around him. Through personal interviews we learn what it was like for him, his family and friends to deal with such a horrific accident that could happen to any one of us. Beyond that is Kevin's message of hope for teens as he becomes one of the greatest inspirational speakers in North America and the countless lives he saved just by telling this story. Written in colloquial language, Just Wiggle Your Toes speaks directly to the reader in a fun fresh manner. This book will have you laughing and crying with each turning page. | Book |
Just Wiggle Your Toes: How One Wrong Choice Changed Everything | After a night of excessive drinking, Kevin Brooks made the poor decision to get in his car and drive home. It was a decision that would permanently alter the lives of everyone he knew. Upon waking from the crash he learned the heartbreaking news that he had a passenger in the car with him. He didn't make it, and as for Kevin he was forever paralyzed from the chest down. Now what? This is a journey of guilt and self redemption. Kevin learns that just because his body is paralyzed, his spirit can?t be handicapped. Unable to walk he now uses his voice to stand up and positively impact others. Just Wiggle Your Toes tells the story of Kevin Brooks from the perspective of the lives around him. Through personal interviews we learn what it was like for him, his family and friends to deal with such a horrific accident that could happen to any one of us. Beyond that is Kevin's message of hope for teens as he becomes one of the greatest inspirational speakers in North America and the countless lives he saved just by telling this story. Written in colloquial language, Just Wiggle Your Toes speaks directly to the reader in a fun fresh manner. This book will have you laughing and crying with each turning page. | Book |
Impaired Driving Awareness | Impaired Driving Awareness takes a close-up view of this offense and its widespread impact. This thought-provoking DVD is a valuable resource for programs that help people make positive changes to their high risk attitudes and driving behaviors. | DVD |
Think about it: Choosing to Drink and Drive | In this two part series the behaviors leading to drunk driving, and the consequences of engaging in this dangerous activity, are explored though a powerful dramatization, compelling personal testimonies, and expert medical commentary. Designed to spark discussion, the programs emphasize the role of conscious choice on the part of young people in social situations. | DVD |
Sober & Clean | This book provides a rich source of material for drug/alcohol workers to start conversations with groups or individuals that will lead to exciting change in thinking, attitudes, and beliefs about lifestyles and behaviors. It targets traditional drug/alcohol treatment subjects like triggers and relapse prevention, plus anti-social aspects of substance abuse. Tackles crime-related aspects of drug/alcohol use as well as harm to others and society so that prosocial values can be reinforced. Includes material related to harm reduction to help clients who may still be using drugs/alcohol stay as safe as possible. | Curriculum |
Basketball Junkie | This book has the art of telling stories about the struggles and triumphs of American hometown heroes. Chris Herren of Fall River, Mass., was a high school basketball standout who battled the pressures of making it big from an early age. After dropping out of Boston College, Chris landed on Jerry Tarkanian's notorious Fresno State team, where players were likely to be found on both police blotters and All-American lists. Chris failed drug tests at BC and Fresno State, but he was so talented that he was drafted into the NBA anyway, ending up with the Boston Celtics. But at the moment he was realizing his childhood dream of becoming a star for the home team, Chris was falling in a 10-year-long spiral of addiction. He bounced from team to team, country to country. Ultimately, Chris, the youngest and most talented of three generations of local heroes, has found redemption and personal fulfillment through the game, but only after it led him literally around the world, down a path of alcohol and drug addiction that nearly killed him. | Book |
Science Based Drug Education | SBDE is a research-based presentation on various drugs and their effect on the human brain/body/behavior. It also looks at some of the social issues that the drugs create and involve. SBDE helps to alert communities to warning signs and drug trends. Anti-drug education is critical for schools and communities to be proactive against illicit drugs. This class is for personnel dealing with youth between 10 to 17 years old. | Curriculum |
Clean And Sober | This adult drama portrays what happens when an addict whose favorite people once were I and me comes clean. | Video |
Substance Use and Traumatic Brain Injury Risk Reduction | Discusses how brain injury affect you and then add alcohol and drugs and what that all does to you. | DVD |
LifeSkills Training Elementary CD-ROM Level 2 | This engaging CD-ROM is based on Life Skills Training. Interactive activities and lively characters lead children through scenarios to help them learn the necessary skills that promote health and personal development. | Other |
Hooked? Not Me! | This video dramatizes the story of three substance-abusing teenagers and includes a self-quiz which viewers can take to learn whether they are hooked or in danger of becoming so. Teacher's guide included. | Video |
Health Facts: Alcohol & Other Drugs | The Health Facts books give clear, to-the-point background information on key health topics. This book explains what drugs are and how they act with the brain; examines the costs of substance use and who is most at risk and looks at prevention and treatment issues. | Book |
Glitter: Sex, Drugs and the Media | Using a fast paced documentary style, this program explores the powerful effects that various media (TV, music, movies, and the printed word) have on today?s young people. Viewers will learn to recognize some of the methods advertisers use to target young people and influence their consumption patterns, especially when it comes to alcohol, tobacco and other adult oriented products. | DVD |
Gathering of Native Americans - Substance Abuse Prevention Curriculum | Provides a structure for Native American communities to begin to address what it means to heal from the effects of historical trauma and alcohol and substance abuse in our communities, and how to develop community response plans. | Curriculum |
Drugs and the Developing Brain | Drugs and the Developing Brain is a visually stimulating program for youth in middle school and high school. The CD-ROM contains a facilitators guide, a power point presentation and parent handouts that provide information about the brain and the neurobiology of addiction-all in an easy-to-understand format. | Other |
Teen Intervene | Teen-Intervene helps youth identify the reasons they have chosen to use alcohol or other drugs, examine the effects of substance abuse in their lives, and learn to make healthier choices. This book now includes updated information on the stages of change theory, motivational interviewing techniques, and cognitive behavioral therapy, all incorporated into a practical, ready to use model. Presents step by step instructions for conducting teen and parent/guardian intervention sessions. Can be administered by teachers, school counselors, social workers, or psychologists. Includes additional information on the most commonly used drugs by teens. Provides information on how the adolescent brain is affected by alcohol or other drug use, Includes a Spanish translation of the handouts for parents. | Book |
Project Towards No Drug Abuse: Drugs and Life's Dreams | Several people give testimonials as to how drug use & abuse affected their lives and what they did to over come drugs to get life on track. | DVD |
Top Ten Myths About Alcohol & Drugs (The) | Much of what teens learn about alcohol & drugs is from their peers and much of that is myth. When young people believe a myth about alcohol or other drugs, they put themselves at risk for a host of problems. This video & teachers guide clears up some of those myths. | DVD |
Positive Action Secondary Drug Education Supplement Kit | Positive Action Secondary Drug Education Curriculum Box- This widely recognized, proven model focuses on teaching and reinforcing the positive actions to develop the whole self- physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally for a successful, happy and healthy life.The kit includes instructor?s manual, instructor?s resource CD, behavior management booklet and student activity sheets and supply list. Lessons for the end of each unit use a play, Escape from the Shadows, to teach the negative effects of drug use. The curriculum is in 6 units. Unit 1- Self-Concepts: What It Is, How It?s Formed, and Why It?s Important (Philosophy and Circle), Unit 2- Physical & Intellectual Positive Actions for a Healthy Body & Mind, Unit 3- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Managing Yourself Responsibly, Unit 4- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Getting Along with Others by Treating Them the Way You Like to Be Treated (Social Skills & Character, Unit 5- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Being Honest with Yourself & Others (Mental Health), Unit 6- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Improving Yourself Continually | Curriculum |
Clean and Sober Corner Game | Game to play with a group and deal with issues of being sober and clean. | Game |
Prime for Life! Study Guide | PRIME for life is a risk reduction program. The first goal of the program is to help each person reduce risk for any type of alcohol or drug problem by using the 5 steps to risk reduction. | Book |
Working Clean and Sober | For clients reentering the workplace after addiction treatment, this book provides guidance to take 1st things 1st and avoid getting fired by working clean and sober. The author outlines essential tools, skills, and strategies for the transition back to work. | Book |
Why Normal Isn't Healthy | This book strives to reach people prior to crisis and create a safe environment to examine what's really important. How? With humor. When we are laughing, we're open. Laugh more often. Don't take yourself too seriously. Help others, but focus on change. | Book |
Recovery Book | Breaking the recovery process into three stages, this resource identifies and provides strategies for successful life management in recovery. | Book |
Uppers, Downers, All Arounders | A Comprehensive textbook, this resource identifies the range of chemicals, related behaviors and neuro-chemical implications: providing the professional a valuable desk reference book. | Book |
Red Road to Wellbriety (the) | The Red Road to Wellbriety utilizes a 12 Step approach to addictions recovery based in and culturally appropriate to the ways of life of Native and aboriginal societies. The book is structured like the Big Book of AA and it is sometimes referred to as the Indian Big Book. There are 12 chapters of sobriety teachings followed by 18 personal recovery stories by Native Americans and First Nations people. In addition there is a Preface, Introduction, and a lead-in called Our Native Elders Speak addressed especially to Native people who want to be free and clear of alcohol and other drugs. The word Wellbriety means to be both sober and well. The goal of The Red Road to Wellbriety is to take an individual from alcohol and drug abuse and misuse, through recovery and sobriety, and on into the healing, wellness and well-being that traditional tribal societies lived by. | Book |
Recovery, A Family Affair | This helpful video focuses on family issues related to addiction, recovery and reentry into society. Speaking frankly and sincerely to a group of family members, Ms. Oliver addresses the challenges of welcoming a recovery addict home, including unrealistic expectations, transitions back to society, and the stress associated with building a new life. | DVD |
Chalk Talks: One Day at a Time | Most addicts question their futures. Wondering if they will earn the respect of family and friends again, be able to repay debts, stay sober. Father Martin recommends taking it "One Day at a Time". | DVD |
Chalk Talks: Enabling & Detachment | DVD | |
Substance Abuse Prevention The Intersection of Science and Practice | This text teaches students about the science-based components of substance abuse prevention practice. This cutting-edge book responds to the growing need for a textbook that addresses the rapid development of the substance abuse prevention profession. Finally, professors have a text that supports the content of their prevention courses! Substance Abuse Prevention presents the most current knowledge in the field, analyzing what does and doesn't work in the implementation of prevention programs. The text also prepares students for the successful completion of the ICRC examination. | Book |
Guide to Substance Abuse Services for Primary Care Clinicians | The goal of this book is to recommend guidelines for primary care clinicians to follow in caring for patients with alcohol and other drug use disorders. | Book |
Addiction: From Biology to Drug Policy | An essential tool to understand the biology of addiction as well as the history, politics, and sociology of the issue. | Book |
It's OK to Say No to Drugs How to say No | Today's children are becoming exposed to drugs, including alcohol and cigarettes, at an earlier age than ever before. This book sensitively explains why these substances are harmful and tell children how to say no should they be offered drugs of any kind. | Book |
Teen Truth: An Inside Look at Drug and Alcohol Abuse | This video is designed to help students be able to realize that there is no such thing as safe use, addiction can happen quickly especially to teens, learn skills for avoiding peer influence to experiment, understand that people who get involved with drugs usually regret their decision, and recognize ways an addict can get help. | DVD |
Smart Zone | Just like smartphone apps save time, SmartZone ?acts? become quick connectors to healthy choices. Activities center on the healthy behaviors of drug-free youth. Seven SmartZone skits introduce a problem requiring students to choose a healthy behavior remedy in a collaborative, creative ending to the skit. Students create a display of icons that match each healthy behavior. For extra credit, youth make an appointment to ?walk? a parent/guardian through the SmartZone icon display. Here?s a big bonus: The workbook activities (acts) conclude in a ready-made assembly showcasing all seven skits. Ala carte? activity selections are perfect for Red Ribbon Week or drug prevention awareness anytime ? even all the time. There is an option to fully embrace all SmartZone features for a school-wide continual healthy choice practice. Staff can daily applaud any student?s positive behavior with the compliment, ?I see you?re in the SmartZone today.? Staff training is provided in the workbook. SmartZone is suitable for traditional or homeschool settings and is a good choice for scout troops as well as SADD and youth groups. | Book |
Youth and Drugs of Abuse Prevention to Recovery | In this compelling video, doctors and clinicians join young people in recovery to candidly discuss symptoms and consequences of drug abuse, the neurobiology of addiction, substance abuse treatment, and life in recovery. Also included is a CD-ROM featuring reproducible topic specific materials. | DVD |
Drug-Free Workplace: Employers Manual | This booklet will help an employer to assess the situation in their workplace, how to establish a drug-free workplace program and resources available. | Book |
Step 2 for Adults | In this program men and women in recovery candidly share their triumphs and setbacks in working Step Two: defining a Higher Power, overcoming negative perceptions about religion and developing a spiritual connection. | DVD |
Why Don't they Just Quit | If you've ever wondered why a loved one or friend continues to destroy their lives (and/or others), and wished you knew what you can and cannot do, then watch this video over and over again, the answers are here if you're willing to hear them. Joe and the round table members do an excellent job tackling the tough questions and answers on addiction. You'll get no dramatic enhancements here, just straight questions and REAL answers on what addiction is, why people don't stop, and what you can do to help them. There are many books, TV programs, and videos out there, but none that match the straightforward truth you'll find here. | DVD |
Anonymous People (the) | THE ANONYMOUS PEOPLE is a documentary film about people living in long-term recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction. Deeply entrenched social stigma and mass participation in widely successful anonymous 12-step groups have kept recovery voices silent and faces hidden for decades. The vacuum created by this silence has been filled by sensational mass media depictions of addiction that continue to perpetuate a lurid public fascination with the dysfunctional side of what is a preventable and treatable health condition. Courageous addiction recovery advocates are starting to come out of the shadows to tell their true stories. The moving story of The Anonymous People will be told through the faces and voices of the leaders, volunteers, corporate executives, and celebrities who are laying it all on the line to save the lives of others just like them. This passionate new public recovery movement is fueling a changing conversation that aims to transform public opinion, and finally shift problematic policy toward lasting recovery solutions. | DVD |
Drugs & Anger | "good and bad" anger reactions and results of mixing alcohol and other drugs with angry feelings | Book |
Teen Safety Workbook | The Teen Safety Workbook contains five separate sections to help the participants learn more about the choices they have made and the choices they have yet to make in their lives: 1. Positive Feelings Scale helps teens explore the negative feelings they are experiencing in life and learn effective methods to constructively express their emotions. 2. Healthy Choices Scale helps teens explore how healthy or unhealthy their lifestyle choices are. 3. Social Media Safety Scale helps teens explore safe behaviors while texting, chatting, using social media sites, and surfing the Internet. 4. Relationship Safety Scale helps teens explore the safety in their family, friendships, and dating relationships. 5. Self-Harm Scale helps teens explore the extent to which they deliberately harm themselves in attempts to cope with intense, overwhelming emotions. | Curriculum |
Actions & Consequences for Teens | This interactive card game is developed to help participants to stop, think about options, consider the outcome and make positive choices. | Game |
LifeSkills Training MS Level 1 Manual & Workbook | This research based curriculum with 15 lessons covering the topics of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, anxiety, anger, communication, decision making, self-image, advertising, social skills, assertiveness and resolving conflicts, peer pressure`1. For grades 6 or 7. | Curriculum |
Bring it on Home | A series of take-home worksheets that explore Developmental Assets. Helps to encourage stronger parent-child-teacher relationships. Helps teachers learn more about students strengths, encourage comfortable family-school interactions and emphasize areas in which every child can feel successful. | Other |
LifeSkills Training Middle School 101: Skills for Success CD-ROM | This video-based CD-ROM models and reinforces the skills taught in the Life Skills Training program and is designed to help students overcome the challenges of middle school and adolescence. | Other |
Project Success: Implementation Manual | Project Success is a selective and indicated program designed to prevent and reduce substance use and abuse among high risk, multi-problem adolescents placed in alternative schools. Students are enrolled in alternative schools for problems related to poor academic performance, truancy, discipline problems, and negative attitudes toward school, which places them at a high risk for substance abuse in adolescence. Project Success is a research-based program that builds on the findings of other successful prevention programs by using interventions that are effective in reducing risk factors and enhancing protective factors. | Curriculum |
Power Source: The Families Video | This program describes the various family problems that many high-risk adolescents experience; explores the feelings elicited by discordant family situations; investigates the connection between cycles of family problems and one's own negative high-risk behavior; addresses intergenerational cycles of family problems; explores the concept of resilience; identifies and reinforces positive coping strategies to effectively manage difficult feelings stemming from family conflict; reinforces the concept of the core self; provides a guided meditation to reinforce this powerful self-regulatory skill. | DVD |
It's So Uncool: Why Taking Drugs Doesn't Work | This video features four young people who have chosen to stay away from alcohol & other drugs. Instead, they are choosing to focus on a variety of interests from cheerleading to piloting. This program challenges the viewer to reconsider their own definition of "cool". Each one of the four kids featured is a positive risk-taker. They are not boring, isolated loners. The message is that cool kids have better things to do with their time than use drugs. | DVD |
Blackout Girl | During her teens & early 20's Jennifer Storm turned to alcohol & drugs to deal with trauma in her life. One day she woke up in a psych ward and saw bandages on her wrists. She then decided she wanted a different life. This book is a memoir of her life. | Book |
2007 South Dakota KIDS COUNT Factbook | ||
LifeSkills Training High School Teacher's Manual | The LifeSkills Training High School program is a highly interactive, skills-based program designed to promote positive health and personal development for high school youth. Based on the remarkably effective LifeSkills Training curriculum, the program helps adolescents navigate the challenges of the high school years and prepares them for the transition to work or college and the independence and responsibilities that they will encounter as young adults. | Curriculum |
Focus on Prevention | This book offers brief, practical and easy-to-read information that is useful in planning and delivering prevention strategies. Eleven topics are presented. The first few topics are about setting your sights on a prevention strategy. The focus then moves to ensuring that your prevention strategy is built on a solid foundation. The last few topics discuss ways to get the word out about prevention. | Book |
How Do We Know We Are Making A Difference? | ,'This handbook is designed to help communities measure their success against substance abuse. The 20 measures included are examples of the type of report cards communities can develop to guide and measure the impact of their efforts. (2 copies | Curriculum |
Activities for Change: Idea Book For Youth | This idea book will help focus and channel the enormous energy that youth can bring to the community. By participating in these activities, youth will learn to successfully collaborate with businesses, community leaders and media outlets. They will learn how to organize a committee, prepare research, write press releases and a multitude of other tasks-all in an effort to raise awareness and make positive changes within their communities. | Book |
Project Northland - Slick Tracy Home Team Program | Research based drug and alcohol curriculum - brings 6th graders together with their family to discuss serious issues of alcohol. | Curriculum |
Project Northland - Amazing Alternatives | This program teaches how to resist using alcohol and appreciate alcohol-free alternatives | Curriculum |
Project Northland - Powerlines | This program reinforces messages from the prior 2 years and introduces new skills for resisting alcohol use. | Curriculum |
Face Reality | Popular speaker, Milton Creagh, teaches adults that they are responsible for their drug/alcohol choices, how their actions affect others, and how they can live a meaningful, drug-free life. | Video |
Drinking Games, Alcohol Abuse & Overdose | This hard-hitting program reveals the truth about teens that engage in drinking games and put themselves at risk for alcohol poisoning, overdose and death. Viewers hear the story of Scott, a smart, athletic fifteen year-old who died from alcohol poisoning after playing a popular drinking game at a friend?s house. In another segment, Dr. O?Brien, an emergency room physician describes the harsh medical procedures that occur when a teen is brought to the hospital after binge drinking. Program also travels to a renowned research brain lab at the University of California, where brain scans clearly show the neurological damage that can occur when teens consume alcohol. This program clearly dispels the myth that alcohol and drinking games are no big deal for teens. | DVD |
Intervention: Alcohol, Crack Cocaine / Eating Disorder, Crystal Meth | In this episode, Michael a former honor roll student has fallen to addiction of alcohol and crack cocaine. Also, Randi, one of two identical twins whose abuse as a child has led to addiction to bulimia and crystal meth. | DVD |
More Activities That Teach (A) | This book contains 82 activities that address anger management, peer pressure, diversity, violence and gang prevention, communication, values, problem solving, stress management, self-esteem, and more. | Book |
Activities That Teach (C) | This book contains 60 hands-on activities that address topics such as alcohol, tobacco and drug prevention, communication, values, working together, problem solving, stress management, goal setting, self-esteem, decision-making and more. | Book |
Girls Circle: Friendship | The Girls Circle Association promotes girls' resiliency and connection by equipping group facilitators with skills and resources to hold Girls Circles in their communities. This 8-week themed curriculum focuses on being a friend to yourself, being included, being the same & different from friends, how to handle feuds with friends and other friendship related issues for girls. | Curriculum |
How to Raise a Drug-Free Kid: The Straight Dope For Parents | This book is based on nearly two decades of research at the National Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse at Columbia University. It offers advice and information on how to prepare your child for the crucial decision-making moments and on many of the most daunting parenting topics. | Book |
Unguarded | The video has the art of telling stories about the struggles and triumphs of American hometown heroes. Chris Herren of Fall River, Mass., was a high school basketball standout who battled the pressures of making it big from an early age. After dropping out of Boston College, Chris landed on Jerry Tarkanian's notorious Fresno State team, where players were likely to be found on both police blotters and All-American lists. Chris failed drug tests at BC and Fresno State, but he was so talented that he was drafted into the NBA anyway, ending up with the Boston Celtic's. But at the moment he was realizing his childhood dream of becoming a star for the home team, Chris was falling in a 10-year-long spiral of addiction. He bounced from team to team, country to country. Ultimately, Chris, the youngest and most talented of three generations of local heroes, has found redemption and personal fulfillment through the game, but only after it led him literally around the world, down a path of alcohol and drug addiction that nearly killed him. | DVD |
South Dakota Youth Risk Behavior Survey Report - Native American - 2000 | This is a 98 item questionnaire that assesses six priority health-risk behaviors that result in the greatest problems among Native American youth in South Dakota | Book |
Managing Depressive Symptoms in Substance Abuse Clients During Early Recovery | Gives substance abuse counselors guidelines for treating clients with symptoms of depression and alcohol abuse or drug abuse problems. Covers screening, assessment, treatment, counseling, cultural competence, and continuing care. Tells program administrators how to integrate depression treatment into early drug treatment. | Book |
They Broke the Law, You Be the Judge | Teens often hear about other teens who get into trouble with the law. But they?re seldom asked what they think should happen next and why. A unique introduction to the juvenile justice system, They Broke the Law You Be the Judge: True Cases of Teen Crime invites teens to preside over a variety of real life cases. They meet Adam, who makes a threat in school; Erica, who assaults another student and uses marijuana; and more young people who commit crimes and are caught. Like a judge, readers learn each teen?s background, the relevant facts, and the sentencing options available. After deciding on a sentence, they find out what really happened and where each offender is today. Along the way, readers learn Judge Jacobs? concerns about each case, reflect on probing questions, and discover that they can?t jump to conclusions. Teens (and teachers) who want more can find role playing ideas and scenarios related to the stories available as free downloads here on the Free Spirit Web site. | Book |
Activities That Teach (D) | This book contains 60 hands-on activities that address topics such as alcohol, tobacco and drug prevention, communication, values, working together, problem solving, stress management, goal setting, self-esteem, decision-making and more. | Book |
Intervention Episode 24: Gina & Andrea | Gina is a gambling addict and meth addict. She had a $100,000 a year job. She now relies on prostitution to support herself and her addictions. Andrea is a mother with two jobs. One of her jobs is bartending where she stays after her shift and gets drunk. She is also addicted to marijuana and cocaine. | DVD |
Activities That Teach (B) | This book contains 60 hands-on activities that address topics such as alcohol, tobacco and drug prevention, communication, values, working together, problem solving, stress management, goal setting, self-esteem, decision-making and more | Book |
Still More Activities That Teach (D) | This book contains 55 activities that get their message across quickly and in a way that is not only easy to understand and fun, but fun to teach. Little or no materials required and a variety of topics. | Book |
Still More Activities That Teach (A) | ,'This book contains 55 activities that get their message across quickly and in a way that is not only easy to understand and fun, but fun to teach. Little or no materials required and a variety of topics. (2 copies | Book |
More Activities That Teach (C) | This book contains 82 activities that address anger management, peer pressure, diversity, violence and gang prevention, communication, values, problem solving, stress management, self-esteem, and more. | Book |
Wheel Of Misfortune | A subtle metaphor for the endless cycle of drug abuse and addiction, this spinning wheel is part of an engaging game in which players identify various drugs and answer questions about their effects. Questions cover illegal, prescription,and over-the-counter drugs. Multiple-choice questions that develop value judgments are also included. Comes with questions for grades 1-5 and grades 6-12. 20 1/2" x 28". | Other |
Still More Activities That Teach (B) | This book contains 55 activities that get their message across quickly and in a way that is not only easy to understand and fun, but fun to teach. Little or no materials required and a variety of topics. | Book |
LifeSkills Training: Middle School 101 Skills For Success | This CD-Rom for students goes along with the LST Middle School Level One curriculum. It is filled with games and activities to reinforce and review what the students have learned from the classroom lessons. | Curriculum |
Coping Skills Group *cards located in games | A Session-by-Session Guide and CD ROM to help improve the lives of clients who have significant problems related to their mental illness. Includes strategies for coping skills, focusing on strengths, connecting with people, reducing stress, managing anger, avoiding problems with alcohol and drugs, and much more! How Are You Coping? | Curriculum |
More Activities That Teach (D) | This book contains 82 activities that address anger management, peer pressure, diversity, violence and gang prevention, communication, values, problem solving, stress management, self-esteem, and more. | Book |
Thirteen | Anxiously trying to fit into the peer-pressure environment of junior high, thirteen-year-old Tracy goes to shocking lengths in order to befriend Evie, the most popular girl at school. Now the two are inseparable and incorrigible, leaving Tracy's desperate mom powerless to rescue her from a whirlwind of drugs, sex & crime. This movie is rated R for language, nudity, drug use, sex. | DVD |
Second Step Grade 6 Stepping Up | Fifteen classroom lessons on empathy & communication, bullying prevention, emotion management, problem solving, substance abuse prevention, making a commitment. | Curriculum |
Chalk Talks: Recovery & the Family | Too many family members believe all will be well if the person recovers. Since each member of the family is sick, each needs care and treatment. This DVD is part of that family treatment. | DVD |
Weighing the Risks | Teens face a lot of pressure to try drugs & alcohol. This program has several teens telling their stories of addiction to drugs & alcohol, the consequences of serving jail time, losing all their friends & family and putting the pieces back together. | DVD |
Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior (Tenth Edition | This textbook provides the latest information on drugs and their effects on society and human behavior. You can rely on it to examine drugs and behavior from the behavior, pharmacological, historical, social, legal, and clinical perspectives. | Book |
Getting Ready to Test: A Review/Preparation Manual for the Written Prevention Specialist Examination | A guide to help prepare for the IC & RC/AODA International Written examination for the prevention specialist credential. | Book |
South Dakota Youth Risk Behavior Survey TREND DATA 1991-2001 | The SD Youth Risk Behavior Survey assesses 6 priority health-risk behaviors among youth in SD. | Book |
CADCA Practical Theorist | Field research on substance abuse and violence presented in a concise, practical format, with strategies for using the data to mobilize communities, affect policy and support your coalition's mission. | Book |
Canoe Journey/Life's Journey | Using the Pacific Northwest tribes\' traditional canoe journey as a metaphor, these group sessions explore the skills we all need for life\'s journey. Teens learn about self and community, goal setting and problem solving, mindful communication and more. At the same time, they learn eye-opening facts about alcohol and other drugs, including nicotine, marijuana, inhalants and meth. Through discussions, storytelling, journaling and role-playing real-life dilemmas, they practice making conscious choices about using-and refusing. | Book |
Too Good for Drugs & Violence High School | Too Good for Drugs & Violence is a comprehensive drug & violence prevention program. This curriculum when used with the companion K-8 curricula will reinforce and expand upon skills and concepts taught in elementary and middle school. Objectives of the curriculum include: Goal Setting, Managing Emotions, Decision Making, Assertiveness, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Bonding Relationships, Respect for Self & Others, Tobacco, Alcohol, Marijuana, Addiction, Maximizing Life, Staying Safe & Drug Free. | Curriculum |
Drugged Driving: The Road to Disaster | Intoxicated teen drivers are responsible for 18% of motor vehicle deaths each year. Alcohol abuse is a major factor, but teen drivers' abuse of over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs and marijuana is rising at an alarming rate. Teens are driving impaired and putting their lives and the lives of others at grave risk. In this video, ER doctors and police investigators specially trained to recognize drug- impaired driving present a hard, on-the-scene look at how drugs impact driver alertness, reflexes and perception skills. A prosecutor specializing in DUI cases explains the legal consequences following a drugged driving crash. Finally, a mother recreates the tragic story of how her daughter died in a drugged driving crash caused by marijuana smoking. Viewers get a comprehensive view of the devastating effects of drugged driving on teens, their families and their communities | DVD |
Therapeutic Community Curriculum: Trainer's Manual | Provides materials for teaching a staff training course on basic concepts and practices of therapeutic communities for substance abuse treatment. Includes step-by-step instructions, reproducible resource sheets, and PowerPoint slides for 11 modules. | Curriculum |
Addiction | Addiction alters the brain in ways that can make recovery much more difficult than just stopping. Recovery can be a messy, imperfect process, and long-term abstinence can take years to accomplish. This is a fourteen-part series aimed at educating America about addiction as a brain disease and its treatment as such. | DVD |
Teen Alcohol and Other Drug Use | This video shows parents and teachers how to help prevent teen alcohol and other drug use, recognize the signs of use, and intervene effectively. It also addresses the myths that may keep families from confronting this issue--attitudes such as "Using alcohol is a rite of passage for teens; it's no big deal." Parents are also encouraged to seek help in the community if their child is struggling with substance abuse. The video comes with an informative facilitator's guide, an outline for a parent education session, and three reproducible handouts, including a guide to substance-use symptoms--from experimentation to dependence--and how parents can respond at each stage. | DVD |
Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment - TIP 35 - B | Offers guidelines to help clinicians influence the change process in their clients by incorporating motivational interventions into substance abuse treatment programs. Describes different motivational interventions that can be used at all stages of change. | Book |
Aspects of Addiction | Viewers look at the journey of addiction, from recreational use of alcohol & marijuana at an early age, to the use of drugs like heroin & cocaine. Messages about building support systems, sticking with a treatment program & enjoying the rewards of sobriety. | Video |
Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with Child Abuse and Neglect Issues and Quick Guide - Tip 36 | Examines treatment issues for both adult survivors of child abuse or child neglect and adults in substance abuse treatment who may be abusing or neglecting their children. Discusses screening and assessment, therapeutic issues for counselors, and legal issues. | Book |
Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder and Addiction | This video examines the causes of borderline personality disorder, helps clients overcome negative self-thoughts and explores how the disorder interacts with chemical dependency. Candid stories from individuals who are in recovery let your clients know they're not alone. Includes facilitator guide and workbooks. | DVD |
Road to Health Game (The) | A fun way to learn about staying healthy and being physically fit throughout life. Students move around the colorful game board while answering questions related to safety, alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA), fitness, mental health and anger management, hygiene, and nutrition. Each of the question cards includes factual information to provide increased learning. Blank question cards for each category are included, allowing teachers to add extra questions and adapt the game to meet their specific curricular needs. Contents: 20" x 20" game board, 108 question/answer cards, 12 blank question cards, six playing pieces, die, reproducible study guide and answer key, and instructions. For 2-6 players or teams. Grades 4-8. | Game |
Understanding Depression and Addiction | Depressive disorders are among the most common types of psychiatric illnesses in the United States. Up to 10% of adults will experience some form of depressive illness at one time or another. This video explores ways to cope with the common behaviors and thoughts associated with depression and provides support for recovery from depression and addiction. Facilitator guide included. | DVD |
Understanding Bipolar Disorder and Addiction | This video explains the different features of bipolar disorder, such as mania and depression and explores how the disorder interacts with chemical dependency. Examples illustrate the importance of medication, abstinence and spirituality to achieve and maintain psychiatric stability. Includes facilitator guide and workbooks. | DVD |
A Provider's Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals | Informs clinicians and administrators about substance abuse treatment approaches that are sensitive to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) clients. Covers cultural, clinical, health, administrative, and legal issues as well as alliance building. | Book |
Addressing the Needs of Women and Girls: Core Competencies for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Service Professionals | Arms mental health and substance abuse professionals with a comprehensive overview of unique prevention, treatment and recovery skills and practices, including trauma-informed care, to effectively serve women and girls. Useful for the full spectrum of behavioral health professionals. | Book |
Preventing Accidental Drug Overdose | With over 50,000 accidental deaths a year, drug overdose is now the leading cause of accidental death in the U.S. Many of those deaths could have been prevented by teaching people what to do in an overdose emergency. This video concentrates on opioid addiction including the drugs heroin, fentanyl, percocet, OxyContin, Vicodin, morphine and buprenorphine. Risk factors for opioid overdose are detailed. The following situations put users at a higher risk of overdose: coming out of a detox facility; having a previous history of overdosing; mixing drugs; and using while alone. The program cautions that an especially high risk of an overdose occurs when drug dealers mix fentanyl with heroin. Recognizing the signs of a drug overdose in others is presented in a short dramatized sequence. The program teaches viewers how to make an assessment of the risk, when to call 911, and the best ways to keep the victim alive while waiting for help to arrive. The program also describes emergency actions to prevent alcohol overdose. | DVD |
Choices & Consequences: Intervention With Youth In Trouble With Alcohol/Drugs | This program portrays how parents and professionals, working together, can use intervention to deal effectively with teenagers who are using alcohol or other drugs. | Video |
Reality Gap | This book arms adults with facts and strategies for working with teens to overcome the dangers of this difficult time in life. Here you'll find advice for how and when to talk about drinking, impaired driving, sex, drug use, depression, suicide, and bullying. | Book |
Alcohol, Drugs & You: A Young Person?s Guide to Avoiding Addiction | Genetics. Peer Pressure. Environment. Why do young people succumb to substance abuse? What is the impact? How can it be avoided? The answer is simple, be prepared! Understand the dangers and consequences. If we want our lives to be the best they can be, we need to take care of our bodies and our minds. Using drugs and alcohol keeps us from doing this. If you are one of the billions of people with a genetic predisposition, even one drink, or using drugs one time can lead to a lifetime of addiction. This book was written from the perspective of the author, a dad in long term recovery, and his daughter as they share their family?s journey of recovery while providing tips you will need to keep from ever succumbing to the temptations that can lead to substance abuse. | Book |
How to Be a Hero to Your Kids | This book includes a 6-point biblically based \"recipe\" for positive parenting. You will learn how to demonstrate the kind of compassion, character and consistency that adds up to being a positive role model. | Book |
Roller-Coaster Years (The | Guide for parents of middle school aged children. Helps parents work through these tough years and to understand the specific issues this age group faces. | Book |
Walking the Talk | A curriculum for parents about how to talk to your kids about ATOD. It gives great suggestions on how to answer the tough questions and how to start the conversations in your home. | Curriculum |
When it Comes From You: Six Prevention Strategies for Parents | Parents can help their children stay drug-free. In this booklet with CD there are 6 ways parents can help their kids. | Other |
How To Say No and Keep Your Friends: Peer Pressure Reversal for Teens and Preteens | Provides true stories of teens whose failure to manage negative peer pressure resulted in loss of privileges, jail, etc. Provides refusal lines to help you say "No" and still be popular and tips to help you encourage your friends to be drug-free. | Book |
Drugs of Abuse Treatment and Recovery | In Drugs of Abuse: Treatment and Recovery, doctors and clinicians join individuals in recovery to discuss the symptoms and consequences of drug abuse, the neurobiology of addiction, substance abuse treatment, and life in recovery. Using dramatic narratives, this compelling video offers an inside look at the disease of addiction, the treatment process, and long-term recovery. Over the 90-minute video, viewers receive an education on symptomatology, pharmacology, neurobiology, treatment, and recovery management. Specific drugs discussed include alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, synthetic marijuana, inhalants, prescription drugs, and more. Drugs of Abuse demonstrates the progression of drug abuse to recovery management, from residential treatment sites to outpatient treatment options and sober living. The accompanying CD-ROM features reproducible materials for both clients and professionals, including simple instructions for locating worksheets, handouts, and excerpts in order to deliver topic-specific information in clinical settings. | DVD |
Life Skills: 225 Ready-to-Use Health Activities for Success & Well Being | This book is a practical resource that gives teachers 225 ready-to-use worksheets that cover a wide variety of key life skills. Contains worksheets. | Book |
All Stars Plus | All Stars Plus consists of 14 sessions that are implemented during the third cycle of All Stars or immediately after Booster. All Stars prevents substance use, premature sexual activity, fighting, and delinquency. The program also enhances positive characteristics we all want young people to develop. All Stars is fun and engaging and the activities are highly interactive. | Curriculum |
Reality Check | The idea behind Reality Check is to give elementary school students the tools they need to address the issues they are facing, or soon will face as they approach middle school age. Using SADD members as teachers for the curriculum will make the lessons have more impact than if they heard the same message from adults. Another advantage to the students receiving the lessons is that they will have the support of the existing SADD program as soon as they reach middle school. | Curriculum |
Just When I Needed You | True stories of adults who made a difference in the lives of young people. | Book |
All Stars Core | The central program in the All Stars series is All Stars Core. In All Stars Core, students identify positive ideals and future aspirations. They participate in games and discussions that establish positive peer group norms; peer pressure to engage in risky behavior disappears. Students commit to personal standards of behaviors. All Stars Core promotes bonding with family, school and community. It encourages parents and kids to talk about aspirations and commitments. | Curriculum |
Prevention ABC's The Basics of Prevention | This program is for adults who work with youth. It is designed for professionals who want to help young people reach their full potential and live healthy, caring and responsible lives. This program has seven sections-The goals of prevention, growth and development, the teacher's role, markers of risk, inviting students involvement, paying attention outside of class and expecting the best. | DVD |
All Stars Booster | All Stars Booster is designed to be delivered one year after Core. It includes nine 45 minute sessions that reinforce (but do not duplicate) lessons learned in Core. Six additional sessions including a community service project are available to supplement the standard program. Why a booster? Teens develop quickly and face new challenges during each phase of their development. Reinforcing good beginnings is the only real strategy for success. | Curriculum |
Sunny's Story | This story is told from the viewpoint of a beagle. It's the touching story of a dog and the ups and downs of life with his master who gets involved with alcohol and other drugs. It tells of joyful times and sad times and how a best friend was needlessly lost. | Book |
Building Assets Reducing Risks Implementation Manuel | Building Assets--Reducing Risks (BARR) is a multifaceted school-based prevention program designed to decrease the incidence of substance abuse (tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs), academic failure, truancy, and disciplinary incidents among 9th-grade youth. BARR encourages students to make healthy behavior choices and achieve academic success using a set of strategies that includes delivery of a manual-based class on social competency known as the "I-Time" curriculum. | Book |
Girls Circle: Paths to the Future | The Girls Circle Association promotes girls' resiliency and connection by equipping group facilitators with skills and resources to hold Girls Circles in their communities. This 12 week lesson guide focuses on friendships, bonding, sexuality, dating violence, drug use, HIV prevention, body image, stress, goals. | Curriculum |
Mark Lundholm Addicted a Comedy of Substance LIVE | A Comedy of Substance is a hilarious and unexpectedly moving view into one man?s journey down the rabbit hole of bad choices, wrong places, and insurmountable obstacles and the transformation that ultimately pulled him out or did it? Lundholm?s autobiographical comedy is a full-throttle, heart pounding and wildly entertaining ride looking at all our addictive tendencies; from alcohol, suicide, sex, and drugs to coffee, work, food, the internet and golf making for 85 minutes of harrowing humor leaving nothing off the table! For ?healthy people? and ?the rest of us? addicted to ANYTHING, Lundholm?s ?been there?, ?drank that? style of humor grabs the laughter and the tears of living versus simple survival. | DVD |
Project Oz: Best Practices in Prevention | This curriculum uses games, role-playing, quizzes etc. to teach 6th and 7th graders how to use positive alternatives. It includes: refusal skills/conflict resolution, communication, self-concept/empathy, decision making and stress management. | Curriculum |
Making Healthy Choices | Teenagers make decision every day that may affect their health for the rest of their lives. Often these decisions are clouded by drugs & alcohol. This video helps explain how dangerous it is to make these decisions without clearly thinking it through. Teens tell their stories about diet pill use, joining a gang, driving drunk and killing someone, steroid use and sexually transmitted disease. | DVD |
101 Support Group Activities for Teenagers Affected by Someone Else's Alcohol/Drug Use | This manual will empower teenagers to learn new and effective ways to communicate, to rely on one another for support, to grow in trust, and name, claim, share, and deal positively with feelings. | Book |
101 Support Group Activities for Teenagers Recovering From Chemical Dependency | This manual will empower teenagers to abstain from mind-altering chemicals, discover and exercise recovery tools, and build a safe, healthy and long-lasting program of recovery. | Book |
Substance Abuse & Consequences | Elevate your group's understanding of the consequences of substance abuse with this informative game. Includes game board, spinner, eight game pieces, one die, 24 dilemma cards, 72 question cards, consequence sheets, and instructions. 22" x 28" game board is ideal for large or small groups. For 2-8 players or teams. Grade 7-Adult. | Game |
Kelly Bear | Kelly Bear and book will help kids relate to a bear and feelings There are also DVD listed separately to check out. | Game |
Helping Kids Make Friends | This book explains how parents, teachers, and other caring adults can teach children some \"friendly\" skills to help those children get along with others their age. | Book |
101 Support Group Activities for Teenagers at Risk for Chemical Dependence or Related Problems | This manual will empower teenagers to spot personal problems with alcohol and other drugs, discover personal issues that underlie chemical use, and help them to make positive life changes. | Book |
Core Competencies for Clergy and Other Pastoral Ministers In Addressing Alcohol and Drug Dependence and the Impact on Family Members | Recommends a set of core competencies that clergy and other pastoral ministers need to counsel individuals and family members affected by alcohol abuse and drug abuse. Suggests communications strategies and tools for seminary training. | Book |
Student Assistance: A guide for school administrators | The purpose of this guide is to provide school leaders and administrators with key information regarding student assistance services. In this guide, we review aspects of providing student assistance, including connections to existing school, substance use, and mental health initiatives; key components of effective programming; considerations for implementation; and planning for success. Information provided in this guide will assist school leaders in beginning and/or improving student assistance services and provide guidance on more comprehensive resources for this critically important work. | Book |
Family Intervention | Utilizing worksheets, checklists, and examples, this book explains how families and friends can get together and break through the addicted person's denial-without hostile confrontation. | Book |
Brief Interventions and Brief Therapies for Substance Abuse and Quick Guide - Tip 34 | Introduces counselors and therapists to brief intervention and brief therapy for mental disorders and substance abuse problems. Presents practical methods and case scenarios for implementing shorter forms of treatment for a range of populations and problems. | Book |
Competencies for Substance Abuse Treatment Clinical Supervisors: TAP 21-A | Lists competencies necessary for effective supervision in alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment programs. Provides administrators with step-by-step guidelines for implementing a comprehensive supervisory training and workforce development component. | Book |
Guiding Good Choices Workshop Leader's Guide (B) | Guiding Good Choices is a five-session program that teaches parents of children ages 9-14 how to reduce the risk that their children will develop drug problems. This program is for all parents of children ages 9-14 who want to strengthen family bonds and reduce the risk factors associated with teenage drug use. Includes handouts. | Curriculum |
Prevention Television | Prevention Television creatively presents age-appropriate information and teaches life skills that are reflective of the latest evidence-based materials and best practices in the prevention field. | DVD |
Mind Over Matter: The Brain's Response to Drugs (A) | This is the teachers edition of the series which is designed to encourage youngsters in grades 5-9 to learn about the biological effects of drug abuse on the body and the brain. | Curriculum |
Best of . . .Do It With Skits | This is a best of skit book from Youth To Youth conferences. Content includes 16 skits on topics such as ATOD. | Book |
What's Mommy Does, Baby Does | This model graphically illustrates how alcohol, nicotine and other substances can pass through the placenta and damage a fetus. If a woman drinks, smokes or uses drugs while she is pregnant, her baby's risk of being born with serious health problems or physical or mental disabilities increases. | Other |
Making The Grade: A Guide To School Drug Prevention Programs | This guide serves as a bridge between research and practice, helping communities identify which curricula are best suited to their needs.The guide is also intended to encourage curriculum developers to improve the effectiveness of their programs. | Curriculum |
Choosing Health High School: Tobacco, Alcohol & Drugs | This manual identifies the basic effects of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs on the body; gives students opportunity to demonstrate responsible behavior around alcohol and driving; describes meaning of terms/concepts and laws associated with drug use. | Curriculum |
Guiding Good Choices Workshop Leader's Guide (A) | Guiding Good Choices is a five-session program that teaches parents of children ages 9-14 how to reduce the risk that their children will develop drug problems. This program is for all parents of children ages 9-14 who want to strengthen family bonds and reduce the risk factors associated with teenage drug use. Includes handouts. | Curriculum |
Prevention Primer an encyclopedia of ATOD terms | This book provides an encyclopedia of alcohol, tobacco, and other prevention drug terms; a brief history of prevention efforts; and an overview of the issues, principles, and approaches that work best. | Book |
Smart Ways to Resist Smoking, Drugs & Alcohol | Explains to young students the dangers of using tobacco, drugs & alcohol, how they can resist peer pressure and ways to build their self esteem. | DVD |
Substance Abuse Prevention: The Missing Pieces | This book provides teachers with an assortment of classroom activities that are easy and ready to use. Covering the topics of decision-making, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. The activities are divided into sections that allow teachers to select an activity based on the curriculum being covered. Each of the lessons will challenge students and provide thoughtful discussion opportunities on difficult topics in a non-threatning environment. | Book |
Prevention ABC's Motivational Approaches | This program is designed for professionals who want to help young people reach their full potential and live healthy, caring, and responsible lives. This program will help you understand effective strategies for keeping students from using alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs. This dvd focuses on building idealism and building commitments. | DVD |
Prevention ABC's Essential Teaching Strategies | This program is designed for professionals who want to help young people reach their full potential and live healthy, caring and responsible lives. These programs will help you understand effective strategies for keeping students from using alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs. The program has four sections interactive techniques, discussion, coaching, positive environments. | DVD |
Prevention ABC's How to Make a Program Work for You | This program is designed for professionals who want to help young people reach their full potential and live healthy, caring, and responsible lives. These programs will help you understand effective strategies for keeping students from using alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs. This program is divided into six sections-selecting a program, getting training, implementing well, adapting wisely, making it engaging, integrating across settings. | DVD |
Prevention ABC's Norm Setting Strategies | This program is designed for professionals who want to help young people reach their full potential and live healthy, caring and responsible lives. These programs will help you understand effective strategies for keeping students from using alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs. This program is divided into six sections-what are norms, creating positive norms, avoiding mistakes, discussions, peer opinion leaders, high risk youth. | DVD |
Prevention ABC's Social Competence | This program is designed for professionals who want to help young people reach their full potential and live healthy, caring, and responsible lives. This program will help you understand effective strategies for keeping students from using alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs. In this video you will learn about communication skills, peer pressure resistance skills, media literacy, social problem solving. | DVD |
LifeSkills Training Elementary CD-ROM Level 1 | This CD-ROM is based on Life Skills Training and is appropriate for use in the classroom, at home and in the after-school programs. Interactive activities and lively characters lead children through scenarios to help them learn the necessary skills that promote health and personal development. | Other |
All Stars Senior | All Stars Senior is a high school curriculum. It helps schools meet health education goals by augmenting existing health education curricula. Textbooks focus on knowledge. Senior focuses on improving students' attitudes and behavior. | Curriculum |
Wise Owl Drug Safety Kit | This curriculum uses a discussion-based approach to carefully introduce young students to healthy guidelines related to drugs and medicines. Three videos use a mix of live action scenes and colorful animation featuring Wise Owl and his niece, Wendy. Video pauses allow viewers to share ideas and decide what the characters should do next. The kit also contains three colorful posters that visually reinforce the video's main message and 15 Healthy or Not? cards to review key points. In addition, this Teacher's Resource Book includes illustrated activities designed for a variety of reading levels and learning styles | Video-Based Curriculum |
Perspectives On Violence And Substance Use In Rural America | Explores violence and substance use in rural America, the relationship between the two, the factors contributing to these problems, and the most effective approaches to prevention and intervention. | Curriculum |
Project TND Teacher's Manual | At the completion of this program, students will be able to not start, stop or reduce the use of cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana and hard drugs; not start, stop or reduce weapon carrying; provide accurate information about environmental, social, physiological and emotional consequences of drug misuse and abuse; demonstrate behavioral and cognitive skills and make a personal commitment about whether or not participants desire to avoid drug abuse. | Curriculum |
Drugs & Domestic Violence | Kinds of abuse and neglect teens might experience, as well as commonly used drugs and their effect. | Book |
Resource Guide For Crisis Management In Schools | Sections of this crisis management resource guide offer strategies for preparedness, prevention, crisis response, and postintervention. | Curriculum |
Community How To Guide On Needs Assessment & Strategic Planning | These guides address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide contains a resource section, useful tools and a jumpstart to planning and implementing activities. | Book |
Community How To Guide On Evaluation | These guides address fundamental components of planning and implementing a comprehensive underage drinking prevention program. Each guide contains a resource section, useful tools and a jumpstart to planning and implementing activities. | Book |
Everyone Should Know About FAS | This manual contains information for working with students with FAS in K-12 grade. | Curriculum |
Activities That Teach (A) | This book contains 60 hands-on activities that address topics such as alcohol, tobacco and drug prevention, communication, values, working together, problem solving, stress management, goal setting, self-esteem, decision-making and more. (2 Copies) | Book |
Second Step Implementation Guide | Use the program guide before adopting the Second Step program to understand what is involved in implementing the program and how it fits in with your school's or agency's vision for a safe, caring, respectful environment. | Curriculum |
Second Step Grade 8 Stepping Ahead | Thirteen lessons on empathy & communication, bullying prevention, emotion management, goal setting, substance abuse prevention. | Curriculum |
Second Step Grade 7 Stepping In | Thirteen lessons on empathy & communication, bullying prevention, emotion management, and substance abuse prevention | Curriculum |
Gateway Drugs Action Pack (The) | The Gateway Drugs Action Pack is a comprehensive program that gives students information, practical life skills, and strategies to foster a healthy, drug-free life. The Action Pack contains dynamic videos and a host of thought-provoking activities to inspire creativity and individual thinking. | DVD |
The Drug Facts Action Pack | National drug-education experts agree that targeted, age-appropriate elementary school drug education is essential to safeguarding students against the hazards of drug use and addiction. This fact-filled program uses a mix of teen hosts, kids talking about real-life experiences, animated characters and creative skits. The videos are filled with fascinating facts, as well as concrete ways to resist peer pressure, to make good decisions and to avoid dangerous situations. While the presentation is fast-paced and entertaining, the message is unmistakable: Drugs are dangerous and deadly. The five videos are about Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Inhalants, and Drugs in the Home | DVD |
Intervention Episode 31:Cristy | Cristy is addicted to meth and alcohol. She tried meth at age 14. At age 23, Cristy received two DUI\'s, lost her job, and crashed her car. She now works as a stripper. Cristy doesn't think she has a problem. She feels those around her have the problem. This film is very graphic. Recommended for adults only. | DVD |
Intervention Episode 27: Tammi & Daniel | Tammi is an alcoholic. She has very little contact with her parents, her sisters and her daughters. Everything in her life revolves around liquor. Daniel is a meth addict. He was molested as a child and uses meth to forget. Watch as Tammi & Daniel\'s families do an intervention. | DVD |
Ready, Set, Listen! | This board game is designed to help parents and young people talk to each other about underage alcohol use, why it\'s not smart, and how to prevent it. | Game |
Discovering Normal | This curriculum is designed to help adults affected by familial alcoholism become more successful, confident parents. Presented in group format and facilitated by a group leader, each of the curriculum?s six sessions lasts up to 2 1/2 hours. | Curriculum |
Alcohol: What's a Parent to Believe | This book helps parents sort through the latest facts, the known risks and the divergent perspectives on alcohol use. | Book |
Alcohol Is A Drug, Too | This book presents a wide scope of information about uderage alcohol use and parental permissiveness. It also offers strategic solutions that parents, schools, etc can embrace and act upon to address underage drinking and its consequences. | Book |
Parents Matter - Parents Really Do Matter Underage Drinking & Driving 2009 (A) | Two South Dakota parents tell their stories regarding their children being killed in DUI crashes. | DVD |
Parents Matter - It's Not About Control. It's About Love-Underage Drinking & Driving 2011 (A) | Joyce Glynn, the mother of a teen who was killed in a drunk driving accident, speaks about her pain and guilt. Also, the Lincoln County States Attorney explains the legal penalties of serving alcohol to minors. | DVD |
Parents Matter - It's Not About Control. It's About Love-Underage Drinking & Driving 2011 (B) | Joyce Glynn, the mother of a teen who was killed in a drunk driving accident, speaks about her pain and guilt. Also, the Lincoln County States Attorney explains the legal penalties of serving alcohol to minors. | DVD |
Parents Matter- Have The Talk - Underage Drinking Parties (C) | South Dakota has passed a new law holding adults accountable for underage drinking parties. Studies have shown that parents are the most powerful influence on a child's behavior. Have the Talk. | DVD |
Parents Matter - Life Changes In Seconds - Underage Drinking & Driving (A) | Loved ones share their stories of injury and loss around drinking and driving. Lisa Schaunaman from Sioux Falls, SD. shares her story of her son Faron's disabling accident on March 29, 2006. Chris Olson from Madison, SD. shares his story of loss and disability occurring on April 13, 2001 when his girlfriend Tana Thompson lost her life and he ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of his life due to his choice to drink and drive. | DVD |
Secrets and Dangers: The World of Today's Teens | How have mixed cultural signals and on-line social interaction impacted the average teenager's behavior? This ABC news program examines those questions, presenting three eye-opening stories of teen life. Viewer discretion is advised. Some adult content. | DVD |
From Peer Pressure to Peer Support | This book is for anyone who deals with alcohol or other drug problems knows that they're immensely complex and difficult. This book is meant for schools and family. This book deals with Peer pressure from drinking and peer support available and activities to have people do. | Book |
Too Much: The Extreme Dangers of Binge Drinking | This video explains to teens the differences between the "party scene" in the media and the real dangers of binge drinking. Explains the truth about alcohol poisoning, drunk driving, and health risks of excessive drinking. | DVD |
A New Beginning Recovery Cards | This card game is designed to enhance recovery skills for those overcoming addictive behaviors. Cards reinforce skills, generate discussions, and integrate learning. The deck can be used to creatively facilitate groups or individual sessions. You can customize the activities by pulling out the most appropriate cards for a particular group or individual. Most cards require knowledge of a 12-step program. Examples: If you come in contact with old associates who are using, how will you handle the situation? What recovery tools will you use? Did you have multiple addictions? How did their effects on you differ? List the names of four people in your life that will be impacted by positive changes in your thinking and behaving. These cards are based on exercises in the book, A New Beginning: Recovery Workbook | Other |
Family And Alcohol Dependence (The | This video describes the impact of alcohol abuse on the drinker's relationships, including relationships between spouses, and between parents and children. It outlines the types of therapy that expose and solve family problems. | Video |
Skins | In the shadow of Mt. Rushmore, one of America's favorite tourist attractions, lies one of her poorest counties. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. For Police Officer Rudy Yellow Lodge, the painful legacy of Indian existence is brought home every night as he locks up drunk and disorderly Indians, which frequently includes his own brother, Mogie. Rudy's frustration with the alcoholism on the "rez" leads him to take the law into his own hands, but his trail of vengeance ends tragically when he unwittingly injures Mogie. Ironically, their relationship achieves redemption after Rudy's error in judgement, and the brothers begin the process of mending their relationship. | DVD |
A New Beginning: Recovery Workbook | Exercises to help people over come addictive behaviors. 44 reproducible worksheets on such topics as: self inventory, family & relationships, relapse patterns, recovery process and reflection. Appropriate for all ages involved in any type of 12-Step program and for group or individual sessions. Homework assignments included. Reinforces skills, generates discussions and integrates learning. Spiral bound, CD included. | Book |
Beyond Codependency & Getting Better All The Time | This book explores the dynamics of healthy recovery, the role recycling plays as a normal part of recovery, and how positive affirmations can counter negative messages. | Book |
SADD Banner | SADD Banner | Other |
Athletes, Alcohol & Steroids | The program Athletes, Alcohol & Steroids will help young people learn that drinking alcohol is not an indispensable part of athletics and steroids are not miracle performance enhancers, but dangerous drugs. | DVD |
Alcohol and Tobacco Advertisements | These ads can be used in a lesson on advertising. | Book |
Legal Drugs: Still Addictive, Still Deadly | Tobacco and alcohol are both legal in most societies and are used and abused in staggering abundance. This program details the ways smoking and drinking chemically take hold of the brain. Explaining the many reasons-besides nicotine- for tobacco's stealthy effects. It also studies properties in alcohol which some scientists have nicknamed the "dirty drug", that short circuit the brain. | DVD |
Media Literacy for Prevention | Teach media literacy skills by examining tobacco, alcohol and food marketing. Includes discussions and activities for five consecutive 45-minute class periods. | DVD |
Smart & Angry | Players learn to look objectively at anger-provoking situations and react in a thoughtful, assertive and respectful way. | Game |
I'm so Mad! Mad! Mad! | Anger is a legitimate and necessary emotion. What we do with our anger is the problem. Hitting and lashing out only intensifies the problem. Bottling angry feelings up ensures that in time the feelings will come out in some other way. This goal of this video is to help students process their anger in more constructive, rather than destructive, ways. | DVD |
No Temper Treasure Island Game | Children with poor anger control generally have difficulty in three areas - empathy, internal locus of control, and impulsiveness. This board game addresses all these areas. | Game |
When You're Mad! Mad! Mad | While reassuring students that anger is normal, this program helps them differentiate between angry feelings and angry behavior. Shows viewers the positive steps they can take to handle anger by controlling how they act. Through the use of the realistic vignettes, students learn to: take time to calm down, put distance between their anger and what they do about it, express anger without yelling, and turn angry energy into constructive behavior. | DVD |
Chill Out! An Anger Control Game For Teens | An anger management program for teens, Chill Out! features a removable spinner which can be used to play multiple games and a bonus CD with additional printable games and activities. In one portable package, counselors or parents can have a complete emotional and behavioral skill building program. | Game |
Peace Talks: Managing Your Anger | Controlling one's anger is a critical life skill and Managing Your Anger explores the difficulties teens face learning to control theirs while dealing with raging hormones, the pressures of grown-up responsibilities and the generalized anger of mass culture. Teens humorously outline their biggest pet peeves, and learn to deal with some of life's most common aggravating situations without blowing up. Kids learn to express anger in non hurtful ways and let go of pentup resentments through forgiveness and self-control. PeaceTalks Educates kids about violence in our society, the risks they face every day, and the positive choices they can make to stay safe. PeaceTalks Prevents violence by teaching kids how to avoid dangerous situations, handle their own emotions, and use conflict resolution skills. PeaceTalks Empowers teens to learn how to get along with others. | DVD |
Anger Workout Book For Teens | Ready-to-use classroom lessons with over 40 reproducible student worksheets and hundreds of practical learning activities designed to help teens work out their anger and learn skills for anger management. | Book |
Anger: Who's to Blame? | Explains different types of anger and how to handle that anger without flying off the handle. Includes a teacher's guide PDF. | DVD |
How To Control Your Anger (Before It Controls You | This booklet discusses what anger is, what caused teenagers to be angry, and gives practical explanations about how to control angry feelings in healthy ways. | Book |
Volcano In My Tummy | This book is about helping 6-15 yr olds handle their anger. It is full of stories, and easy to use games and exercises designed to encourage children to see their anger and to deal constructively with it. | Book |
Unresolved Anger | This video can help clients learn to positively release anger and move away from self-defeating patterns. | DVD |
Catch and Release Your Anger | Catch & Release Your Anger is played similar to Go Fish. Catch and Release Your Anger teaches players how to successfully manage anger in a positive, thoughtful, and nonaggressive way. The scenario cards suggest ways that may or may not be helpful in handling angry feelings and the players are asked to determine their validity. | Game |
How to Take the Grrrr Out of Anger | Everyone gets angry sometimes. But a hot temper isn't cool. You have the power to overpower your anger. This book tells you how. Learn how to manage your anger and feel grrrreat! | Book |
When You're Mad and You Know It | Hard copy book about feelings for little children. | Book |
Anger Alert Posters | Poster | Other |
Groark Learns to Control Anger | When Groark breaks his friend's toy and they get into a big argument, Groark learns he needs to control his anger. Fighting with his friend will only make the situation worse. | Video |
Don't Rant and Rave On Wednesdays! | This book examines the complex feelings of human anger with the proper blend of sensitivity and humor. It offers techniques to help young people control their behavior, even when they are angry. | Book |
Anger Alert! | Listen to your body?s anger warning signs and control your temper before it?s too late! Help kids tune in to the physical warning signs of anger. Some of us clench our fists; some tremble; others have the urge to throw something. All of us experience physical symptoms, warning signs, when anger is about to erupt. This clever card game introduces kids to these "anger alerts" and teaches 10 easy strategies they can use to calm down and retain their composure. As players race to get rid of their cards, they respond to anger-provoking situations. But before responding, they must invert an hourglass timer and wait 7 seconds. This delay reminds kids to stop and think before they act. An eye-catching poster displaying both anger warning signs and anger control strategies is included, along with four colorful sand timers which are always a big hit with kids. For 2 to 4 players. Includes Leader?s Introductory Guide. | Game |
Controlling Your Anger | Problems with anger continue to be one of the major reasons children are referred for counseling. This game teaches children how to recognize and change the things that make them angry, how to compromise in situations where there is a conflict, how to talk about their feelings rather than act on them and how to self-monitor their emotions. The bonus activities in this game help children learn positive ways to handle frustration in their day-to-day lives. | Game |
I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Mad | This workbook contains 40 activities for issues such as recognizing anger triggers, better problem solving and communication tips for defusing conflict before it gets out of hand. The workbook explores common lifestyle issues such as lack of sleep that can make anger problems worse. These fun activities will help kids talk about their feelings and learn to control them. | Book |
Soda Pop Head | Lester is a Soda Pop Head! He has a hard time controlling his anger, until his dad figures out how to help him. This book takes an empathetic, yet powerful look at anger management in a fun way. | Book |
TestTitle | This is a new description | Book |
Using Your Wits | Proven effective in elementary school trials for reducing bullying, this research-based program consists of 6 dramatizations that show elementary school students sure-fire ways to defusing and prevailing in common bullying situations. Students are taught to use their W.I.T.S. which stands for Walk away, Ignore the person, Talk it out if you can or Seek help. In the first dramatization Karl is bullying Matt, but Matt is able to Walk away. In the next two dramas, Karl gets the better of Matt so Matt decides to Seek help and Talk it out. Drama four shows Stacey, the new girl being taunted and teased by three other girls. She resourcefully ignores the situation by Walking away. Dramas 5 and 6 take place in a girls bathroom as the three girl bullies write hurtful words about Stacey on the bathroom mirror. Stacey does her best to counter them by using her WITS. A teacher?s resource booklet has further activities and work sheets, which follow up on the dramas and reinforce the video?s lessons. | DVD |
Cyberbully: Words can hurt. | A pretty yet awkward teenage girl gets a laptop for her birthday and signs up on a social networking site. But neither she nor her mom could have ever predicted the toll that freedom would take on her and her family. Taylor soon finds herself the victim of betrayal and bullying on a social website and becomes afraid to face her peers at school, even her best friend, Samantha. She starts to feel alone as her friends ostracize her and she falls victim to cyberbullying. Only after reaching an extreme breaking point does Taylor find a common bond with other teens who have shared her experience. | DVD |
Proactive Aggression | This article discusses specific techniques to use to teach self-control to children who use aggression to get their needs met. | Book |
Voices Are Not For Yelling Free Spirit Publishing | The toddler years are full of growth and smiles and sweetness...but also tantrums. Friendly and encouraging, this board book helps little ones understand why it's better to use an indoor voice, "so people hear the words and not the yelling." Children also learn how to calm down and ask for help so they can get what they need. Includes tips for parents and caregivers. | Book |
Understanding the Human Volcano: What Teens Can Do About Violence | This book helps teens understand the frightening changes that threaten their safety - and teaches them how to take practical steps to reduce the violence in our world. | Book |
When Tempers Flare | Explores why and how we experience anger and offers practical strategies for expressing anger in constructive, rather than destructive, ways. | DVD |
Feet Are Not For Kicking Free Spirit Publishing | Look at those feet! Aren't they sweet! Yes, when they're walking, standing, leaping and landing. And when they're kicking balls or leaves. But not when they're kicking people. In simple words and colorful pictures this book helps little ones learn to use their feet for fun, not hurting others. Includes helpful tips for parents and caregivers. | Book |
Teeth Are Not For Biting Free Spirit Publishing | Teeth are not for biting tells the truth about teeth Ouch! Biting hurts. Simple words and charming pictures invite even the youngest child to discover better ways to cope with frustration, mouth pain, or mad, sad, or cranky feelings. Why? Because teeth are for smiling not for biting. Includes helpful hints for parents and caregivers. | Book |
Power Source: Meditation | This video provides group participants with basic meditation instruction; addresses many frequently asked questions about meditation practice; explores how meditation contributes to creating personal change, managing intense emotions, ad facilitation relaxation; depicts participants' experiences with meditation evolving over time; shows youth speaking about how meditation has had a positive impact on their lives; provides a separate 14 minute guided mediation in addition to the documentary-style portion of the video. | DVD |
Managing Your Anger Situations Card Deck: Middle School Version | This card game/activity provided students with a situation that may make them angry. They are then asked to rate their anger in the given situation, and asks them how to handle the situation in a way that allows them to manage their anger. Instructions included. | Game |
Managing Your Anger Situations Card Deck: High School Version | This card game/activity provided students with a situation that may make them angry. They are then asked to rate their anger in the given situation, and asks them how to handle the situation in a way that allows them to manage their anger. Instructions included. | Game |
5th Quarter (The) | Tragedy enters the lives of Georgia's Abbate family when 15-year-old Luke suffers a devastating brain injury in a senseless car crash. With the encouragement of his parents and surviving siblings, Jon returns to North Carolina, but Luke is always on his mind (he even adopts his brother's "5" for his jersey). After a rough beginning, he starts playing better than ever, and goes on to lead the low-ranked Demon Deacons to the most successful season in the school's history. Inspired by a true story, and how a family deals with a sudden death. | DVD |
You Decide: What's so Bad About Being Mad? | You Decide Books are designed to teach children to think about the consequences of their choices and encourage them to make positive decisions. In this book "David" is a kid with a quick temper. As he goes through the day, he encounters many different problems and frustrations and he must decide how to handle them. Includes workbook. | Book |
You Decide About Handling Your Anger | This workbook is designed to help children learn twelve techniques to deal with their anger, with the support of a caring adult. These techniques are commonly used in treatment programs for children who have anger-control problems. | Book |
Use Your I's | Use Your I's is a board game that teaches children how to express their feelings without jeopardizing the rights of others. Game cards provide realistic situations that provoke emotions such as anger, guilt, humiliation, happiness and embarrassment. Players learn to verbally describe their feelings to others and explain why they feel the way they do. | Game |
Feeling Blocks | Block that has different feelings on it. (Sad, mad, happy, your choice, afraid, mad, embarrassed) have the kids roll like a dice and talk about that feeling | Other |
Emotions Activity Manual | This manual contains 63 emotional activities using EMOTIONS products. | Curriculum |
Emotions Activity Manual II | Contains 40 Emotional activities using EMOTIONS products | Curriculum |
Therapist's Notebook for Children and Adolescents (The) | Targeted specifically toward children and adolescents, these "therapist's helpers" give you the edge in aiding children with their feelings, incorporating play techniques into therapy, providing group therapy to children and encouraging appropriate parental involvement. This book covers sleep problems, divorce, illness, misbehavior, attention deficit, learning & school related problems, grief, sexual abuse, and more. | Book |
The Way I Feel | So begins a child's romp through a feelings word book. Feelings are neither good nor bad, they simply are. Kids need words to name their feelings, just as they need words to name foods, clothes, toys, people, and all the other interesting things in their world. Strong, colorful, and expressive images go along with the verses to help children connect the word and the emotion. Your child will learn useful words, and you will have many chances to open conversations about what's going on in her/his life. | Book |
Uncontrollable Kids | Join Foster Cline, internationally-renown adult & child psychiatrist as he takes a hard-hitting look at our society's key role in creating uncontrollable, unreachable young people and the no-nonsense steps we absolutely must take toward a genuine solution. | Book |
Defiant Children | Effective for family interventions when working with children with behavioral disorders. Provides tools & techniques parents & other helping adults can use in promoting positive behaviors. | Curriculum |
Speak | Melinda is a high school student who has been stunned into silence by a traumatic event. How will she discover the courage to find her voice and speak out? | DVD |
Get Along Monsters #3 | This program helps children explore what makes them feel mad and identify the signals that precede their anger so they can take control faster. Also has a section on working things out without fighting and how to handle anger. | DVD |
Jumping Off Bridges | The touching story of a teenage boy's struggle with the suicide of his mom. Some swearing, a brief scene with drinking. | DVD |
169 Awesome Activities | Includes activities for individuals, small groups, classrooms, and learning centers, all school activities, bulletin boards, sociograms, evaluations. Contains reproducible worksheets. | Book |
Frenemies | What is a frenemy? How can you recognize a frenemy? How can a frenemy hurt you? Can you fix a relationship with a frenemy? When do you walk away from a friendship? This video and print curriculum explores friendships gone awry and provides elementary students with strategies for coping with difficult friendships. True-to-life scenarios help kids identify when a friendship has turned negative and clearly demonstrate proven, constructive actions that work. | DVD |
What's Right for Me? Making Good Choices in Relationships | Many teens face problems with bullying, peer pressure, jealousy, & negative influences. This book can help identify and prepare teens for such situations, give them strategies for dealing with them, and show teens where to go for help in time of difficulty or doubt. | Book |
Your Perfect Right | This book can help you build self-confidence; stand up for yourself; equalize your relationships; handle anger effectively; and deal with difficult people | Book |
Havens | ,'This is an educational curriculum to be used with children of domestic violence. It can be used with single children or with a group. Topics include Self identity, family, feelings, safety, verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse. (2 copies | Curriculum |
Second Step - Grade 1 | These lessons give you tools to help children become socially competent, form healthy friendships, and develop strong bonds with school. Engaging photo-lesson cards are fully scripted and include guidance for group discussions, role-plays, and other activities. Lively classroom videos spark discussion, enriching students' learning of important social and emotional skills. | Curriculum |
Second Step - Grade 2 | These lessons give you tools to help children become socially competent, form healthy friendships, and develop strong bonds with school. Engaging photo-lesson cards are fully scripted and include guidance for group discussions, role-plays, and other activities. Lively classroom videos spark discussion, enriching students\' learning of important social and emotional skills. | Curriculum |
Second Step - Grade 3 | These lessons give you tools to help children become socially competent, form healthy friendships, and develop strong bonds with school. Engaging photo-lesson cards are fully scripted and include guidance for group discussions, role-plays, and other activities. Lively classroom videos spark discussion, enriching students' learning of important social and emotional skills. | Curriculum |
Second Step - Grade 4 | These lessons give you tools to help children become socially competent, form healthy friendships, and develop strong bonds with school. Engaging photo-lesson cards are fully scripted and include guidance for group discussions, role-plays, and other activities. Lively classroom videos spark discussion, enriching students\' learning of important social and emotional skills. | Curriculum |
Second Step - Grade 5 | These lessons give you tools to help children become socially competent, form healthy friendships, and develop strong bonds with school. Engaging photo-lesson cards are fully scripted and include guidance for group discussions, role-plays, and other activities. Lively classroom videos spark discussion, enriching students\' learning of important social and emotional skills. | Curriculum |
Second Step - Preschool/Kindergarten | This engaging social and emotional learning program uses hands-on, activity-based lessons to captivate young learners. Child-friendly photo-lesson cards contain complete lesson scripts with guidance for facilitating group discussions, skill practice, and other activities. | Curriculum |
Second Step - Family Guide | Children\'s social and emotional skills are strengthened when they are reinforced both at home and at school. This six-session workshop series introduces parents and caregivers to the same social, emotional, and violence prevention skills that their children are learning in school so families can support children in dealing with emotions, resisting impulsive behavior, resolving conflicts, and solving problems at home. | Curriculum |
A Terrible Thing Has Happened (B) | Sherman Smith saw the most terrible thing happen. At first he tried to forget about it, but soon something inside him started to bother him. He felt nervous for no reason. Sometimes his stomach hurt. He had bad dreams. And he started to feel angry and do mean things, which got him in trouble. Then he met Ms. Maple, who helped him talk about the terrible thing that he had tried to forget. Now Sherman is feeling much better. This gently told and tenderly illustrated story is for children who have witnessed any kind of violent or traumatic episode, including no physical abuse, school or gang violence, accidents, homicide, suicide, and natural disasters such as floods or fire. | Book |
Positive Action Conflict Resolution Preview Kit | Positive Action Conflict Resolution Curriculum Box- This widely recognized, proven model focuses on teaching and reinforcing the positive actions to develop the whole self- physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally for a successful, happy and healthy life.The Conflict Resolution Kit is for all ages and teaches how to use a Conflict Resolution Plan to resolve conflicts. It also provides lessons and scenarios on which to practice applying the Conflict Resolution Plan. 1 Conflict Resolution Plan Teacher's Guide 1 Conflict Resolution Plan Scenarios booklet 100 Conflict Resolution Plans Positive Action Calendar 4 Decision-Making & Problem-Solving Checklist" Notepads and more. | Curriculum |
Coping Skills Workbook (The) | The Coping Skills Workbook can be used as a method of intervention in helping the child who already exhibits coping problems. Ideally, it will be used with all children to prevent problems before they arise. It is intended to be used by a child with guidance from an adult. Children who can identify and accept their feelings are more able to verbalize their needs and to have them met in an acceptable manner, instead of acting them out dangerously or disruptively. | Book |
Connecting With Others Grades 3-5 | Presents variety of strategies to promote skills in self-advocacy, communication, interpersonal behaviors, and problem solving. Helps teach skills that can foster good citizenship and humane values of acceptance and respect for one another. | Curriculum |
Connecting With Others Grades 6-8 | Presents variety of strategies to promote skills in self-advocacy, communication, interpersonal behaviors, and problem solving. Helps teach skills that can foster good citizenship and humane values of acceptance and respect for one another. | Curriculum |
Connecting With Others Grades 9-12 | Presents variety of strategies to promote skills in self-advocacy, communication, interpersonal behaviors, and problem solving. Helps teach skills that can foster good citizenship and humane values of acceptance and respect for one another. | Curriculum |
Grab Bag Guidance | Includes 18 different energizers. In addition to the many discussion topics, the book also contains reproducible activity sheets and interactive activities for small group sessions. This is the book middle school counselors have been looking for. | Book |
Book of Psychotherapeutic Homework (The) | The Book of Psychotherapeutic Homework represents a collection of the most popular workbook activities published by Childswork/Childsplay. They are arranged in four sections, corresponding with the four basic modalities in which psychological interventions are typically constructed; affective, behavioral, cognitive and social system. Most of the activities in the book are appropriate for children ages 6-12 and many can be modified for children slightly younger or even older. | Book |
What Should Danny Do? | Danny is a real-life superhero in training, learning about his most important super power of all: "The Power to Choose." In this book, YOU decide how the story will end by making choices for Danny. You'll have a blast trying to reach all nine endings. | Book |
Hands Are Not For Hitting Free Spirit Publishing | It's never too early to learn about the good things hands can do. Simple words and charming pictures invite even the youngest children to use their hands for fun and caring actions and to understand that hitting is never okay. Includes helpful tips for parents and caregivers. | Book |
High Five Program (The | This is a teacher-developed program that supplies educators with helpful information and details required to bring about positive change within their own school setting.This curriculum utilizes the Effective Behavioral Support Model. | Curriculum |
Classroom Guidance from A-Z | This book provides the middle school counselor with a collection of 26 classroom lessons that can each be completed in one class period. Each lesson conforms to ASCA standards an includes an objective, a list of materials needed, a description of what needs to be done before the lesson can be presented and step-by-step presentation instructions. | Book |
American Indian Life Skills Development Curriculum | This curriculum addresses key issues in Native American Indian adolescents? lives and teaches such life skills as communication, problem solving, depression and stress management, anger regulation, and goal setting. After first increasing awareness and knowledge of suicide, it then teaches students specific methods to help a peer turn away from suicidal thinking and seek help from an appropriate help-giver.The skills-based approach of this curriculum follows well-established teaching methods to develop social skills. Teachers and peers inform students of the rationale and components of a particular skill, model and demonstrate the skill for them, and later provide feedback on individual skill performance. | Curriculum |
Anger Management for Youth: Stemming Aggression & Violence | This material trains educational staff in anger-management skills to teach to small groups of troubled adolescents. It helps high-risk students understand their self-defeating behaviors and helps them to learn successful skills- reinforced by others. | Book |
Choosing Health High School: Violence & Injury | This manual helps student define intentional & unintentional injury and violence; gives students the opportunity to identify behaviors that prevent injury; demonstrates positive ways to deal with anger and resolve conflict; identifies suicide prevention. | Curriculum |
High Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, Help | In this video, a diverse group of teens who are dealing with anxiety, plus two adolescent psychologists, discuss the types of things that cause anxiety in young people; challenging tests, meeting new people, competing in school sports, public speaking etc. The on-camera experts help viewers identify anxiety disorders. Some of the disorders discussed are generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, and social anxiety. Symptoms of these and other disorders are explained as well as ways to cope. The program describes the importance of seeking professional help when anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. | DVD |
It's Just Anxiety | In this revealing film, a dozen people from diverse backgrounds describe how they have struggled with anxiety and how they were able to get on the path to recovery. Their symptoms cover a wide range, from excessive worry, uneasiness, and fear to more extreme symptoms such as compulsive behavior, posttraumatic stress syndrome, phobias, and overwhelming panic attacks. All of it can be debilitating, but luckily anxiety is treatable. Often, people who don't understand anxiety are quick to proclaim "it's just anxiety." This film will help people understand anxiety, give them hope, show them that they are not alone, and that tomorrow can be a much better day. | DVD |
Ruby Finds A Worry | A reassuring and sensitive book - the perfect springboard for talking to children about sharing their hidden worries. | Book |
The Anxiety Toolkit for Teens | ?THE ANXIETY TOOLKIT FOR TEENS??is one of the most teen-friendly anxiety books you will ever come across that will give you the tools, practices, and strategies to address it head on. This indispensable guide is loaded with useful information that?s easy-to-read, fun, and engaging while providing exactly what it says it will ? a toolkit to understand and manage stress, anxiety, worry and panic. Inside you?re going to learn and discover: The different ways anxiety creeps up and how it takes control; How to get to the root causes of your stress and anxiety; Proven tools to help you deal with stress and anxiety in healthy ways; Everything you need know about the different types of anxiety disorders; Exactly how to address anxiety instantly in order to gain control; The 4 categories of anxiety and tools for each; Physical, Thought, Emotion, Behavior; Why you might feel like something is wrong with you and exactly how to overcome that; Why trying to be superhuman and pushing through doesn?t work; How to use mindfulness to reduce everyday stress; And more! Whether you?re a teen who wants to learn ways to handle anxiety on your own or one who works with a therapist and wants to add more to what you?re learning in sessions, a parent who wants to understand your teen?s anxiety better, or a therapist looking for resources to recommend to teens that they?ll actually enjoy using, this toolkit is for you. | Book |
Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety | Help teens soothe their anxiety with the power of mindfulness Show teens how changing the way they think about their problems can help them overcome their worries. This anxiety-busting guide introduces teens to the concept of mindfulness?the practice of being present in the here and now?and teaches them how they can use it to feel calmer and more in control. What sets this guide to mindfulness for teens apart: Anxiety basics?Teens will discover a basic overview of anxiety: what it is, where it comes from, and how it affects them. Mindfulness made simple?This teen anxiety book has a simple, supportive format that makes it easy for them to experience the benefits of mindfulness throughout their day. A variety of exercises?From short quizzes to creative activities, this book is filled with exercises to help teens be more present, check in on themselves, and change their thoughts. Empower teens to live happier through mindfulness with this anxiety workbook for teens. | Book |
Mindfulness Workbook for Teen Anxiety | Between friends, relationships, and school, teens have a lot weighing on their minds. The?Mindfulness Workbook for Teen Anxiety?teaches teens the skills they need to handle their anxiety, cut down on stress, and live in the moment. They will discover how practicing mindfulness can help them overcome challenges and grow into confident, capable adults. This easy-to-use anxiety workbook for teens includes: Tools to stop anxiety?Teens will learn how being more mindful will help them manage their worries, appreciate the little things, and have a more positive outlook on life. Exercises that don?t feel like homework?This workbook takes the stress out of learning stress-relief skills with an engaging mix of quizzes, prompts, meditations, and more. Stories of teen success?Your teen will be able to see how mindfulness practices have helped teens just like them overcome anxiety and be their best selves. Help the teen in your life develop the tools they need to overcome anxiety. | Book |
Why Am I Feeling Like This? / Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This? | Have you ever looked at your anxious or depressed teenage son or daughter and wondered,?Why is my teenager feeling like this? In this companion guide to his book for teens?Why Am I Feeling Like This?, pastor and counselor David Murray offers spiritual encouragement and practical direction for parents and other adults who want to help but don't know where to start. Structured around eighteen real-life examples, Murray provides tips for having open conversations with teens about anxiety and depression, as well as discussion questions, Bible verses for memorization, and prayers. With these tools in hand, parents and teenagers alike will be equipped to experience freedom from the chains of anxiety and depression. | Book |
Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens | Conquer anxiety and calm your body and mind?a workbook for teens ages 13 and up Anxiety is a difficult emotion to manage, and the added stressors of teenage life can make it feel impossible to overcome. But you have the power to handle it?you just need the right tools. Unlock your ability to conquer anxiety with this therapeutic workbook. The exercises teach you practical, effective techniques to tackle worrying in the moment?so it doesn?t ruin your day and run your life. You?ll find out how to identify the types of anxiety you?re experiencing?general anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, or phobias. Using strategies from cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness practices, you?ll learn how to manage your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. With helpful examples of real scenarios teenagers face at school, home, or with friends, this book is your secret weapon against anxiety in any situation. The?Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens?lets you: Soothe your mind?Learn how anxiety plays tricks on your mind, and find out how to be more realistic and confident while correcting ?thinking errors? and old beliefs. Understand your body?Discover immediate calming strategies like body scanning, taking charge of your anxious alter-ego, creating a self-care routine, and more. Write in the book?This workbook has lined space to invite you to answer questions, try thoughtful exercises, and take quizzes right on the page. Release stress and worry while you nurture your mental health with the?Conquer Anxiety Workbook for Teens. | Book |
Social Skills Games & Activities for Kids with Autism | Workbook provides complete instructions for using fun, engaging games and activities to teach social skills to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The games include directions for assessing skills such as asking for toys, getting the attention of others, reading nonverbal gestures, understanding perspectives, and cooperating to solve problems. Using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, the book takes teachers through motivating, prompting, shaping, modeling, and reinforcing social skills while playing the games and helping students learn to participate in other activities such as demonstrating the social skill in role plays and the natural environment. Perfect for teachers struggling to help their students with autism learn to interact socially with their peers, these games are sure to become a much loved part of students' daily routines | Book |
Impulse Control: Activities & Worksheets for Elementary School Students | This book provides teachers, school counselors, social workers & psychologists with tools to assist children with better impulse control. Lessons teach students the benefits of being more reflective, looking ahead and considering consequences. Expanding on existing evidenced-based practices for decreasing impulsivity, lessons provide specific, engaging activities and worksheets to use with groups or individuals. | Book |
How to Reach & Teach Children with Challenging Behavior | This resource is filled with useful guidelines, ready to use forms and worksheets that gives educators the information and confidence they need to create and implement an effective classroom wide behavior management program and collect data and shape ongoing behavior instruction with the use of helpful worksheets and graphs. Developing engaging lessons and activities that support and promote students positive behavior, help children learn to self regulate and manage their own emotions and anger. | Book |
1-2-3 Magic for Teachers | This book explains exactly how teachers can establish and maintain reasonable control of their classrooms. It takes the guesswork out of classroom discipline. | Book |
Brain-Friendly Classroom (The) | Based on a successful lifelong career in the classroom and thousands of hours of private study, brain expert Larry Miller gets down to the nuts and bolts of how and when the human brain best learns and retains information, debunking many commonly held beliefs on the subject. | Other |
Quick and Easy Classroom Interventions | The easy-to-use classroom management techniques presented here allow teachers to maintain classroom control while they effectively handle even the most troublesome classroom behaviors. These positive discipline strategies are based upon the Love & Logic approach developed by educational consultant Jim Fay. | Other |
Students Speak | If you want a classroom where more kids come to school on time, fewer kids are absent, more kids are on task, fewer kids forget their homework, more laughter resounds in the classroom, fewer kids misbehave, more kids accept responsibility and everyone has more fun then this is the book for you. This book is full of ideas to help teachers and administrators work more effectively and joyfully with today's students. | Book |
Beyond Discipline | In this book, the very idea of classroom "management" is questioned. The idea that problems are always the fault of the students is also questioned. Just as memorizing someone else's right answers fails to promote students' intellectual development, so does complying with someone else's behavioral expectations fail to help students develop socially or morally. | Book |
Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise and Other Bribes | In this book, the author, Alfie Kohn, challenges our reliance on carrot-and-stick psychology in this provocative indictment of rewards at home, at school and at work. | Book |
Clinician's Video (The) | This video will introduce you to Hazelden's Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy program. Graphics, dramatizations and narration will help you. | DVD |
Preventing Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Among Young People | Mental health and substance use disorders among children, youth, and young adults are major threats to the health and well-being of younger populations which often carryover into adulthood. The costs of treatment for mental health and addictive disorders, which create an enormous burden on the affected individuals, their families, and society, have stimulated increasing interest in prevention practices that can impede the onset or reduce the severity of the disorders. Preventing Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Among Young People updates a 1994 Institute of Medicine book, Reducing Risks for Mental Disorders, focusing special attention on the research base and program experience with younger populations that have emerged since that time. | Book |
UnNatural Causes | Documentary series broadcast by PBS and now used by thousands of organizations around the country to tackle the root causes of our alarming socio-economic and racial inequalities in health. The four hour series crisscrosses the nation uncovering startling new findings that suggest there is much more to our health than bad habits, health care, or unlucky genes. The social circumstances in which we are born, live, and work can actually get under our skin and disrupt our physiology as much as germs and viruses. Evidence suggests that more equitable social policies, secure living-wage jobs, affordable housing, racial justice, good schools, community empowerment, and family supports are health issues just as critical as diet, tobacco use, and exercise. | DVD |
55 Favorite Games That Teach Good Behavior to Children | The 55 games in this book are some of the best for teaching children about good behavior. There are games to help children who resist going to bed, games to help kids do their chores and games to help children learn the character traits that will help them become responsible, productive, and caring people. | Book |
How to Lose All Your Friends | With exuberant pictures and a tongue in cheek sense of humor, the author of I Like Me! takes a light-hearted look at bratty behavior that will have children laughing in recognition while learning exactly how not to behave. Colored pencil illustrations throughout. | Book |
Zach Apologizes | When Zach shoves his little brother to the floor, he knows he did something wrong. Even so, it?s hard to apologize, especially when Alex kind of deserved it! Like any seven year old, Zach tries to ignore the problem, but finally, with his mom?s help, he learns the four steps to apologizing: 1) say what you did; 2) say how it made the other person feel; 3) say what you could have done instead; 4) make it up to the person. The apology strategy is presented as the ?four-square? apology, which is illustrated as a square divided into four quarters with a prompt in each. Easy to understand and easy to remember | Book |
55 Favorite Stories & Storytelling Techniques | Includes 15 storytelling techniques and 40 positive behavior stories. Every story suggests at least one way a problem can be overcome and contains a moral lesson to be learned. After each story is a place for children to tell their own story on a similar theme and a suggestion on how to apply the moral of the story to their own lives. | Book |
Good Behavior Game (The) | Developed by a child psychologist. Two ways to play: A non reading game for 4-6 year old, a question game for 7-12 year olds, rewards children for good behaviors like: sharing, cooperating, being polite, taking turns and playing quietly. Teaches proven discipline techniques of positive reinforcement and time out. Includes behavioral charts to immediately turn the game into successful behavior management program. Can be played at home or school by 2-6 players. | Game |
55 Favorite Communication Techniques That Get Kids Talking & Thinking | This book gives you the tools and techniques to get children talking and thinking. The activities will also do the same for you. Section 1 consists of activities that use the 60 Good Talks cards included in this book. Section 2 includes art activities that encourage children to draw and talk both during and after each activity. Section 3 features writing activities. Section 4 consists of Feelings Flash Cards with 12 different feelings and a blank card for children to add their own feelings. Section 5 contains talking rituals, suggestions for making Good Talks a daily habit. | Book |
Tipping Point (The) | The Tipping Point is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire. Just as a single sick person can start an epidemic of the flu, so too can a small but precisely targeted push cause a fashion trend, the popularity of a new product, or a drop in the crime rate. This widely acclaimed best-seller, in which Malcolm Gladwell explores and brilliantly illuminates the tipping point phenomenon, is already changing the way people throughout the world think about selling products and isseminating ideas. | Book |
Sensory Modulation in Early Intervention | Join Karen Hyche in this 90-minute workshop to better understand sensory modulation in early intervention. She will identify the three types of sensory modulation disorders and how to assess them in infants and toddlers. You will learn how to use skilled observation and parent interviews to identify how sensory modulation disorder affects both the child and family?s daily function. Finally, practical strategies will be presented to address common family and day care concerns. | DVD |
Arthur Anniversary Collection | This special anniversary package includes four popular stories from our previous audio collections. Arthur's Mystery Envelope: A Marc Brown Arthur Chapter Book #1 Arthur's Makes the Team: A Marc Brown Arthur chapter Book #3 Arthur Accused: A Marc Brown Arthur Chapter Book #5 Arthur and the Lost Diary: A Marc Brown Arthur Chapter Book #9 | DVD |
Preventing Suicide- A Toolkit for HS A | Assists high schools and school districts in designing and implementing strategies to prevent suicide and promote behavioral health. Includes tools to implement a multifaceted suicide prevention program that responds to the needs and cultures of students. | Book |
Adding Assets Series for Kids, The: Loving to Learn | This book helps add commitment to learning to a student's life. Stories tell about kids who are doing this for themselves or a friend. In between are ideas to try. Some are quick & easy, some take time. Some can be done alone, some need friends. | Book |
Finding the Right Spot | Written for children who are living with anyone other than their parents, this story is narrated by a spirited young girl who is living with Aunt Dane (not her real aunt) for a while, until her mother is able to care for her again. | Book |
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention | In this presentation, Dr. Alan Marlatt will provide an overview of MBRP, a group-based outpatient intervention that meets weekly for 8 weeks and is designed to prevent relapse in addiction treatment programs with an abstinence goal. MBRP adds mindfulness meditation to traditional Relapse Prevention (RP), a cognitive behavioral program mindfulness can be considered a meta cognitive coping skill that helps clients reduce stress and to cope effectively with urges and cravings without giving into them. The results from a RCT will be presented, showing the positive outcomes for MBRP treatment. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To learn and practice several meditation strategies used in MBRP, including body scans and breath meditation. 2. To teach clients brief meditation skills designed to cope with urges (Urge Surfing) 3. To describe meta-cognitive coping skills that teach clients how to accept cravings without giving into them. | DVD |
Body Talk | This video is aimed at kids ages 9-12. It teaches them a new way to think about and live in their bodies. In this documentary, children of diverse backgrounds and body types talk about messages they receive about their bodies, puberty, peer pressure and staying strong. Facilitators guide included. | DVD |
Teen Truth: An Inside Look at Body Image | What do teens see when they look in the mirror? Regardless of how closely their actual bodies match their perception, teenagers? body image can dramatically affect their self-esteem, eating and exercise habits, relationships with others and ultimately their health. Using the Teen Truth signature "video by students for students" style, the program captures real teens, parents, physicians, a coach and an entertainment professional discussing how celebrities, media, sports and peers influence one's body image and may lead to dangerous habits. Three compelling personal stories reveal how peer and media influences drove these teens to engage in life-threatening behaviors. Teasing and exclusion led Emily to develop an eating disorder and Kayla to binge eat her way to obesity, while Nolan?s desire to be bigger, stronger and faster ended in health hazards due to his performance enhancing drug use. A father?s sobering account of how steroids claimed the life of his baseball star son drives home the seriousness of this issue. In the end, the film challenges viewers to think differently about how they see their body image and the body image of others. Ultimately it empowers teens to find true strength and self-acceptance from within. | DVD |
BullyProof Your Child for Life | Bully Coach" Joel Haber, Ph.D., is one of the foremost experts in the prevention of bullying. A pioneer in the field, he has worked with thousands of kids, parents, teachers, counselors, and others to understand the root causes of the bullying dynamic from identifying bully types to exposing the reasons why kids become bullies, targets, or bystanders and stamp it out once and for all. Delivering a practical, supportive, and step-by-step "bullyproofing prescription" that yields lasting results for both boys and girls, from grade school through high school, Bullyproof Your Child for Life offers specific action steps to help any child build resilience and confidence, develop compassion and trust, and thrive in school, camp, sports, and beyond. Empowering, instructive, and inspiring, this much needed guide will help parents detect the early signs of bullying and intervene-with lasting results. | Book |
You Decide: The Teasing Club | Margaret and some of her friends decide to form a teasing club at school. One friend, Gillie, is faced with decisions about staying in the club or protecting the victims of Margaret's meanness. As Gillie faces twelve different decisions, she must make one of three choices, and each choice will lead to a different outcome. Gillie's good choices result in positive feedback from others and a better understanding of her problems, but her poor choices only cause more problems. 48-pages, spiral-bound | Book |
Bully Smart: Five Ways to Stop a Bully | This video introduces viewers to five different methods for dealing with a bully. Each method is illustrated with a dramatic vignette. Activity sheets included. | DVD |
Stop Bullying NOW | A series of 12 animated episode depicting a group of characters at school who experience bullying first-hand and who they do to help resolve the situation. | Video-Based Curriculum |
Bullies Are a Pain in the Brain | Using humor, original music and a fast-paced story-line, this video offers kids practical, easy-to-implement solutions for dealing with their own bully problems. Animated. | DVD |
Cyber Bullying: A Prevention Curriculum for Grades 3-5 | This guide & CD ROM help to raise awareness of what cyber bullying is and why it is so harmful. The resources will equip students with the skills to treat people respectfully when using cyber technologies, give students information about how to get help if they or others are being cyber bullied and help parents know what to do to keep their children safe. | Curriculum |
Amelia's Bully Survival Guide | Amelia is going into 5th grade. Now she has the class bully to face. But Amelia isn't going to let that get her down. | Book |
Cyber Bullying (Grades 3-5) | This engaging program raises awareness of what cyberbullying is and why it is so harmful, equips elementary school students with the skills to treat people respectfully when using digital tools, provides information about how to get help when cyberbullying occurs, and helps parents know what to do to keep their children safe while using online technologies. Through stories with engaging characters and real-life application, this curriculum: educates students, teachers, and parents empowers targeted students and bystanders supports targeted students and their families. The manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to implement the program within your school. The accompanying CD-ROM includes reproducible classroom materials, posters, sample policies, teacher training resources, and more. | Curriculum |
How Not to be a Bully Target | This program helps bully victims to appreciate and tap into their own inner-strenghts. They begin to value themselves and realize that everyone deserves respect. The self-confidence building techniques empower children to realize that they deserve to be treated with dignity. | Book |
Bully Proof | You'll get concrete answers to the dilemmas faced by targets, perpetrators, and so-called bystanders. This book contains 11 engaging lessons that will get your students to think about the distinctions between playful and harmful behavior. | Curriculum |
A Day in My Life game | This giant sized classroom board game teaches students the roles that everyone chooses when bullying occurs, important issues about bully behavior and how to become a defender. | Game |
Scars | A powerful and uplifting story about a bully who had to become a victim in order to understand the pain of bullied and tormented children. "SCARS" tells the story of a popular middle school student named Billy, whom along with his best friends, picks on a smaller boy named Christopher. Christopher, who lost his mother to cancer six months earlier, is often the target of cruel remarks about his mom. Billy would have continued hurting Christopher if it wasn't for a sudden unforeseen event in Billy's life--an accident that changes his life forever. Now, scarred from being burned, he is the one who is ?different? and his former friends turn on him. A move to a new school shows Billy the value of acceptance and he becomes a sensitive and caring person. | DVD |
Bullying 101 | This video shows that bullying does happen, but it's not acceptable behavior. It gives students good reasons not to bully others and some steps to take if you are bullied. | DVD |
Power Trip (The): Bullying in School | The Power Trip: Bullying in School was created to help young people understand that bullying can be harmful and should not be tolerated, either by the victim or bystanders. The video and the activities in the Teacher Resource Book will help students to understand different types of bullying and learn ways to successfully deal with many sorts of bullies. | DVD |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: Bullying 6-8 | An ideal component for schools using the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. There are 2 videos. Fist is an introduction to bullying for middle school students, uses actual situations to help students understand the definition of bullying and what they can do when it happens to them. Second video, an introduction for parents and teachers with testimonials from parents, school staff, bully prevention expert and students about their experience | DVD |
Let's Get Real | Let's Get Real gives young people the chance to speak up in their own words about the real issues behind the problem. With amazing courage and candor, the students featured in Let's Get Real discuss racial differences, perceived sexual orientation, disabilities, religious differences, sexual harassment and more. From the youth who are targeted to the students who pick on them to those who find the courage to intervene, Let's Get Real examines bullying from the full range of perspectives. This poignant film educates audiences of all ages about why we can no longer accept name-calling and bullying as just a normal rite of passage. | DVD |
Boys on Bullying - DVD | Boys tell how bullying affected their lives. They describe how support from their peers, parents or another caring adult made the difference. Includes discussion guide. | DVD |
Cyber Bullying: A Prevention Curriculum for Grades 6-12 | This curriculum raises awareness of what cyber bullying is and why it is so harmful, equips students with the skills to treat people respectfully when using cyber technologies, gives students information about how to get help if they or others are being cyber bullied, and helps parents and guardians know what to do to keep their children safe from cyber bullying. | Curriculum |
Classroom Discussion Starters | This DVD includes powerful discussion starters to help your students understand the roles that they choose when a bullying situation occurs. These discussions will help them understand whether the roles they choose are part of the problem or part of the solution to stop bullying behavior. Each discussion starter is less than two minutes in length and includes a downloadable discussion script for the facilitator to use. Includes role play cards. | DVD |
Boy Game (The) | The Boy Game?follows the stories of three boys whose lives are intertwined: Reynaldo who masks his own insecurities by acting tough who targets Noel too scared of looking weak to tell anyone, and Kenny the protagonist and bystander who is increasingly conflicted by his friendship with both. Based on off the record interviews with boys nationwide, then fashioned into a hard hitting scenario, it was shot like a doc to capture the intense pressures boys face every day. The video comes with a cutting edge study guide. | DVD |
Odd Girl Out | Backstabbing. Rumor spreading. The silent treatment. Email slurs and vicious websites. Welcome to the next generation of torment. Vanessa is a popular girl who suddenly finds herself ousted by the \"in crowd\"-and delivered into untouchable status-when her former best friend turns everyone against her. | DVD |
Cyber Bullying Prevention: Classroom Discussion & Meeting | Jason & Louie, the hosts of this video, follow the story of Jane as she is being bullied on facebook by a fellow student. The hosts also explain what you can do if you are being cyber bullied, what you can do if you know someone who is being cyber bullied and what can happen to you if you are a cyber bully. | DVD |
Pushed to the Brink: Bullycide on the Rise | This video follows multiple storylines to deliver the message that bullying can have enormous and tragic consequences. The program includes important tips for dealing with bullies and urges students to join together and become proactive defenders of victims before they reach their breaking point. | DVD |
Bully Bystanders: You Can Make a Difference | Most teens don't like to see their peers bullied but are not sure whether or how to respond. This video offers the empowering message that the most effective way to deal with bullying is through the efforts of those who witness it. This program features a compelling short drama based on real-life incidents where bystanders stand up and change the outcome of a bullying incident | DVD |
I Was Cyberbullied | This program presents three real-life stories from kids who were targets of cyberbullying attacks and offers viewers practical suggestions for how to avoid being victimized by this new, rapidly-spreading type of bullying. | DVD |
Olweus Community Youth Organization Guide | This manual and accompanying CD ROM provide everything youth serving organizations need to create an environment where kids are included, feel safe, and know the adults and leaders care about them. Assess the presence of bullying, Know the facts about bullying and learn proven bullying prevention strategies. Adopt rules against bullying, effectively discuss bullying and other related issues with kids, successfully intervene when bullying is suspected, observed or reported, Engage parents and other adults in your bullying prevention strategies. | Book |
Bystander Intervention: Putting a Stop to Bullying | Bystander intervention is a new and proven effective strategy to reduce incidents of bullying and other forms of violence and intimidation. The video explains bystander intervention and models how it works by showing dramatizations of bullying. The video stops at critical points and ask viewers: What would you do? Viewers learn to put their own safety first, and then learn how to best apply bystander intervention techniques: direct intervention, distraction, calling 911, and reaching out to trusted adults. In addition, real teens describe how they successfully used bystander intervention to stop or distract a bully. Consultants: Robert Eckstein, PhD and Amy Edelstein, LMSW Includes: video, plus teacher?s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format. DVD contains Spanish subtitles. | DVD |
Bully Project | Bully Project toolkit has DVD's for pg 13 and Dvd for younger audiences and a guide for teaching Bullying. Bully is a 2011 documentary film about bullying in U.S. schools. Directed by Lee Hirsch, the film follows the lives of five students who face bullying on a daily basis. | DVD |
Bullying Workbook for Teens (The) | The Bullying Workbook for Teens incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help ease anxiety, fear, stress, and other emotions associated with being bullied. The workbook is made up of 42 step by step self help activities designed to help you learn anti bullying tips and strategies, manage emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, and depression, and learn constructive communication skills to help you express your feelings. With this workbook as your guide, you will also learn how to identify toxic friendships, how to build your own self-confidence, and importantly, how to ask for help when bullying gets out of control. The exercises in this book are designed to be useful in everyday situations, so that you gain helpful tools to help you combat bullying or cyberbullying in your life. Bullying can happen to anyone, but there is hope to make a change and stand up for yourself, once and for all. If you are experiencing bullying, this book will offer sound psychological support to help you gain confidence in yourself and in your interactions with others. It is also a great resource for parents, educators, and counseling professionals. | Book |
TEEN CYBERBULLYING INVESTIGATED | How do teens know when they might be ?one click away from the clink?? In Teen Cyberbullying Investigated, Judge Tom Jacobs presents a powerful collection of landmark court cases involving teens and charges of cyberbullying, which includes: sending insulting or threatening emails, text, or instant messages directly to someone; spreading hateful comments about someone through emails, blogs, or chat rooms; stealing passwords and sending out threatening messages using a false identity; and building a Web site to target specific people. Each chapter features the seminal case and resulting decision, asks readers whether they agree with the decision, and urges them to think about how the decision affects their lives. Chapters also include related cases, important facts and statistics, and suggestions for further reading. With an ever-increasing number of serious cases of cyberbullying and school violence, this book is needed more urgently than ever. | Book |
Confessions of a Bully? | Many anti-bullying materials focus exclusively on the victims?but what about the bullies themselves? This unique, documentary-style program addresses the nationwide bullying crisis from the perpetrator?s point of view. Real former bullies offer frank descriptions of how they once mistreated and harassed their peers, explaining why they acted that way and why they decided to change their behavior. The teens also provide real-life advice on how to stop bullying and make amends. Psychology experts analyze the root causes of bullying and offer guidance on how to stop it. | DVD |
Bully Beans | Bully B.E.A.N.S. is a fun story that teaches people of all ages to become proactive when it comes to bullying. This book can help children and adults understand why bullying happens and what they can do to stop it. Finally, a bullying book that speaks to the bystander. | Book |
A Day in the Life | This game is based on research of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. Teach students the roles they choose when bullying situations occur, issues and seriousness of bullying behavior, how to have a positive influence and become a defender and empathize with students who are bullied. | Game |
Bullied | This is the story of Jamie Nabozny. His ordeal began in 6th grade and only got worse in high school. Years of unrelenting bullying took its toll. But Jamie decided to take a stand-against the bullying he endured and the bullying that he knew other students endured. He went to court and fought for the right to be safe at school, even if you are gay. His inspiring story offers hope for the millions of gay and lesbian students who still don't feel safe at school. | DVD |
Bully | This movie follows 5 kids and families over the course of the school year. Offering insight into different facets of America's bullying crisis. | DVD |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: Teacher Guide DVD & CD-Rom | The Teacher Guide DVD & CD-ROM are important components of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. The DVD includes six bullying scenarios that are to be used in a variety of ways as outlined in the Teacher Guide. The CD-ROM contains numerous reproducible resources that will aid the implementation of the program. | DVD |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: Schoolwide Guide DVD & CD-ROM | The Schoolwide Guide DVD & CD-ROM are important components of the Oweus Bullying Prevention Program. The Schoolwide Guide DVD consists of two parts: a program overview and in-depth information about the program components. The CD-ROM contains a variety of reproducible resources that will aid in the schoolwide implementation of the program. | DVD |
Olweus HS Class Meetings & Individual Interventions | This is a video training resource for high school teachers and staff. It includes: demonstrations on how to hold successful class meetings within a high school setting, example of how to intervene when bullying occurs, suggestions for presenting these important topics to teachers, school staff members, parents, and others within your school community. | DVD |
Bully Free Classroom (The) | This book (and CD ROM) contains more than 100 prevention and intervention strategies teachers can start using immediately. | Book |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: Class Meetings and Individual Interventions | Class meetings and individual interventions are two important components of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. Both components are necessary for successful implementation of the program. This set of two DVDs comes with a guide of suggestions for presenting one or both of these topics to teachers, school staff members, parents and others. | DVD |
Steps to Respect: A Bully Prevention Program (Schoolwide Implementation Support Kit) | The Steps to Respect program promotes a whole-school approach to bullying by addressing factors at the school, staff, peer-group, individual-child, and family levels. | Curriculum |
Educating for Character | This is a guide for our schools on how to teach respect and responsibility. It is a compelling call for renewed moral education in our schools and a precise prescription for how to bring it about. | Book |
Bully at Work (The): What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity On the Job | This book explains to people who are bullied by someone at work how to stop the hurt and the bully. | Book |
Cyberbullying: Bullying in the Digital Age | This book provides the most current and essential information on the nature and prevalence of this epidemic. Examining the latest research, the authors have utilized vital studies involving over 3,500 middle school students, on-line research projects and the use of social network sites and data from focus groups of victims and perpetrators and their parents. The volume provides educators, parents, psychologists, and policy-makers with critical prevention techniques and strategies for effectively addressing electronic bullying. | Book |
Bullying In Sports | This book uncovers the prevalence of bullying in sports by identifying the behavior. It calls out those who are involved in enabling the culture and the matter in which it is being used, and what can be done to stand up against this conduct. Bullying in Sports offers a comprehensive approach that openly acknowledges the bullying in sports and identifies the breeding ground that inculcates athletes into a certain mindset that spills over into the classroom, hallways, and bathrooms. Chapters offer strategies and tactics on how to put policies into action. Furthermore, this book offers an important paradigm shift that has the ability and potential to completely transform our bullying programs and strategies. | Book |
Don't Call Me Names | By viewing this program, children will learn what motivates name-callers and what methods can be used to discourage this behavior. By identifying with the characters and the familiar situations shown in the program, children will be better equipped to deal with this common problem in a direct and effective manner. | DVD |
Bully Busters: A Teacher's Manual for Helping Bullies, Victims, and Bystanders | The approach outlined in this book emphasizes teachers efforts toward both control and prevention of bullying behavior. The goal is to reduce occurrences of bullying, if not eliminate them entirely. | Curriculum |
Nobody Knew What to Do | Ray is getting picked on by bullies at school. None of his classmates know how to help him. Finally one boy decides to talk to the teacher to get Ray the help that he needs. | Book |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: Class Meetings That Matter Grades K-5 | The manual provides almost an entire year's worth of engaging, age-appropriate and grade-specific ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings. | Book |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: Bullying K-5 | What is bullying! First video is an introduction to bullying, uses bullying scenes and situations to help students understand the definitions of bullying and what can happen. 2nd video is fro parents, teachers and includes testimonials from parents, school staff and students about their experiences and how to address it. | DVD |
Quit It! | A proactive approach to help you quickly make a difference in your classroom climate. These strategies help you to counteract classroom bullying while maximizing your time and effort | Curriculum |
Mouse Gets Bullied | An electronic storybook written by the staff of Campus Impact to help PreK-2nd grade students understand the different roles that they choose when a bullying situation occurs. The story also helps them to understand how they can become defenders and helpers to stop bullying behavior. Includes role play cards. | DVD |
My Secret Bully | This is the story of Monica. Monica is the target of relational aggression, emotional bullying among friends who will use name-calling and manipulation to humiliate and exclude. But with a little help from a supportive adult Monica learns to cope and thrive by facing her fears and reclaiming power from her bully. | Book |
Just Kidding | DJ\'s friend, Vince, always says \"Just kidding\" when he does something to hurt DJ\'s feelings. It\'s supposed to make what he says seem like a joke, but DJ doesn't think it\'s funny. | Book |
Bully Blockers Club (The) | Lotty Racoon is very excited about her first day of school until she has to sit next to Grant Grizzly. He kicks her desk, steals her lunch and calls her names. She tries to ignore him, then tries to make friends with him, but nothing seems to make this bully go away. But Lotty's not the only one Grant picks on. And soon, Lotty and her classmates form the Bully Blockers Club-by standing together, they won't be bullied anymore. | Book |
Groark Learns About Bullying | Groark gets into some tense situations. But after discussing the problem with real elementary school children, he applies what he has learned and succeeds in bringing about a peaceful solution. | Video |
Positive Action Elementary Bullying Prevention Supplement Preview Kit | Positive Action Elementary Bullying Prevention Curriculum Box-This widely recognized, proven model focuses on teaching and reinforcing positive actions to develop the whole self- physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally for a successful, happy and healthy life. Students learn about bullying behaviors and negative actions, along with how to replace bullying behaviors with positive actions to feel good about themselves.The kit includes instructor?s manual, instructor?s resource CD, behavior management booklet, student activity sheets and supply list. The curriculum is in 6 units Unit 1- Self-Concepts: What It Is, How It?s Formed, and Why It?s Important (Philosophy and Circle) Unit 2- Physical & Intellectual Positive Actions for a Healthy Body & Mind Unit 3- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Managing Yourself Responsibly Unit 4- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Getting Along with Others by Treating Them the Way You Like to Be Treated (Social Skills & Character Unit 5- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Being Honest with Yourself & Others (Mental Health) Unit 6- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Improving Yourself Continually Utilizing Three Tiers Tier I- Universal: High Quality Instruction Tier II- Targeted: Small Group Instruction Tier III- Individual Intensive Intervention | Curriculum |
The "Are You a Bully?" Test | This program challenges students to think about their own behavior with a series of seven questions about physical, verbal, and exclusionary bullying. | DVD |
Are You a Bully? | Do you push others around? Are you always right? Recognize the signs of a bully. | DVD |
Second Step: Bullying Prevention Unit, Grade 2 | The goals of the Bullying Prevention Unit are to develop students' skills for recognizing, reporting, and refusing bullying and to foster a climate of safety and respect for all. Lessons students will learn are to be safe and respectful, recognize bullying, report bullying, refuse bullying, and be a bystander who helps stop bullying. | Curriculum |
Second Step: Bullying Prevention Unit, Grade 4 | The goals of the Bullying Prevention Unit are to develop students' skills for recognizing, reporting, and refusing bullying and to foster a climate of safety and respect for all. Lessons students will learn are to be respectful and responsible, recognize, report and refuse bullying, understand the power of bystanders, take responsibility for stopping bullying, and recognize, refuse, report cyber bullying. | Curriculum |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: Class Meeting That Matter Grades 9-12 | Schools across the country are finding success with the world-renowned Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) to reduce bullying and create a safe and caring school climate. Class meetings are a core part of this award-winning program--and Class Meetings That Matter is an ideal component to any school using OBPP. Developed by the authors of Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, this easy-to-use manual provied high-school teachers and students with almost an entire year's worth of engaging, thought-provoking ideas and topics to conduct meaningful class meetings. | Book |
Second Step: Bullying Prevention Unit, Kindergarten | The goals of the Bullying Prevention Unit are to develop students' skills for recognizing, reporting, and refusing bullying and to foster a climate of safety and respect for all. Lessons students will learn are to be safe and respectful, recognize bullying, report bullying, refuse bullying, and be a bystander who helps stop bullying. | Curriculum |
You Decide About Teasing & Bullying | You Decide Books are designed to teach children to think about the consequences of their choices and encourage them to make positive decisions. In this story "Margaret" decides to form a teasing club at school and many of her friends think it is fun to tease and torment other children. One friend is faced with decisions about staying in the club or standing up for the victims. How will things turn out? The story reader gets to choose. Includes a workbook. | Book |
Isafe Internet Safety Activities | Lessons cover internet vocabulary, the cyberspace community, the rules of etiquette and what to do about cyber bullying. Easy-to-use guide that helps elementary and middle school students develop their Internet skills while keeping safe filled with activities, the book shows young children how to have fun online while keeping safe. Topics include: Basic Internet safety, Protecting personal information, Preventing cyberbullying, Avoiding predators, Internet etiquette, and much more | Curriculum |
ABC New Special: In Crowd and Social Cruelty | What does it take to be popular? John Stossel discovers why kids dish it out, why they take it and what schools can do to make it better. Guests include psychologist Michael Thompson, author of Best Friends, Worst Enemies. Stossel also visits schools with successful anti-bullying programs. | DVD |
When You Feel Left Out | All kids feel hurt when they are ignored or excluded whether at home, at school, on the sports field, or within a group. This engaging video and print curriculum explores true-to-life scenarios in which upper elementary students experience the disappointment and sadness of being left out. It teaches students specific skills to use when they feel left out, how to express their emotions using "I" statements and how to take positive actions to help them feel better.?The program includes a comprehensive Teacher's Resource Book written by a certified Special Education teacher. The guide includes a Differentiated Lesson Plan and extension activities to accompany the video. | DVD |
How To Eat Fried Worms | Because of a bet, Billy is in the uncomfortable position of having to eat fifteen worms in fifteen days. A hilarious story that will revolt and delight bumptious, unreachable intermediate-grade boys and any other less particular mortals that read or listen to it. Colorful, original writing in a much needed comic vein. | Book |
Bullying: Not Just a Guy Thing | An all girl posse of bullies subject Amy to a daily barrage of name-calling, mean tricks and unfounded rumors until another student befriends and helps her confront her tormentors. | DVD |
Stop Bullying! Standing Up for Yourself & Others | Featuring acclaimed youth speaker Mark Brown, this program will help get your classroom back on the right track and save your students the embarrassment and hurt feelings that come along with being bullied. A group of students shares their real-life experiences with bullying, showing the wide range of effects such acts can have in the lives of young people. | DVD |
No Bullying Program Teachers Manual & Student Workbook gr. 6-8 (revised) | Offers teachers no-bullying material and detailed guidance in leading 6th-8th graders through six lessons. | Book |
Health Facts: Violence & Injury Prevention | The Health Facts books give clear, to-the-point background information on key health topics. This book defines injury and discusses its impact on youth. Offers practical strategies for preventing injury and discusses the problem of violence. | Book |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: Teacher Guide | This program offers training for every adult who interacts with students and includes methods for reaching out to parents and the community as well. The Teacher Guide provides teachers and classroom staff with the resources they need to implement this program. Includes a DVD & CD ROM. | DVD |
No Name-Calling Week | Grades 5-8 Kit contains Teachers manual, DVD/Video, The Misfits book for students. Educators will find this kit to be a valuable resource in creating a positive school environment where everyone will feel safe and free to learn. | Video-Based Curriculum |
Facilitating a Violence Prevention Support Group for Kids Who Bully | Help youth replace aggressive behaviors with new assertiveness skills to use in everyday situations. Includes lesson plans, reproducible activity sheets, and tips for teaching key principles. | Curriculum |
Facilitating a Violence Prevention Group for Kids Who Are Bullied | Help youth build skills for responding effectively to bullying, including when to seek adult intervention. Includes lesson plans, reproducible activity sheets, and tips for teaching key principles. | Curriculum |
Broken Toy | This video tells the story of bullying. As the bullies begin to learn more about their victim and his life, they to realize just how WRONG it is to mistreat others. Study guide included. | DVD |
Joey | Joey is the 13-year-old boy. He lives a simple life with his mom and dad and little sister. Joey is bullied almost daily. Although most of his torment consists of verbal put-downs and emotional abuse, he is sometimes physically assaulted as well.This withdrawn and lonely youngster chooses to keep his bullying a secret. Neither parent realizes that their son is being bullied, but they do notice unusual behavior. As the torment continues, Joey becomes more and more unstable. Andrew is one of the boys caught up in the bullying group. Although not a bully himself, Andrew chooses to go along with the crowd. As the story progresses, Joey's parents become more and more concerned about him. The story accelerates to a shocking conclusion that challenges viewers' behaviors. | DVD |
Angry & Oppositional Students: Calming Classrooms with Love & Logic | Are you ready for a positive yet powerful approach to preventing school violence? Metal detectors, more rules and more guards are not the answer. Building positive relationships, stopping practices that build student alienation and resentment, and putting an end to interactions that push kids over the edge are. In this live presentation, Dr. Charles Fay gives long-term solutions rather than temporary bandages. CD | Other |
Too Good For Violence Kindergarten | Too Good for Violence is a comprehensive violence prevention program. When this curriculum is fully implemented as designed the classroom/school becomes a peaceable place-a place where students and educators cooperate, communicate respectfully and appreciate diverse people and points of view. | Curriculum |
Terrible Thing Happened (A) | A story for children who have witnessed violence or trauma. | Book |
Schools Where Everyone Belongs | This book gives guidelines for school personnel to implement to make schools a safe place to be. | Book |
Teen Truth: An Inside Look at Bullying and School Violence | A unique and candid view of how bullying directly correlates to the rise of school violence in schools. Viewers follow a fictionalized story of a confused teenager and learn of his inner frustrations and it becomes increasing clear that he is armed and prepared to use his concealed weapon. In another strand, we see and hear the voices and pictures of real teens videotaping and questioning their own peers about the devastating effects of bullying and violence in and around their schools. Viewers experience the Columbine disaster, through live voice recordings of parents, teachers and students talking to 911 operators as the disaster occurred. A detailed teacher's resource book provides activities, work sheets, fact sheets and resources to aid in the struggle to stop bullying and school violence | DVD |
Peaceful School Bus Program | The Peaceful School Bus Program offers a different, proactive approach to creating safety and security on the school bus. developed by an elementary school principal who wanted to ensure that students have both a physically and emotionally safe ride to and from school each day, this program believes in the power of education and the potential of students. | Video-Based Curriculum |
Olewus Bullying at School | Bullying at School is the definitive book on bully/victim problems in school and on effective ways of counteracting and preventing such problems. On the basis of the author's large-scale studies and other research, it is known that bullying is a serious problem in all societies that have been studied so far, and that more than 15 percent of the school population in primary and secondary/junior high schools are involved, either as bullies or victims. The facts about bullying, its causes and its consequences, are presented in clear and straightforward language. The book is a milestone in the study of bullying at school in that it offers a scientifically evaluated intervention program. | Book |
Pitch In!: Kids Talk About Cooperation | Using real-life experiences, fictional advice columnists Frank B. Wize and Tina Truly write to kids about how to handle sticky situations in fun, creative, and responsible ways. | Book |
Amazing Kids of Character Series | It\'s never too early to start teaching kids about essential qualities like empathy, courage, perseverance. This series is designed to give students the chance to understand and develop these positive traits through discussion, learning about role models and personal reflection. | DVD |
Character: A Guide for Middle Grade Students | This book gets students thinking about who they are; what virtues or character traits they should have; and how knowing, being, and doing good affects behavior and actions. | Book |
Daily Warm Ups: Character Education | 180 quick activities address issues of character. The activities can be used at the beginning of class to put students in learning mode, at the end of class to make good use of transitional time, in the middle of class to shift gears between lessons. They are a natural path to other classroom activities involving critical thinking. | Book |
Building Character from the Start: 201 Activities to Foster Creativity, Literacy and Play in K-3 | In this book you will find over 200 activities that engage kids in learning, prompt them to think about rules and expectations and get them moving. | Book |
Integrity Matters: Self-Control | With this program, children will learn the importance of controlling their temper, being patient and resisting temptation through real life adventures. Australian Outback spoof. Includes supplemental materials. | DVD |
Integrity Matters: Perseverance | This non-stop, spy-spoof will keep children of all ages on their toes as they learn to recognize and overcome obstacles. Supplemental materials included. | DVD |
Integrity Matters: Kindness | This program takes children on an adventure through the eyes of Emily, the family dog. Students will tag along with Emily as she views humans and their behaviors. Kids everywhere will be thoroughly entertained as they discover the importance of kindness in every aspect of life. Includes supplemental materials. | DVD |
Integrity Matters: Honesty | In this program, honesty takes on all forms of the meaning as two superheros, Police\' Man and Rewind Guy, combine their efforts to fight the dishonesty battle. Includes supplemental materials. | DVD |
Integrity Matters: Respect | This program explores the concept of respect in great detail, including the meaning of respect, why it is important to be respectful, and how to put respect into action at home, at school, and in the community. Includes supplemental materials. | DVD |
Integrity Matters: Responsibility | This lively video takes the positive character trait of responsibility and explores it in a fun and creative way with lots of \"cool\" graphics intertwined with real life situations. Includes supplemental materials. | DVD |
Popcorn Park: Citizenship | Nubbs becomes a hero to his friends by helping them tap into their power to make an important difference in their community. When Nubbs leads his friends in a successful effort to transform an ugly vacant lot into a beautiful grove of shady trees, they all experience the satisfaction and the benefits that come from being good citizens. Included are guides in English and Spanish which provide discussion questions, writing assignments, song lyrics, follow-up activities, and a take-home page for parents. | DVD |
Popcorn Park: Caring | ,'Burna discovers (by being a good reading buddy | DVD |
Popcorn Park: Fairness | Essie learns that being fair to everybody can be a lot harder that it seems. When she has to decide which of her friends will get the starring role in the annual Popcorn Park play, Essie has a lot to consider including the not-so-fair actions of two competitors. Included are guides in English and Spanish which provide discussion questions, writing assignments, song lyrics, follow-up activities, and a take-home page for parents. | DVD |
Popcorn Park: Responsibility | Croark and Burna learn that being irresponsible can be unfair and hurtful to everyone, including themselves. When Burna neglects an important responsibility by dumping it on Muggsy, and Groark makes a mistake and lets Muggsy take the blame, the result is a tangle of hard feelings that nearly brings their friendships to a painful end. Included are guides in English and Spanish which provide discussion questions, writing assignments, song lyrics, follow-up activities, and a take-home page for parents. | DVD |
Popcorn Park: Trustworthiness | Croark and Muggsy learn how important honesty and trust are in building good friendships. When Muggsy tries to impress Croark by stealing an expensive birthday present for him, Groark struggles to figure out the right thing to do, and teaches Muggsy that it is better to have friends you can trust than expensive toys. Included are guides in English and Spanish which provide discussion questions, writing assignments, song lyrics, follow-up activities, and a take-home page for parents. | DVD |
Popcorn Park: Respect | Burna discovers that name-calling, teasing, and put-downs are not good natured fun. When her friends ostracize her for treating them disrespectfully and for bullying a new kid on the playground, Burna learns that the way to have good relationships is to treat people the way you would like them to treat you. Included are guides in English and Spanish which provide discussion questions, writing assignments, song lyrics, follow-up activities, and a take-home page for parents. | DVD |
Catch Good Character | Catch Good Character is played in a similar manner as Go Fish. Catch Good Character covers a range of character dimensions, including honesty, caring, responsibility, fairness, and generosity, among others. The questions are designed to encourage players to give examples from their own experience about behavior that demonstrates good character and to help players understand the meaning of common character traits. | Game |
Auto B Good Character Education #1-Punctuality, Promptness, Ready | The cartoon cars in this program focus on punctuality, promptness and being ready. Each video segment has a lesson plan to accompany it. | DVD |
Auto B Good Character Education #2-Responsibility, Respect, Dependability | The cartoon cars in this video focus on responsibility, respect, dependability. Each video segment has a lesson plan included. | DVD |
Auto B Good Character Education #3-Obedience, Self-control, Politeness | The cartoon cars in this video focus on obedience, self-control, politeness. Each segment has a lesson plan with it. | DVD |
Auto B Good Character Education #4-Truthfulness, Honesty, Kindness | This cartoon cars video focuses on truthfulness, honesty, and kindness. Each of the segments has a lesson to accompany it. | DVD |
Auto B Good Character Education #5-Thankfulness, Generosity, Goodwill | This cartoon cars video focuses on thankfulness, generosity, goodwill. Each segment has a lesson plan. | DVD |
Auto B Good Character Education #6-Joyfulness, Patience, Cooperation | This cartoon cars video focuses on joyfulness, patience and cooperation. Each segment has a lesson plan. | DVD |
Auto B Good Character Education #7-Tolerance, Consideration, Uniqueness | This cartoon cars video focuses on tolerance, consideration and uniqueness. Each segment has a lesson plan with it. | DVD |
Auto B Good Character Education #8-Patriotism, Citizenship, Loyalty | This cartoon cars video focuses on patriotism, citizenship, loyalty. Each segment includes a lesson plan. | DVD |
Auto B Good Character Education #9-Courage, Initiative, Self-reliance | This cartoon cars video focuses on courage, initiative, self-reliance. Each segment has a lesson plan. | DVD |
Auto B Good Character Education #10-Perseverance, Sportsmanship, Self-Discipline | This cartoon cars video focuses on perseverance, sportsmanship and self-discipline. Each segment has a lesson plan with it. | DVD |
Auto B Good Character Education #11-Independence, Resourcefulness, Cleanliness | This cartoon cars video focuses on independence, resourcefulness and cleanliness. Each segment has a lesson plan with it. | DVD |
Auto B Good #12-Courtesy, Fairness, Confidence | This cartoon cars video focuses on courtesy, fairness and confidence. Each segment has a lesson plan. | DVD |
TACKY and the Emperor | It?s common knowledge that Tacky was never the best-dressed penguin, but when he and his friends prepare for the arrival of the emperor, Tacky gets carried away and ends up in more than just elegant attire! Tacky brings his own unique brand of humor and entertainment to the emperor?s visit. Here is another wacky addition to Tacky?s myriad adventures in which friendship, kindness, and laughter always win out! Tacky fans will be carried to new heights of hilarity by this Tacky tale | Book |
Well I Can Top That! | Brad has a lot of great things going on in his life or at least that?s what he tells all of his classmates! When one student won a contest, he told about how he won an even bigger contest! When another student broke his arm, he told about how he broke both arms AND both legs! Children and adults will get a real kick out of Brad?s tall tales as he learns the importance of being a ?pull-upper,? not a ?one upper,? in this terrific story by award-winning author, Julia Cook | Book |
Courage to Change | Taking life one day at a time has proven essential in the Al-Anon program of recovery for those whose lives have been adversely affected by the problem of alcoholism in a loved one. This book is designed to keep focus on today and give courage to change. | Book |
Children of Alcoholics Kits | This guide contains a 4-page Kit for Kids, 20-page Kit for Parents, 24-page Kit for Therapists, and a 25-page Kit for Helpers. | Book |
Elephant in the Living Room | This program is designed to help children who live in alcoholic families. It contains a Children's Book and Leader's Guide for adults who facilitate children's support groups or work individually with children of alcoholics. | Book |
Adult Children - The Secrets of Dysfunctional Families | This book uses examples that typify different symptoms and addictions so that the reader can get a feel for the variety of dysfunctional lifestyles that develop in Adult children. | Book |
Promise Me | This video tells the story of Ann who is forced to face the grim reality that her parents' addictions to alcohol & gambling are destroying their family. | DVD |
CADCA Strategizer 1: Strategic Planning for Funding of Operations and Program for Community-Based Coalitions | Coalition leaders need to start planning now for the day when their federal and foundation grants come to an end. Securing a constant and stable stream of funding needs to be a priority. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 2: Long-Range Planning Vision Translated into Action | This pamphlet will help your coalition put the mission statement into action. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 4: Community Coalitions: Developing a Public Relations Plan | Coalitions need to be aware of the very different types of media with which they will be working. Be sure to identify the coalition's goals before approaching the appropriate media. This pamphlet will help in understanding the media and making a plan. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 5: Public Service Media Campaigns for Coalitions | This pamphlet can be used by the staff, public awareness committee or designated group of coalition members in order to achieve an effective public service campaign. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 6: Community Substance Use/Abuse Indicators | This pamphlet will help your coalition in understanding community indicators and what to do with the information. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 7: Evaluation of Substance Abuse Coalitions | This pamphlet helps the coalition with the proper process of evaluation so that the results are beneficial. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 8: Coalition Mini-Grant Programs | This pamphlet will help your coalition implement a mini-grant program. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 10: Lobbying Strategies for Community Coalitions | This pamphlet will help your coalition learn what lobbying is, how to prepare to lobby, and strategies of lobbying. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 11: How Coalitions Can Restrict Alcohol and Tobacco Billboard Advertising | This pamphlet will give your coalition suggested strategies and action plans to help in restricting alcohol & tobacco advertising. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 12: Coalitions Hold Town Meetings | This pamphlet explains how to hold a town meeting and use the information gathered for your coalitions work in the community, | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 13: Signature Events and Celebrations | Coalition visibility and name recognition are essential to implementing an inclusive planning and implementation process and for attracting ongoing operational and program support. One way to increase the visibility of any community coalition is to sponsor a signature event. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 14: Coalitions Sponsor Media Summits | A local media summit can be one effective mechanism through which the coalition educates the media regarding substance use and abuse and its effects upon the community; creates a dialogue with the local media regarding the way substance use/abuse is portrayed in the news, advertisements and in programming and hears from the print and electronic media regarding legal and procedural constraints and policies facing reporters, news directors, programming directors and editorial boards each day. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 16: Red Ribbon Celebrations | This pamphlet includes strategies for developing a strong Red Ribbon Celebration for your coalition. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 22: Influencing and Eliminating Alcohol and Tobacco Sales to Minors | This pamphlet will explain the steps a coalition needs to take to eliminate underage sales in the community. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 25: How to Start a Youth Soccer "Kick It" Campaign | This campaign will help youth soccer players make the choice not to use alcohol and other drugs and will help those youth who have made poor choices in the past regarding ATOD receive the caring guidance to return to a healthy lifestyle. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 28: Preventing Youth Access to Alcohol from Commercial Sources | This strategizer focuses on several key policy areas that coalitions can use in their local communities to improve merchant compliance. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 31: Guidelines for Advocacy: Changing Policies & Laws to Create Safer Environments for Youth | The purpose of this strategizer is to clarify what constitutes "lobbying" activities for nonprofit organizations and to what extent these organizations can participate in lobbying activities in particular and the legislative process in general. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 35: Strategizer Live: 10 Leaders, 10 Years, 10 Lessons | This strategizer offers a summary of timeless coalition advice from one coalition leader to another. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 36: Coalitions 102: Leadership: Sustaining the Momentum | In this strategizer, coalition members will gain new insight about what leadership means, as well as specific ideas for both leading and following. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 39: Coalition Building 103: Strategic Planning | This strategizer will outline the strategic planning process according to the following steps: set a timeline for completing strategic planning, gather community input, write a mission statement and develop goals to address the community's identified substance abuse problems, develop the operational steps necessary to achieve the goals, establish accountability and incorporate procedures to evaluate the outcomes. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 40: Coalition Building 104: Collecting Data for Needs and Assets Assessment | This strategizer is intended to clarify the data collection process so coalitions can complete the needs and assets assessment in a timely manner. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 41: Youth Leadership: How to Get and Keep Youth Involved in Your Coalition | In this strategizer it defines and explains the importance of youth leadership, draws on the success stories of other groups, describes techniques for recruiting and working with young people, helps coalitions build youth leadership through strategies for planning and skill development. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 42: Building Public Support through Media Relations | This strategizer focuses on tips and techniques to enable you to implement this plan by familiarizing you with these areas: media literacy, media relations, media advocacy. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 45: Research Findings on Coalitions and the Faith Community | In this strategizer you will look at the decades of research supporting coalitions and the faith community working together for the greater good. It focuses on the strong positive correlation between religion and substance abuse prevention as well as general health; strengths and assets of the faith community and how they can be integrated into coalition work and the vitality of the faith community's social service activities and how coalitions can use that knowledge to focus their efforts with the faith community. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 46: Programs and Collaboration Between Coalitions and the Faith Community | This strategizer will define collaboration in the context of working with the faith community- through examples from the field and tips for successful collaboration and offer practical suggestions and discuss some challenges and implications of engaging the faith community in prevention efforts. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 48: Guiding Principles for Coalition Evaluation | There are many kinds of evaluations a coalition could conduct, but basically the evaluation should be geared to providing the critical information that answers the all important question of whether the coalition is effective in reducing substance abuse problems in the community. | Other |
CADCA Strategizer 49: Community Briefings: A Prevention Tool for Communities | This publication highlights three CADCA coalitions that have successfully used a community briefing to help shift the cultural norm in their community. | Other |
Runny Babbit | Shel Silverstein's hilarious book of spoonerisms (words or phrases with letters or syllables swapped: bunny rabbit becomes Runny Babbit) to celebrate this momentous event. Welcome to the world of Runny Babbit and his friends Toe Jurtle, Skertie Gunk, Rirty Dat, Dungry Hog, Snerry Jake, and many others who speak a topsy-turvy language all their own. So if you say, "Let's bead a rook, That's billy as can se," You're talkin' Runny Babbit talk, Just like mim and he. Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts | DVD |
Puppets | Various Puppets to help kids cope and open up. Frog, Octopus and Wolf | Other |
Community Conversations About Mental Health | Discussion Guide and Planning Guide. | Book |
10 Seconds Will Change Your Life Forever | In 10 Seconds Will Change Your Life Forever, Bobby Petrocelli shares the secrets and principles and enduring faith and love in overcoming the uncontrollable tragedies of life. Pain is an inevitable part of life but how we handle it is a choice we can make. This book will help teenagers and adults prepare for life's most difficult challenges and communicate more effectively with an emphasis on dealing with pain, forgiveness, and making right decisions in life. Most decisions are made in the time frame of only 10 | Book |
Get the Word Out: Communication Tools and Ideas for Asset Builders Everywhere | The book makes it easy for anyone to convey the asset message through local media by creating common communication materials such as articles, press releases and flyers. Also has ideas for inspiring youth and adults to become advocates for asset building and rallying local support for your efforts. | Book |
Teen Truth: An Inside Look at Parents and Family Communication | This film mixes revealing animation with moving interviews to illustrate the essential role parents play in a teenager's life. Featuring interviews from students, parents and psychologists, the film provides critical insight and tips on how to strengthen relationships, improve communication and cope with the evolving and frequently precarious relationship between a parent and teenager. If you do not have the time to read a book on parenting, you need to take fifteen minutes to watch this film. | DVD |
Happy Highway Game (The) | The Happy Highway Game is designed to help families with young children have fun while learning to communicate more effectively with one another. The game is intended for families with children between 3-8. however, the game can also be used with older children and most of the guidebook is designed for any parent. | Game |
ISAFE Internet Skills Activities 9-12 | Book includes: Guidelines for understanding computer security, the benefits and drawbacks of online banking, tips for evaluating the accuracy of information found on Web sites, and suggestions for being a savvy Internet shopper Information on protecting your online persona, safety tips for social networking, and suggestions for creating positive online relationships Ideas on where to get information about finding the right college or university; online education; and applying for college, scholarships, loans, and grants online | Other |
Social Media for Social Good | As a nonprofit, you're most likely used to working at a disadvantage. Recent economic factors have required many organizations to slash budgets, implement staff cuts, and depend upon volunteers or already overworked nonprofit staff to manage their social media and mobile technology campaigns. Luckily, the dedication of your staff and volunteers, when combined with the wisdom presented in this book, is all that your nonprofit needs to harness the power of social media. Give your team a wealth of Web wisdom to match its passion, and you'll quickly discover that the playing field suddenly seems a whole lot more even and that social media success lies literally at your fingertips. | Book |
Building Drug-Free Schools An Educator's Guide to Policy Curriculum & Community Consensus | This binder contains 3 booklets to assist in building drug-free schools. The first section focuses on policy, the second on curriculum, and the third on community consensus. | Curriculum |
Building Communities From The Inside Out | This resource guide helps to identify a communities local resources and to use them to build partnerships to mobilize the community to make change. It provides examples and guidelines on how to get specific people involved with your efforts. | Video-Based Curriculum |
Facilitating Community Change | The purpose of this book is a practical, step-by-step resource for community members and leaders wanting to build safe more-vital communitites. It offers a highly flexible approach to harnessing the values, assets and aspirations of a community. | Book |
Together for Tomorrow | This curriculum strives to help build communities through intergenerational dialogue. It provides sample questions and scenarios plus directions for organizing an event with a trained facilitator in your community. | Curriculum |
Coalitions and Partnerships in Community Health | Coalitions and Partnerships in Community Health is a step-by-step guide for building durable coalitions to improve community and public health. This important resource provides an in-depth, analytical, and practical approach to building, sustaining, and nurturing these complex organizations. Included are all the tools for success in collaborative work from a research and practice-based stance. The book contains useful approaches to the issues, recommendations for action, resources for further study, and examples from actual coalition work. | Book |
Common Sense for Community Change | This book & workbook set contains exercises and other resources that will help you work through the ideas to develop your own action plan to make change in your community. Timelines and evaluation forms are also included so you can track your progress and refer back to your plan. | Book |
Blue Eraser (The) | The Blue Eraser presents an entertaining and informative model of the sit-down mediation process for elementary school students. The initial dispute is an argument over an eraser. However, the situation is more complicated than it first appears. The situation is finally resolved when the disputants have had the opportunity to express their feelings and, in the structured mediation setting, fully discuss and explore their concerns. | Book |
Work it Out! | This video uses scenario analysis to model four key conflict resolution strategies: taking the person out of the problem; focusing on issues, not egos; being objective; and creating win-win solutions. | DVD |
55 Favorite Motivational Techniques That Make it Fun to be Good | This book is intended to provide children with positive solutions to their uncommon & common behavior problems. The techniques are grounded in the principles of emotional intelligence which presumes that when children lean skills like kindness, empathy, self-control & self-motivation, then behavioral problems will significantly lessen. | Book |
Getting Along: No Fair! | This video exhibits unfair circumstances, explains how it feels to be treated unfairly, and presents rules that can make situations more fair. | DVD |
Kelso's Choice: Beyond the Classroom | Short, true-to-life vignettes help students see how kids just like them use Kelso's Choices to solve everyday problems that occur at home, in your neighborhood or at a friend's house. Each section presents five different opportunities for kids to see how to make better choices. | DVD |
Don't Be Difficult | This game is designed to provide children with the opportunity to experience the negative consequences of choosing the "hard" way and the positive benefits of choosing the "right" way. | Game |
Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down (The) | The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down explores the clash between a small county hospital in California and a refugee family from Laos over the care of Lia Lee, a Hmong child diagnosed with severe epilepsy. Lia's parents and her doctors both wanted what was best for Lia, but the lack of understanding between them led to tragedy. Anne Fadiman's compassionate account of this cultural impasse is literary journalism at its finest. The current edition, published for the book's fifteenth anniversary, includes a new afterword by the author that provides updates on the major characters along with reflections on how they have changed Fadiman's life and attitudes | Book |
Cultural Diversity: A Primer for the Human Services 3rd Edition | With CULTURAL DIVERSITY: A PRIMER FOR THE HUMAN SERVICES, you'll find the tools you need to become a successful and effective counselor. This innovative book covers a range of topics ranging from the general principles of cultural diversity, to how to work with clients from various cultures. This is the perfect text to prepare you for a successful counseling career! | Book |
Why did you Die? | Thousands of children each year experience the death of a loved one before they reach the age of 18, and some 10 to 15 percent of them experience mental health problems, such as depression, as a result. One study found that childhood grief is correlated with low grades, sleep problems, moodiness, behavior problems, and an inability to concentrate. When a loved one dies, children are faced with a kaleidoscope of feelings, thoughts, myths, and questions. This workbook offers tools that you can use to help a grieving child in your life deal with these feelings. The first section of Why Did You Die? is for adults. It describes a child's grief process and what can be expected as it progresses. The latter section includes activities you can do with a grieving child. Using an art therapy approach, the activities guide the child through the issues he or she must eventually confront. Different activities help the child express difficult feelings, separate myths from facts, and understand the finality of death. This direct yet non-threatening, secular approach will help children learn, grow, and thrive. | Book |
Coping with an Emotional Crisis | Students meet eight young people who were faced with traumatic events. As these real teens share their stories, viewers learn that the difficult emotions that may come from a crisis are normal. The tens prove that anyone can survive a crisis. By giving themselves time to heal, asking for support from friends and family, and expressing their emotions, young people will triumph over trauma and emerge even stronger than they were before. | DVD |
GriefWork Healing from Loss | Help guide clients through the many stages of loss and grief: shock, disorganization, reorganization, and a New Normal, a term used to convey that everyone's grief has a unique expression and is that person's "normal". Clients are encouraged to deal with sorrow, express feelings, share, develop support systems, accept, adjust, and move forward. Also helps leaders understand and empathize, and teaches participants to heal and grow. Activities facilitate introspection and interaction. The reproducible handouts and art work map the journey from numbness to normal. An essential resource for an inevitable part of life. | Book |
Real People: Dealing with Loss, Death & Grief | This program combines real teens' revelations with commentary by an expert to help students understand their myriad of feelings, avoid negative ways of coping and learn where they can turn for help during a very difficult time. Includes teachers guide PDF. | DVD |
Gift that Heals: Stories of hope, renewal and transformation through organ and tissue donation | The stories in this book are about life coming out of death. A police officer, left for dead in a hail of bullets, can golf and fish again; a woman, whose lungs were at one time so diseased that she was dependent on oxygen, has since climbed 5,000 feet to the summit of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park carrying a 25-pound backpack; a man who was fighting for his life went on to become an Olympic champion. On one side, they tell of transplanted human organs and tissue transforming lives and, on the other, the inspiring selflessness of the families who donated them at the bleakest moment of their lives. The Gift that Heals is published jointly by United Network for Organ Sharing ( and the Nicholas Green Foundation ( It was written by Reg Green, the father of a seven-year-old California boy, Nicholas, who was shot in an attempted robbery while the family was on vacation in Italy. The story captured the imagination of the world when he and his wife, Maggie, donated their son?s organs and corneas to seven Italians. United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) is the non-profit membership organization that administers the U.S. organ sharing system and focuses on increasing organ donation through technology, education and research. | Book |
A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance: Help for the Losses in Life | In this book we will explore losses together. We'll look at the grief that comes with death, divorce, unemployment and other important losses that may impact your life. We'll look at how it feels and how it affects our lives and the lives of those around us | Book |
I'm Grieving as Fast as I can: How Young Widows and Widowers Can cope and Heal | A guide for young widows and widowers through the normal grieving process that highlights the special circumstances of an untimely death. Young widows and widowers share thoughts and dilemmas about losing a loved one, what to tell young children experiencing a parent's death, returning to work and dealing with in-laws. | Book |
Helping Children Cope with the Loss of a Loved One | This book offers comfort, compassion and sound advice to any adult who is helping a child cope with the death of a loved one. Also offering suggestions on how we can respond to children at different ages & stages and describes strategies we can use. | Book |
GriefWork Companion Activities for Healing | The GriefWork Companion was developed to help adults who are grieving heal from their losses. It contains worksheets, quotations, educational and journaling pages. Seven Chapters guide the reader through the grieving process: Let?s Get Started, Getting in Touch, Telling Your Story, Self-Care, Relationships, Special Days and a new Normal | Book |
I Miss You | This reassuring picture book explores the difficult issue of death for young children. Children's feelings and questions about this sensitive subject are looked at in a simple but realistic way. This book helps them understand their loss and to come to terms with their feelings. | Book |
After A Death: An Activity Book for Children | This easy-to-use workbook is designed for children ages 5 to 12 who have experienced the death of a family member or friend. With a mixture of creative activities and tips for dealing with changes at school, home and with friends, this is a great tool for all grieving children. We?ve included a variety of drawing and writing exercises to help children remember the person who died, and learn new ways to live with the loss. | Book |
Grief Bubble (The) | The Grief Bubble is a special workbook for children ages 6 and older who have experienced the death of someone special. The interactive format invites them to find expression for their thoughts and feelings, encouraging the exploration of their grief. A useful tool for parents, counselors, educators and other caring adults supporting children in grief. | Book |
Don't Despair On Thursdays! | This book explains the grief process to children and helps them understand that grieving is a normal response. | Book |
Sad Isn't Bad | Loaded with positive, life-affirming advice for coping with loss as a child, this guide tells children what they need to know after a loss, that the world is still safe; life is good; and hurting hearts do mend. Written by a school counselor, this book helps comfort children facing of the worst and hardest kind of reality. Grief | Book |
The Memory Box | From the perspective of a young child, Joanna Rowland artfully describes what it is like to remember and grieve a loved one who has died. The child in the story creates a memory box to keep mementos and written memories of the loved one, to help in the grieving process. Heartfelt and comforting,?The Memory Box?will help children and adults talk about this very difficult topic together. The unique point of view allows the reader to imagine the loss of any they have loved - a friend, family member, or even a pet. A parent guide in the back includes information on helping children manage the complex and difficult emotions they feel when they lose someone they love, as well as suggestions on how to create their own memory box. | Book |
When Families Grieve | This kit is designed to help families with young children sort through complex emotions, remember the life of a loved one and find strength in one another. Contains DVD, guide book & story book. | Video |
Grief is Like a Snowflake | After the death of his father, Little Tree begins to learn how to cope with his feelings and start the healing process. With the help and support of his family & friends, Little Tree learns to cope by discovering what is really important in life, and that his father's memory will carry on. | Book |
A Kids Book About Grief | Grief is a normal and natural reaction to loss and it is my hope that?A Kids Book about Grief?will give children and families the words to talk about their grief together. | Book |
Helping Kids Heal: 75 Activities to Help Children Recover from Trauma & Loss | This volume contains 75 tried-and-true activities to use with school-age children after an acutely traumatic event, or in response to the chronic trauma and loss experienced by children living in at-risk communities. The activities can all be used on a stand-alone basis, provide clear, step-by-step instructions and include reproducible activity sheets. | Book |
You Decide About Coping with Loss | This workbook is designed to help children learn twelve techniques to cope with loss, with the support of a caring adult. These techniques are commonly used in treatment programs for children who have experienced a loss that significantly affects them. | Book |
You Decide: I'll Hate You if You Die | You Decide Books are designed to teach children to think about the consequences of their choices and encourage them to make positive decisions. In this book Tyrone's father has cancer and he will soon die. Tyrone is overcome with anger and sadness and he doesn't even want to talk to his father. Will he stay angry with his father or will he deal with facing his loss? The reader gets to choose. Includes workbook. | Book |
13 Reasons Why | Thirteen Reasons Why" is a novel that examines teen angst, bullying, suicide, and relationships, in the context of a story about a conflicted high school girl who chose to end her life, rather than continue confronting classmates whom she perceived to be her tormentors. This book very effectively emphasizes the critical importance of parental vigilance and empathy, with regard to the tremendous peer pressure and anxiety experienced by many teenage children, which, in the extreme, can lead to tragedy. It is such a valuable contribution to teenage literature because it reminds its readers of the overarching importance of maintaining open lines of communication between teenagers, their parents, their teachers, and their friends and classmates. It also highlights the fundamental relationship principle that an individual should treat everyone whom they encounter with the same respect and dignity that they would expect to experience in their interpersonal interactions. "Thirteen Reasons Why" is an excellent novel, which is relevant for readers of all ages, and which merits a five-star rating, along with a strong recommendation. | Book |
After Suicide Loss: Coping with your Grief | There are no words to express the feelings of losing a loved one to suicide. This book is a practical guide for coping with suicide, from the first few days through the first year and beyond. This book will help guide and support survivors of suicide through their pain and confusion. | Book |
Five Minutes More | D'Arcy's dad is dead. She desperately wants it to have been an accident, but she is not sure. And when she learns the truth, things become even more difficult. Why would her father choose suicide? Why didn't she see the signs? Her father had always helped her get through everything in her life?five minutes at a time. Can she do it alone? And then she meets Seth. When will things get back to normal? Learning to live without her father while her mother struggles with her own pain, D'Arcy finds an inner strength she wasn't aware of. She also finds that almost anything is tolerable for five minutes more. | Book |
After a Suicide Death: An Activity Book for Grieving Kids | In this hands-on, interactive activity book, children who have been exposed to a suicide death can learn from other grieving kids. The activity book includes drawing activities, puzzles, stories, advice from other kids and helpful suggestions for how to navigate the grief process after a suicide death. | Book |
When A Friend Dies: A Book for Teens About Grieving & Healing | The death of a friend is a wrenching event for anyone at any age and can spark feelings that range from sadness to guilt to anxiety. Teenagers especially need help coping with grief and loss. This sensitive book answers questions grieving teens often have, like ?How should I be acting?? ?How long will this last?? and ?What if I can?t handle my grief on my own?? The book also addresses the complicated emotions that can accompany the death of an acquaintance, as opposed to a close friend. The advice is gentle, non-preachy, and compassionate; recommended for teens as well as parents and teachers of teens who have experienced a painful loss. | Book |
Deconstruction/Reconstruction Grief Journal | Whether a teen has experienced the death of a parent, sibling, grandparent, close friend, or other family member, this Deconstruction/Reconstruction journal is an advice-free place where teens can draw, write, paint, and transform whatever they're thinking and feeling | Book |
Tough Topics Card Deck: Middle School Version | This card game/activity provides students with a difficult situation or question. They are then asked to answer in their own opinion. Instructions included. | Game |
LifeSkills Training MS Level 2 Manual & Workbook | This research based curriculum with 15 lessons covering the topics of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, anxiety, anger, communication, decision making, self-image, advertising, social skills, assertiveness and resolving conflicts. For grades 7 or 8 | Curriculum |
LifeSkills Training MS Level 3 Manual & Workbook | This research based curriculum with 15 lessons covering the topics of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, anxiety, anger, communication, decision making, self-image, advertising, social skills, assertiveness and resolving conflicts. For grades 8 or 9 | Curriculum |
Hidden Treasure of Assets | Teach young people about the 40 Developmental Assets and the consequences of risky behaviors in a fun, boardgame format. Guide a discussion that challenges youth to recognize their own strengths, set goals and make positive choices. | Game |
LifeSteps, Responsibility (DVD | Teens learn the first rule of responsibility: to do no harm to themselves or others. The program also explores sexual responsiblity, dependability, and trustworthiness, as teens are taught to ask themselves the guiding question: What is the most important thing I need to be doing right now? | Video |
An Asset Builder's Guide to Youth & Money | A guide & workbook to assist adolescents in money management. Chapter topics include financial goals, budgets, banking, earning, saving, investing, giving, fund-raising, shopping, credit cards & debt. | Book |
Real People: Teens & Ethics | Real teens talk about the potentially life-changing decisions they face every day. Viewers are asked to think about their own choices and values and what it means to be ethical. | DVD |
Tough Topics Card Deck: High School Version | This card game/activity provides students with a difficult situation or question. They are then asked to answer in their own opinion. Instructions included. | Game |
Tough Decisions | Help young teens deal effectively with real-life problems with these 50 decision-making situations. Students work through each problem situation with reading, writing, group discussions and role-playing activities that allow them to explore topics such as parental expectations, peer pressure and respect for others. | Book |
Critical Incidents: Ethical Issues in Substance Abuse Prevention And Treatment | This book contains over 200 riveting ethical case studies drawn from the authors? clinical and consulting experiences. Veterans & newcomers to the arenas of prevention and treatment will find new insights to raise their level of ethical sensitivity. | Book |
Bridge (The) | People suffer largely unnoticed while the rest of the world goes about its business. This is a documentary exploration of the mythic beauty of the Golden Gate Bridge, the most popular suicide destination in the world, and those drawn by its call. Steel and his crew filmed the bridge during daylight hours from two separate locations for all of 2004, recording most of the two dozen deaths in that year (and preventing several others). They also taped interviews with friends, families and witnesses, who recount in sorrowful detail stories of struggles with depression, substance abuse and mental illness. Raises questions about suicide, mental illness and civic responsibility as well as the filmmaker's relationship to his fraught and complicated material. | DVD |
Adding Assets Series for Kids, The: Doing and Being Your Best | This book helps students add boundaries and expectations to their lives. Stories tell about kids who are doing this for themselves. In between are ideas to try. Some are quick, some take time. Some you can do alone, and some you'll want to do with other people. | Book |
Teaching Kids to Change the World | This book helps adults equip and empower youth to think critically about social and environmental problems and take action to make a difference in their world.Concrete activities guide students in grades 6-12 to comprehend the long-term impact of their efforts and the benefits of sustainability. | Book |
Great Places to Learn (A) | Both practical and inspirational, this book offers hope for the successful outcomes all educators desire. Here you'll find the optimism and the concrete tools needed to make every school a great place to learn. | Book |
What Are My Rights | Can I be prosecuted for comments I make online?? ?Can I get a credit card?? ?When can I get a tattoo?? ?Why can?t I wear what I want to school?? These questions and many more are asked and answered in What Are My Rights? Teens often have questions about the law, but they don?t always know where to turn for the answers. This book gives them those answers, exploring more than 100 legal questions pertaining specifically to teens. The third edition includes fresh facts, updated statistics, and additional questions and answers, including a new chapter addressing online issues from Facebook to file sharing. Using a straightforward ?just the facts? tone, and drawing on examples from real-life court cases involving young people, Judge Tom Jacobs explains to teens what their rights are. Readers learn about the laws that affect them, appreciate their rights, and consider their responsibilities | Book |
Lifelines: Postvention (B) | A comprehensive, whole-school program specifically designed for middle and high school communities. This unique program educates everyone in the school community on how to address and respond to a suicide or other traumatic death that profoundly affects the school population. With in-depth references and detailed plans, this resource outlines a response strategy that reflects the challenges schools face in dealing with a death within the school community. Also included are references and support materials that allow school leaders to recognize and reduce the risk of suicide contagion behavior within the school | Curriculum |
Lifelines: Postvention (A) | A comprehensive, whole-school program specifically designed for middle and high school communities. This unique program educates everyone in the school community on how to address and respond to a suicide or other traumatic death that profoundly affects the school population. With in-depth references and detailed plans, this resource outlines a response strategy that reflects the challenges schools face in dealing with a death within the school community. Also included are references and support materials that allow school leaders to recognize and reduce the risk of suicide contagion behavior within the school | Curriculum |
My Feeling Better Workbook: Help for Kids Who are Sad & Depressed | 40 simple, effective activities to teach kids to: cope with sad feelings, reach out to others, and develop positive self-image. | Book |
A Cry For Help | Most suicidal young people don't really want to die, they must want their pain to end. Teen suicide is often preventable if people know the signs to look for and the steps to take when they suspect a friend is suicidal. | DVD |
Suicide Awareness & Prevention | This program explores the reality of suicide among teens and presents solutions. Among them: social support, communication, abstinence from illicit drugs, access to medical and mental health resources & good problem-solving skills. | DVD |
Lifelines: Prevention (A) | Lifelines is a comprehensive, whole-school suicide prevention curriculum for implementation in middle school and high school. This curriculum includes a program guide, a CD-ROM with reproducible handouts, and two DVD's. Lifelines addresses the whole school community by providing suicide awareness resources for school administrators, faculty and staff members, parents and students. | Video-Based Curriculum |
When Nothing Matters Anymore | A step-by-step guide for youth/teens to understand/identify depression, how to get help, and how to stay healthy. | Book |
A Reason to Live | The honesty and openness of the individuals in this film bring us face-to-face with depression, a mental illness that can result in suicide. The film enables young adults, families and gatekeepers to feel more comfortable talking about depression and suicidal behavior. | DVD |
Real People: Identifying Depression, Preventing Suicide | A group of teens discuss the signs & symptoms that may tell you a friend is thinking about suicide. | DVD |
There's Always Help: Suicide Prevention | At some point everyone goes through very stressful and anxious situations. Those experiences can be very hard to cope with and lead to feelings of extreme sadness, anger and depression. Sometimes teens may feel like their situations are hopeless and think that one way to get relief from the bad feelings is to escape through suicide. This program will discuss the warning signs of suicide, what adolescents can do to help prevent it, and how to cope with suicide. | DVD |
Preventing Youth Suicide | This resource book helps professional to identify and understand youth at risk. Shares prevention strategies and provides tools to assess suicide risk, programs, and curricula to educate and prevent. | Book |
Lifelines: Intervention (A) | The Lifelines Intervention CD-ROM contains reproducible materials for school administrators and staff members as well as a slide show presentation that highlights important concepts from the manual and explains techniques for effective assessment interviews. The videos on the Lifelines Intervention DVD demonstrate techniques that counselors and other school resource staff can use to deal with challenging situations they may face when interviewing at-risk students as well as their parents or guardians. A teaching guide that helps explain the videos can be found on the CD-ROM. | Curriculum |
Lifelines: Prevention (B) | The Lifelines CD-ROM contains all the handouts needed to implement the program, including resources for school administrators, faculty and staff members, parents & caregivers, and students. The CD-ROM also includes two powerpoint presentations. The Lifelines DVD contains two videos that are used during the student sessions. A bonus DVD, called "Not My Kid: What Every Parent Should Know", is also included. | Curriculum |
Lifelines: Postvention (C) | A comprehensive, whole-school program specifically designed for middle and high school communities. This unique program educates everyone in the school community on how to address and respond to a suicide or other traumatic death that profoundly affects the school population. With in-depth references and detailed plans, this resource outlines a response strategy that reflects the challenges schools face in dealing with a death within the school community. Also included are references and support materials that allow school leaders to recognize and reduce the risk of suicide contagion behavior within the school. | Book |
Depression: A Teen?s Guide to Survive and Thrive | Teens get a great deal of information and guidance on many things from study skills to college admissions to test taking?and the list goes on. But many teens get no direct instruction about how to manage difficult emotions. This lack of direction can be hard because teens are at an age vulnerable to depression. While people often use the word "depression" to describe a momentary mood, the same term is also used to label a more serious and long-lasting problem that can interfere with many aspects of a person?s life. It's that second definition that is the focus of this book. Depression: A Teen?s Guide to Survive and Thrive?is a guidebook for teenagers who are depressed or at risk for depression, full of useful information, helpful self-reflection quizzes, and easy-to-do exercises. This guide discusses depression and provides guidance on cognitive?behavioral therapy principles to help teens take a problem-solving, strategy-based approach to deal with depressed moods, thoughts, and behavior.?Intended to serve as an adjunct to therapy, this is a very practical and easy-to-read book that is not overwhelming for teens.? | Book |
Reasons For Hope, Reasons To Live: Preventing Youth Suicide | This video emphasizes the hopeful message that suicides can be prevented. It focuses on the preventative actions that students can take if they are having thoughts of suicide or know of others who are at risk. It features the real stories of young people who found help after making an attempt or having suicidal ideation. Evidence and research-based, the program helps students: Understand protective factors that decrease the risk of suicide. Recognize the importance of seeking help and identifying trusted adults who can provide that help. Identify the factors that increase the risk of suicide. Know the warning signs that a friend or classmate may be thinking of suicide. Realize the importance of not "keeping a secret" when a friend or classmate is at risk. Appreciate that there are effective treatments for depression and other mental health problems. Includes: video, plus teacher?s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format. BONUS FEATURE: A second video on the DVD is directed at parents and teachers. A leading suicide prevention expert will help them understand the extent of the problem of suicide by teens. The expert dispels common misconceptions, describes how to identify at-risk students and emphasizes what parents and teachers can de to prevent suicides. Click on the?View Video?button below to watch Preventing Teenage Suicide: A Film for Teachers and Parents | DVD |
Adding Assets Series for Kids, The: Smart Ways to Spend Your Time | This book helps you add constructive use of time to life. Stories tell about kids who are doing this for themselves. In between are ideas for students to try. Some are quick and easy and some take time. Some can be done alone, and some will need other people. | Book |
Adding Assets Series, The: Knowing and Doing What's Right | This book helps students add positive values to their lives. Stories tell about kids who are doing this for themselves. In between are ideas to try at home. Some are quick & easy, some take time. Some can be done alone, some need other people. | Book |
Hidden Treasure of Assets | Teach young people about the 40 developmental assets and the consequences of risky behaviors in a fun, board game format. Guide a discussion that challenges youth to recognize their own strengths, set goals & make positive choices. | Game |
Jenga-Life size | Life Size Jenga | Game |
An Asset Builder's Guide to Service Learning | This guide assists youth workers, educators and community builders in making the connections between asset building and service-learning. This guide is intended to assist those who seek to develop strategies for doing service-learning in ways that maximize its asset building potential. | Book |
An Asset Builder's Guide to Youth Leadership | Presented in this workbook are 18 keys to helping young people become effective leaders in their schools, congregations, & community. | Book |
Safe Places to Learn | This book provides teachers, counselors, and other caring adults with the resources they need to lead students through 21 lessons that include role playing & team building. | Book |
Ideas That Cook | This is a book of activities that build developmental assets. | Book |
Best of Building Assets Together (The) | Engaging group activities and handouts tackle everything from the fun-role play and designing custom license plates to the serious, such as discussing tough topics like drug use and sexual activity. This book offers everything you need to make your after-school program or youth group successful. | Book |
A Quick-Start Guide to Building Assets in Your School | Ideas that will help make an immediate difference in your classroom and professional life. | Book |
You Have to Live It! | Several teacher & school administrators talk about how focusing on building developmental assets in their schools has created positive changes in the school. Gives suggestions of a variety of ideas that have been put in place. | DVD |
Great Places to Learn (B) | Both practical and inspirational, this book offers hope for the successful outcomes all educators desire. Here you'll find the optimism and the concrete tools needed to make every school a great place to learn. | Book |
Dominoes | Dominoes is a single or multiplayer logic domino game. | Game |
Dealing With Divorce Game | Designed as a displacement tool to be used in a noncompetitive setting. The goal of the game is to facilitate children's discussion on issues and feelings which they may find difficult to explore. | Game |
Please Come Home | A book about divorce and learning and growing. | Book |
Dinosaurs Divorce | Dinosaurs divorce will help children understand divorce words, why it happens, what about you, living with one parent and visiting another, having 2 homes, dealing with holidays, step families, and telling your friends. | Book |
Divorce Game | As students move around the colorful gameboard, they answer questions that deal with feelings and divorce experiences. Facing situations in this noncompetitive group setting makes it easier for children to discuss issues and feelings which they may find difficult to explore. The cards contain a variety of questions which, by picking and choosing appropriate cards, allow leaders to use this game with a broad range of age levels. Includes directions, gameboard, divorce experience cards, feeling cards, die, and playing pieces. | Game |
Was it the Chocolate Pudding? A story for little kids about divorce | When a young boys parents divorce, he thinks it's because of the chocolate pudding he and his brother smeared all over the wall. If only he had brought a spoon! With this gentle story, young children can begin to understand that divorce is about grown-up problems, while getting comforting answers to their most pressing questions. | Book |
I Don't Want To Talk About It | A story about divorce for young children | Book |
Don't Fall Apart on Saturdays! | The author writes directly to children on a one-on-one basis and discusses the problems they experience when their parents divorce. The book also suggests ways they can help themselves get through this difficult time. | Book |
Kid Connection on Divorce (The) | An innovative seven-session program which combines songs and activities to help students, preschool to second grade, cope with divorce-related problems.The first six sessions each include an original song. The songs are of varied styles including: Country and Western, Rap, Reggae, Rock, and Popular. Learning activities are also included in each session. The activities include: singing, games, discussions, and drawing. In session seven, the concepts presented in the first six sessions are reinforced as the children play Kid Bingo.It is an interesting, fun, and positive way to help students whose families are experiencing divorce. | Book |
How Do I Feel About My Parents' Divorce | A storybook about divorce. It discusses what a divorce is, why it happens, what happens, difficult feelings and how to get to feeling OK about it all. | Book |
Buckle Up! Child Passenger Safety Program Grades 3-6 | Buckle Up! is a prevention-oriented program designed to enable children to identify potential dangers of riding in a car and to practice passenger safety rules. | Video-Based Curriculum |
It's My Choice | The consequences of choosing to drive under the influence of drugs and alcohol. This movie was made by students in Vermillion. | DVD |
Driver's Edge: Lessons from the Edge | Picking up where traditional forms of driver's education leave off, Driver's Edge teaches things you might not be learning anywhere else. | DVD |
Safe Driving for Teens | This program presents teens with a crucial strategy for safe driving: don't be stupid behind the wheel. Includes testimonials from car crash survivors. Stresses the importance of not goofing off while driving, wearing a seat belt and the seriousness of drunk driving. | DVD |
It Can Happen to You: Drunk Driving, Edited Version | During candid interviews, law enforcement officers and relatives of crash victims share their personal experiences with drunk driving. The consequences of a DUI are also discussed, including legal problems and the greater pain of injury and death. | DVD |
Danger Behind the Wheel: The Facts about Distracted Driving | This video reveals the truth about distracted driving risks through scientific research and unforgettable real-life stories. Armed with these facts, teens will be better prepared to identify the risks, make smart choices and perhaps even save lives. | DVD |
Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics | What happens to vehicles and their occupants in crashes is determined by science. You can't argue with the laws of physics, says Griff Jones, an award winning high school physics teacher who goes behind the scenes at the Institute's Vehicle Research Center to explore the basic science behind car crashes. | DVD |
Almost Home (Video) | Four separate stories of how drowsy driving caused serious accidents. | Video |
Winter Driving School | This DVD explores winter vehicle preparation, braking situations, skid control, cornering control, accident avoidance and more. | DVD |
Can I Borrow the Car | Crash rates for beginning drivers are much higher than for older drivers. This DVD listens to 16-year-olds tell why they want their driver\'s licenses and what driving means to them. Parents of teenagers who died in crashes tell how the tragedies happened and how their families have been affected. The focus is on ways to reduce the crashes by limiting higher-risk driving by beginning 16-year-olds. | DVD |
Driving Skills for Life | DVD presented by Ford Motor Company. This DVD concentrates on four key driving skills believed to be significant in preventing crashes: hazard recognition, vehicle handling, space management, speed management. | DVD |
Almost Home | Four separate stories of how drowsy driving caused serious accidents. Rusty's Regret (3:22) | DVD |
Another Smash Hit | The National Safety Council estimates that at least one million crashes, 28% of the total, are caused each year by using cellphones and texting while driving. If you text and drive, a serious accident is inevitable. Twenty-nine states currently have laws in place regarding texting and driving. Another Smash Hit is the?only DVD available?to teach all drivers?about the?consequences of texting and driving. | DVD |
Teens and Trucks Share the Road | Teens and Truck DVD: Full length video with segments including: Cutting off trucks, blind spots, following to close, turns, moving off road. PDF files include: Lesson Plan, Student Workbook, Course Handout. Share the Road key points include: Don't cut in front of trucks, watch out for blind spots or the "no zone" around large trucks and buses, follow trucks at a safe distance, watch for trucks making wide right and left turns, if you break down pull off the highway as far as you can. Sharing the Road with Trucks is a simple concept, but one that repeatedly needs to be emphasized to automobile drivers, particular new drivers. The Arizona Trucking Association's "Share the Road" (STR) Program began in 2004 under a grant from the Arizona Governor's Office of Highway Safety. Volunteer and staff presenters travel throughout the State of Arizona spreading the message of how to safely share the road with big trucks, while also promoting safety belt use and sharing other safety information with the public. | DVD |
Recognizing the Drowsy Driver | Talks about different stories about falling asleep behind the wheel. Breaking Nite Discussion, Father's Loss Discussion, Sample Press Announcement, Fact sheet, warning signs | DVD |
Young Drivers: The High Risk Years | Getting a driver's license is a rite of passage for teenagers, but it also marks the start of their most dangerous years on the road. Teen drivers have much higher crash rates than adults. This video highlights the stories of three teens whose lives ended to soon and examines common factors such as inexperience, immaturity, and speeding that lead to many crashes involving you, novice drivers. | DVD |
Deadly Consequences | This is the story of 3 powerful stories about drunk driving. The Crash, Left Behind and Choices. Based on a true story. | DVD |
Teens At The Wheel | A driver's licence is rite of passage and doorway to freedom. This DVD reviews what can happen to teens, crashes, victims and how to make them safer drivers. | DVD |
Turning Point: Roadway Work Zone Safety for New Drivers | A tool kit for driver trainers that includes an Instructors Guide, DVD, Interactive Driving Program CD, Searchable Resources CD, Supplemental Posters and Turning Point Campaign Information on work zone safety. | Other |
Decision Driving | This CD-ROM video offers an approach to safe driving that enables viewers to translate sensory information while driving into informed decisions. Highlights five important driving skills. | Other |
Asleep At The Wheel: The Dangers of Drowsy Driving | This DVD takes and in-depth look at the phenomenon of drowsy driving and the dangers associated with it by presenting hard-hitting facts and linking them with real-life stories about people whose lives were affected by drowsy driving. This DVD will help young drivers understand that falling asleep behind the wheel of a car is a serious danger comparable to drunk driving, and should be treated as the genuine hazard it is. | DVD |
2009 South Dakota Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Summary | This publication identifies all types of crash statistics, including alcohol impairment, distracted driving and a host of other data elements. | Book |
Novice Driver's Road Map: An 8-step Guide for Parents(The) | This booklet is packed with information on how to be a successful driving coach and includes tips on avoiding risky driving behaviors, what to expect from your novice driver, as well as a parent-teen agreement. | Book |
Buckle Up! Child Passenger Safety Program Grades K-2 | Buckle Up! is a prevention-oriented program designed to enable children to identify potential dangers of riding in a car and to practice passenger safety rules. | Video-Based Curriculum |
Road Ahead (The): Stay Safe at the Wheel | Are teens safe drivers? This video, geared toward parents, provides startling facts regarding teen driving. Designed to help parents prepare their young drivers. Contains some graphic scenes from the documentary \"Smashed.\" Resource folder included. | DVD |
Real Teen Driving (A) | Follows four teens through everyday driving experiences during prom season. Learn from what they say and how they drive. | Video/DVD |
Make Your Mark | Make Your Mark is DVD based on teens touched by people who either are donors or have received organ donations in the Minnesota area. This DVD would be a good resource for driver's Ed teachers to show and explains why you want to check donor on your drivers license. | DVD |
Speed Kills: Preventing Teen Driving Fatalities (A) | This program was created in order to place a new emphasis on limiting reckless and careless driving behaviors such as speeding and to help young drivers recognize and avoid these behaviors in themselves and in others. To the inexperienced driver, speeding and thoughtlessness are potentially just as dangerous as drinking and driving. | DVD |
Low Visibility & Driving | Explains visibility problems drivers may have and how to safely handle those problems. | DVD |
Safe Winter Driving Considerations | Winter driving problems and how to drive safely in these unsafe situations. | DVD |
Defensive Driving Course Self-Study Program | When you have completed this session, you should be able to identify risky attitudes and behaviors that cause problems on the road, explain the difference between good driving and defensive driving, explain what it means to be a defensive driver, identify whether a collision was preventable, list the three basic steps in collision avoidance, explain how to consistently recognize driving hazards, list personal benefits of improving driving attitudes and behaviors. Includes participant guide | DVD |
Driving in Bad Weather | This DVD demonstrates how to respond to bad weather driving situations. | DVD |
Defensive Driving | NASCAR Rookie of the Year David Reutimann shares his expertise as host of this dynamic, highly informative series. A strong foundation for safety oriented driving education, Reutimann\'s guidance emphasizes that driving can be a fun, positive experience, that it is a privilege, not a right and that the most important piece of driving equipment is between the ears. | DVD |
Reality Matters: Risky Business | With adolescence comes new independence, and the temptation to break the rules. Teenagers often believe that they are invincible. When they get a driver\'s license, it opens the door to a whole new world of risk-taking. In this program we will take a look at some of the devastating results that occur when kids take risks without fully considering the consequences. | DVD |
Driving Stupid | This program dramatizes that most teens overestimate their driving skills and underestimate the risks involved in texting while driving, driving drowsy and driving under the influence. True to life stories accentuate these very real dangers. A young woman describes how a driver who was texting caused a crash that killed her parents and left her with severe injuries. Another teen describes falling asleep while driving and how the resulting crash left him wheelchair bound for life. A trauma center nurse and a police officer describe the kinds of injuries they have seen for teenage victims of crashes due to alcohol and drugs. The film also shows teens participating in a driving skills program that safely exposes them to a variety of hazards and teaches them the importance of developing safe driving skills. | DVD |
Drug-Free Workplace | A workbook on how to create a drug-free workplace. The reasons why you should, the cost, the steps to accomplish this and the policies needed. | Book |
Making Your Workplace Drug Free | A kit for employers. | Book |
Teens in Action: #1 Survive and Thrive | Learn the five keys of character; what's up with your brain these days; what your parents are thinking; the power of choice; school success; challenges of teen life: drugs, sexuality, and violence. TEENS IN ACTION is a high-energy, video-based program for ages 11 to 16 - the crucial tween and early teen years - designed to teach important communication skills while helping teens understand the dangers of risky behavior, such as alcohol and drug abuse. Teens may act like they know it all, but they are full of questions and are eager to learn how to succeed in the adult world. This series is a fun way to help them understand changes in their bodies and brains; communicate in a mature way with adults and others; develop skills for resisting negative peer pressure; and learn techniques for peaceful conflict resolution. | DVD |
Drugged Marijuana, Cocaine and Ecstasy | Getting "high" can be an unquenchable desire, one that impacts the human body of the first time recreational user and severe addict alike. National Geographic goes beneath the skin to reveal how our bodies react to three common drugs: marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy. Drugged reveals just what the human body undergoes when drugs are introduced to its organs. Cutting-edge imaging techniques delve deep inside the lungs, heart, blood vessels and brain to give a unique inside-out perspective on its heart-racing, palm sweating and mind warping effects. Episodes include: Drugged: High on Marijuana, Drugged: High on Cocaine, and Drugged: High on Ecstasy. Each segment lasts about 45 mins. | DVD |
Secret Addiction Overcoming Your Marijuana Dependency | After almost a decade of living a life behind a veil of smoke and many failed attempts at quitting, Tony DeRamus began his journey of discovering the answers to abstaining from what most people consider to be a harmless drug, a non-addictive drug. For many of those who are trapped in this cloud of smoke, know this is far from the truth. Sadly, many of those individuals simply do not know how to find their way out. Although The Secret Addiction began as a personal quest, Dr. DeRamus quickly realized that there was very limited information specifically for marijuana addicts. Yes, the topic of addiction is extremely popular, but marijuana addicts consider themselves different and many times can't relate to a program focused mainly on alcohol or cocaine. The Secret Addiction will help guide those who are looking for the answers to escaping their dependency on marijuana whether it has been two years or twenty years. Compiled with the latest research, questionnaires, motivational and behavioral strategies, The Secret Addiction has been written exclusively for the marijuana user | Book |
Intervention Episode 26: Follow-Up | Antwahn and Rachel both went through the intervention process and enter treatment facilities. One has been able to stay sober. One hasn't. This video is the story of their lives before and after intervention. | DVD |
Drink Spiking: Awareness and Avoidance | Drink spiking is now a social and health problem of alarming proportions. This program explains what drink spiking is and helps prevent vulnerability to drink spiking and date rape. Highlighting the growing prevalence of the crime and how it is likely to occur, the video examines substances commonly used in drink spiking-including their street names and their physical, emotional and social effects. This video does include references to drinking alcohol and may not be appropriate for teens. Also, the statistics used come mostly from Europe & Australia. Has good recommendations, though for how to stay safe when out in social situations and also let's the perpetrator know that drink spiking is illegal and there are punishments. | DVD |
Too Good For Drugs - 1 | First-graders meet Carmen the Cool Cat as they work together to make healthy choices, build friendships, and learn that they are too good for drugs. The evidence-based Too Good for Drugs program teaches students about the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco and safe and healthy ways to use medications. | Curriculum |
Too Good For Drugs - 2 | Second graders meet Wagner and his cast of furry friends as they discover how to set reachable goals and make responsible decisions. Students go on a scavenger hunt to find classmates who respond to their emotions in healthy ways, use I-messages to help Wagner communicate assertively, and practice their active listening skills with their Listen Up Pups. Students help Wagner manage peer pressure from his classmates and learn strategies for refusing the pressure. With the help of their band of healthy superheros they learn to handle mistakes in healthy ways. Students help Wagner?s friends learn about the safe use prescription and over-the-counter medications and help Wagner make healthy choices so he can make it to hockey practice before he runs out of energy. Daily Workouts, Home Workouts, and cross-curricular activities follow each lesson so students can practice and apply the concepts developed in each lesson at home and with their peers. | Curriculum |
101 Ready-to-Use Drug Prevention Activities | This terrific classroom resource contains fun and educational activities. Reproducible Student Activity Sheets are provided for easy use, and each activity is correlated to the National Education Standards for developing health-literate students. | Book |
Too Good For Drugs - 3 | Students rocket to Really Planet with Junior Scientist Fredge as he manages his stress to finish his space drone on time and become an Ace Scientist. Then students take a journey inside the body with Careless Charlee and Her Magnificent Machine as they learn from her organs about the health risks of taking mysterious pills.? Additional activities include using effective communication skills to troubleshoot Otto?s power failure, applying action poetry to learn and remember the steps to good decision making, and a card game to identify healthy friendships. Daily Workouts, Home Workouts, and cross-curricular activities follow each lesson so students can practice and apply the concepts developed in each lesson at home and with their peers. | Curriculum |
Drug Prevention: What Kids Need to Know | This program defines a drug as any substance that changes the way your brain and body work. Students learn the benefits of medicine when taken properly, the dangers of using tobacco, alcohol and marijuana, and easy ways to stand up for themselves in the face of peer pressure. After viewing this program students will understand how drug and alcohol can damage developing bodies, recognize what constitutes substance abuse, develop skills to resist peer pressure, and learn the serious consequences of taking illegal drugs. From taking a friends cough medicine to secretly drinking beer, youngsters learn the way drugs and alcohol affects the way they act and feel. | DVD |
Too Good For Drugs - 4 | Students embark on a canoe trip to discern positive and negative friendship qualities and take on super powers as Captain Funderwear and Princess Glitter Blast to learn the dangerous consequences of unsafe use of prescription medications. Other activities include an A-mazing maze to identify the steps to making good decisions, a car race to find healthy ways to manage emotions, and role-plays for mastering peer-pressure refusal strategies. | Curriculum |
Brain Power! Junior Scientists NIDA | This introductory Brain Power mission is designed to encourage the students to think about drugs, and their impact on our society. They will be asked to think about the differences between legal and illegal drugs and to find examples in the media that show how drugs are presented. The students may be surprised to discover that drugs are mentioned often in all types of media. After making this observation, they will have a better understanding of why drug use is a pervasive problem in our society. | Book |
Positive Action Elementary Drug Supplement Preview Kit | Positive Action Elementary Drug Curriculum Box- This widely recognized, proven model focuses on teaching and reinforcing the positive actions to develop the whole self- physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally for a successful, happy and healthy life. Lessons help students learn that "drug abuse takes pieces out of the whole me."The kit includes instructor?s manual, instructor?s resource CD, behavior management booklet, student activity sheets and supply list. The curriculum is in 6 units Unit 1- Self-Concepts: What It Is, How It?s Formed, and Why It?s Important (Philosophy and Circle) Unit 2- Physical & Intellectual Positive Actions for a Healthy Body & Mind Unit 3- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Managing Yourself Responsibly Unit 4- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Getting Along with Others by Treating Them the Way You Like to Be Treated (Social Skills & Character Unit 5- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Being Honest with Yourself & Others (Mental Health) Unit 6- Social & Emotional Positive Actions for Improving Yourself Continually Utilizing Three Tiers Tier I- Universal: High Quality Instruction Tier II- Targeted: Small Group Instruction Tier III- Individual Intensive Intervention | Curriculum |
Too Good For Drugs - 5 | Students strap on their spurs as they enter the Old West with Outrage Otis and witness his hard-learned lesson about managing emotions. Then they set sail with Captain Goldsworthy to use their effective communication skills to find buried treasure. Expanding on previous teachings, diagrams highlight the negative effects of alcohol use on the developing brain and the negative health risks of misusing prescription and over the counter medicines. The lessons further review the negative effects of nicotine and tobacco use and THC and marijuana use on the body as well as their goal-compromising effects. | Curriculum |
Too Good For Drugs - 6 | Sixth-grade students navigate their way to a healthy future in Too Good for Drugs for Grade 6. This evidence-based program mitigates risk equipping students with the self-confidence to refuse peer pressure and influence and resist substance use. Core social-emotional skills like setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, effective communication, and managing emotions are applied in select lessons to teach students the short and long-term health effects of abusing alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, and street drugs and the misuse of prescription and over the counter medicines. | Curriculum |
Too Good For Drugs - 7 | Too Good for Drugs for Grade 7 builds social emotional capacity for drug fee living through a fun and interactive journey of setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, managing emotions, and refusing negative peer pressure and building healthy relationships. Students strengthen their ability to set and reach personal goals, plan their actions, evaluate their choices, and develop the skills to solve problems exploring how goals, peers, media, and family influence their decisions. Students identify healthy alternatives to drugs and resolve problems through healthy, pro-social strategies. Each scripted lesson includes interactive activities presenting the negative effects of alcohol use on the developing brain and the negative health risks of misusing prescription and over the counter medicines. The lessons further review the negative effects of nicotine and tobacco use and THC and marijuana use on the body as well as their goal-compromising effects. | Curriculum |
Too Good For Drugs - 8 | Students learn what it takes to stay on course toward a well-designed future in Too Good for Drugs Grade 8. Essential Social and Emotional Learning skills are put to work to build self-esteem, self efficacy, and positive expectations for the future as students learn to set and reach goals, make responsible decisions identify and manage their emotions and the emotions of others, learn effective communication skills and build positive pro-social relationships. Students?also learn?the effects of alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, and prescription and over the counter drugs on the developing teenage body and brain so they can make informed decisions and remain drug-free. Students are presented with scenarios common in middle-school life as they explore the negative consequences of drug use. Interactive games and activities promote a cooperative learning environment to engage and reach all students and promote healthy relationships to prepare them to be successful and drug-free in high school. | Curriculum |
Mind Over Matter: The Brain's Response to Drugs (B) | This is the teachers edition of the series which is designed to encourage youngsters in grades 5-9 to learn about the biological effects of drug abuse on the body and the brain | Book |
Wise Highs | This book describes more than 150 ways to feel really, really good- naturally, safely and creatively, not with alcohol or other drugs. | Book |
Teen Files: The Truth About Drugs (A) | An in-depth look at the dangers of drugs and their effects. A number of organizations from realities of drug use & overdose to four teens and their families by showing them what it is like to live a drug nightmare. (2 copies | Video |
Substance Abuse Prevention Cube | This inflatable cube is a great way to address the consequences of drug abuse. Students roll the cube and use the word on the inside cube and the substance pictured on the outside cube to start a discussion. Can be used in large and small groups. | Game |
Pharm Parties: A Lethal Mix | This video will help students learn the seriousness of abusing prescription drugs. Through a combination of personal stories and alarming statistics, the program arms students with the knowledge they need to avoid harmful situations involving prescription medication, understand the consequences of prescription drug abuse and be ready to react appropriately if they find themselves in a dangerous situation involving pharmaceuticals. | DVD |
Teen Files: Truth About Drugs (A) | An in-depth look at the dangers of drugs and their effects. A numbers of organizations from realities of drug use & overdose to four teens and their families by showing them what it is like to live a drug nightmare | Video |
Teen Files: Truth About Drugs School Version (B) | 'An in-depth look at the dangers of drugs and their effects. A numbers of organizations from realities of drug use & overdose to four teens and their families by showing them what it is like to live a drug nightmare. (2 copies | Video |
Legal But Deadly: Abusing Prescription Drugs | Prescription drugs like OxyContin, Ritalin, Vicodin, Xanax and codeine - many teens don?t realize how dangerous their experimentation can be. DVD highlights several recent cases of teens that became addicted to prescription drugs and the resulting consequences. | Video |
Abusing Over-The-Counter Drugs | Many over-the-counter drugs are misused by teens?from cold remedies to pain killers to diet pills. This program explores the most common abuses of OTC drugs and shows the chemical, biological and psychological damage that can result from abuse. | DVD |
Substance Abuse Prevention Activities | This workbook includes reproducible, ready-to-use activities and worksheets to help in sparking meaningful discussions relating to substance abuse prevention. | Book |
Real People: Legal But Dangerous OTC & RX Drugs | Students learn the dangers of taking OTC & prescription medications to get high. | DVD |
Real Life Teens: Drug Abuse Beyond Marijuana and Alcohol | Teens are finding more and more substances to get high. Substances like cough syrup, prescription medications and duster spray are easy to get for teens and have become a problem in the teen population. This video gives young people advice & support from other teens as to the dangers of using these drugs and any other substances to get high. | DVD |
Bath Salts: The Deadly Facts | Bath salts are the newest drug scourge to hit the US. This program gives viewers the hard-core truth about this highly addictive substance which causes intense paranoia, psychosis and suicidal thoughts. | DVD |
Know the Score: The Dangers of Performance Enhancing Drugs | This video identifies the different performance enhancing drugs, explains the health consequences of using these drugs and reaffirms the notion of fair play to maintain integrity in sports | DVD |
Rushing, Crashing, Dying: The Meth Epidemic | Program takes viewers on a tour of the disastrous consequences of methamphetamine abuse. Going beyond the health risks of this increasingly popular drug, recovering meth addicts describe damage to family relationships, burns and disfigurement from lab explosions, and the problems they face finding work or completing school. Beginning with a police raid on a lab, this documentary style DVD interviews law enforcement authorities, hospital ER doctors, social workers, and recovered addicts and their families, to show the horrors of meth abuse. Viewers learn how meth destroys the brain and body of users, how meth lab toxins poison children living in and near the meth labs, how police, emergency services, and social services are overwhelmed by the epidemic. The wide path of destruction cut by meth abuse is vividly portrayed the personal costs to meth addicts and to society of unfulfilled dreams, destroyed lives, broken families and devastated communities. | DVD |
Pothead | Pothead tells the fictional story of Trevor, a teen becoming gradually addicted to marijuana as his grades slip, his relationships with his parents and friends become strained, and his motivation to do things other than smoking marijuana diminishes. As Trevor?s downward spiral plays out, the program weaves in interviews with real teens who were potheads, but managed to turn their lives around. Their stories provide a thought provoking counterpoint to Trevor?s story, underscoring the message that addicted teens can change their lives for the better. | DVD |
How Addiction Hijacks the Brain | This program drives home the message that drug addiction is a disease of the brain and that teens are at highest risk for acquiring this disease. Stephen Dewey and other leading scientists detail how drugs like heroin, nicotine, cocaine and marijuana change the brain, subvert the way it registers pleasure and corrupt learning and motivation. Young recovering addicts provide a human face to the effects of drugs and alcohol as they describe how addiction involves intense craving for a drug and loss of control over its use. Viewers also learn that the brain?s plasticity?or ability to change?offers hope for addicts that they can turn their lives around.?Includes: video, plus teacher's resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format | DVD |
Nightmare on Drug Street | This powerful video contrasts two drug use realities: the road to death versus the road to recovery. A harrowing nightmare sequence of a young girl?s tragic street journey to death is intercut with testimonials from kids who have triumphed over their drug problems. This program encourages students to take control of their lives and understand that use, abuse, and addiction to alcohol and drugs are not the ways to meet life head-on. Too often, substance abusers only remember the good side of a high. Nightmare on Drug Street shows the ugly side | DVD |
Drugs are a Losing game! | Steer players away from drug and alcohol abuse with this informative game. Contrasts the negative consequences of substance abuse - jail time, loss of possessions, and more - against the positive results of a drug- and alcohol-free lifestyle. For 2 or more players or teams. Grade 3-Adult. | Game |
Truth About Drugs | Enclosed are dvd's "Foundation for a Drug Free World" and "Truth about Drugs: Real People, Real Stories", presenting the international scope of our Truth about Drugs program. This kit also includes a full array of The Truth About Drugs educational campaign. | DVD |
Truth about Drugs: Marijuana the Myth | It's no wonder kids are abusing marijuana when they hear "Marijuana is natural" or "It can't hurt you" or "It only stays in your system for thirty days." Show peer pressures and taped live in classroom impression on what marijuana is! Help kids understand how drugs really affect a person's life. | DVD |
Danger Zone Steering Clear of Drugs | This three part series and accompanying print curriculum teaches students in grades 3-5 the very latest research based information about the dangers of drugs they are likely to encounter, choices and options related to such exposure, and refusal skills to arm them in peer pressure situations where they might be tempted to try drugs. Colorful animation, dramatic vignettes and on-screen quizzes keep students entertained and engrossed while at the same time, imparting crucial information whose intent is to keep them drug free. Highlights of the video/print curriculum include the latest information on how the young brain works and how drugs can damage it, the short and long- term effects of these substances on the body and why self-esteem and self worth are better fostered without drugs. | DVD |
Emerging Drugs of Abuse | Newspaper headlines are filled with horror stories about the devastating effects of new synthetic drugs like Spice and K2 (synthetic marijuana) and bath salts (a cocaine substitute). This powerful, no-nonsense video shows teens how underground labs profit by concocting new compounds that mimic the effects of illegal drugs. Filmed in a gritty, documentary style, former users pull no punches as they tell your students just how dangerous these new drugs are. Law enforcement is stretched thin trying to keep up as drug dealers concoct new poisons in their basement labs including Spice, K2, bath salts, Kratom, Krokodil, Oxidado, and salvia (old but making a comeback), as well as new versions of dextromethorphan and crystal meth. The message is clear: Anyone taking these or any new, unknown drugs is risking serious injury or death. | DVD |
Marijuana and the Teenage Brain | This program informs students about the latest research on the effects of marijuana on the brain. Animated graphics clearly shows how THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, hijacks the brain?s endocannabinoid system and harms the functioning of different parts of the brain associated with coordination, cognition and intelligence, and mental illness. Clinicians who treat marijuana users forcefully explain that it?s possible to become addicted to marijuana and that the risk of addiction is higher for teenagers because their brains are not yet fully developed. The author of a long-term study cites research that shows that people who started using marijuana as teens show an average loss of 8 points in IQ. Recovering marijuana addicts provide a human face to the effects of marijuana as they describe why they started using and how use led to dependency and addiction. | DVD |
Vaping: More Dangerous than You Think | This video and print curriculum addresses the new craze of vaping drugs (nicotine, alcohol, liquid marijuana and others). Through interviews with teen users and medical professionals, this program clearly demonstrates the serious health risks of vaping, including drug overdose, instant high or drunk, alcohol poisoning, and impaired thinking and decision making. Explains that vaping delivers an unknown dose of drugs or alcohol directly to the brain. Vaping nicotine carries the additional risk of accidental swallowing of liquid nicotine which has put hundreds of teens into ERs. Vaping pens make it easy to disguise marijuana use because there is little or no odor. | DVD |
Truth About Drugs Video Program: XTASY part 1 | Ecstasy has become very popular within a matter of years. Not many people understand how dangerous ecstasy really is. One dose can kill a person. This DVD is filmed in a party environment and how they pressure you! This ecstasy drug education video reveals the chilling effects of ecstasy and how dealers trick kids into trying and buying ecstasy. | DVD |
Truth About Drugs Video Program: XTASY Part 2 | Ecstasy has become very popular within a matter of years. Not many people understand how dangerous ecstasy really is. One dose can kill a person. This DVD is filmed in a party environment and how they pressure you! This ecstasy drug education video reveals the chilling effects of ecstasy and how dealers trick kids into trying and buying ecstasy | DVD |
Truth About Drugs Video Program for Teachers | The complete Narconon drug education curriculum in video format broken down into a six-session series. Easy to use in the classroom included with worksheets and simple instructions on program administration. Learn all about how to deliver Narconon's unique approach to educate teens about drugs. Also gain social insight about drugs and why kids take drugs. | DVD |
Reality Matters: Deadly Highs | Educating students on the dangers of all the chemical substances available in their world. Has real teens talking about the devastating world of drug abuse that they got wrapped up in. | DVD |
Too Good For Drugs - HS | The evidence-based Too Good for Drugs High School prepares students with the skills they need for academic, social, and life success. Interactive games and activities provide practical guidance on dating and relationships, building healthy friendships, and refusing negative peer influence. Lessons foster analysis and discussion of the effects of ATOD use as well as prescription and OTC drug use and various nicotine delivery devices. | Curriculum |
What You Need To Know About Drug Testing In Schools | Included in this booklet are answers to questions that students, parents, school officials, & other concerned individuals might have about the process. It describes services that should be in place and it also offers case histories showing how other schools handle the situation. | Book |
Dangerous Drugs | This reference provides up to the minute information on drugs of abuse, whether illegal or legal, characteristics of users, how the drug is used, where it is found, affects on the mind, the body and behavior and much much more. | Book |
Street Drugs: A Drug Identification Guide | A full color guide book showing pictures of different types of drugs in different forms, also explains different ways drugs can be taken, the effects, signs of use and other important information. | Book |
Pot Book (The) | Exploring the role of cannabis in medicine, politics, history, and society, The Pot Book offers a compendium of the most up to date information and scientific research on marijuana from leading experts, including Lester Grinspoon, M.D., Rick Doblin, Ph.D., Allen St. Pierre (NORML), and Raphael Mechoulam. Also included are interviews with Michael Pollan, Andrew Weil, M.D., and Tommy Chong as well as a pot dealer and a farmer who grows for the U.S. Government. Encompassing the broad spectrum of marijuana knowledge from stoner customs to scientific research, this book investigates the top ten myths of marijuana; its physiological and psychological effects; its risks; why joints are better than water pipes and other harm reduction tips for users; how humanity and cannabis have evolved for millennia; the brain?s cannabis based neurochemistry; the complex politics of cannabis law; its potential medicinal uses for cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer?s, multiple sclerosis, and other illnesses; its role in creativity, business, and spirituality; and the complicated world of pot and parenting. As legalization becomes a reality, this book candidly offers necessary facts and authoritative opinions in a society full of marijuana myths, misconceptions, and stereotypes. | Book |
Treatment Episode Data Set | This publication was developed for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, Office of Applied Studies. The report provides information on treatment completion, length of stay in treatment, and demographic and substance abuse characteristics of approximately 1,000,000 discharges from alcohol or drug treatment facilities that report to individual state administrative data systems. | Book |
Misuse of Prescription Drugs, Data From the 2002, 2003 &2004 National Surveys on Drug Use & Health | Report prepared by the Division of Population Surveys, Office of Applied Studies, SAMHSA, and RTI International. In response to concern over the growing problem of prescription drug abuse this report was done. | Book |
Pot Book (The) | Leading experts on the science, history, politics, medicine, and potential of America?s most popular recreational drug. Covers marijuana?s physiological and psychological effects, its medicinal uses, the complex politics of cannabis law, pot and parenting, its role in creativity, business, and spirituality, and much more. Exploring the role of cannabis in medicine, politics, history, and society, The Pot Book offers a compendium of the most up-to-date information and scientific research on marijuana from leading experts, including Lester Grinspoon, M.D., Rick Doblin, Ph.D., Allen St. Pierre (NORML), and Raphael Mechoulam. Also included are interviews with Michael Pollan, Andrew Weil, M.D., and Tommy Chong as well as a pot dealer and a farmer who grows for the U.S. Government. Encompassing the broad spectrum of marijuana knowledge from stoner customs to scientific research, this book investigates the top ten myths of marijuana; its physiological and psychological effects; its risks; why joints are better than water pipes and other harm-reduction tips for users; how humanity and cannabis have co-evolved for millennia; the brain?s cannabis-based neurochemistry; the complex politics of cannabis law; its potential medicinal uses for cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer?s, multiple sclerosis, and other illnesses; its role in creativity, business, and spirituality; and the complicated world of pot and parenting. As legalization becomes a reality, this book candidly offers necessary facts and authoritative opinions in a society full of marijuana myths, misconceptions, and stereotypes. | Book |
Too Good For Drugs - K | Kindergartners learn what makes a great day as they explore the elements of setting short term goals. Tuggles the Teddy Bear will delight children as he helps them learn how to make healthy choices, identify their feelings, and bond with positive peers. This age-appropriate, interactive curriculum promotes positive youth development and drug-free living. | Curriculum |
When Drugs Came to Josh's Street | A story about what happened when drugs came to Josh\'s street. | Book |
Substance Abuse Education: I Don't Have a Problem | This program dramatizes the story of Danny, a teenager who smoked his first joint as a freshman. He graduates to snorting cocaine, repeatedly denying along the way that he has any problem. This close-up look at one teen's descent into addiction offers powerful insight into the nature of the process and helps students begin to understand just how vulnerable they are. | DVD |
Marijuana: Does Legal Mean Safe? | Many teens think that pot is harmless because some states have legalized marijuana for medical and or recreational purposes. This fact based program emphasizes that legality is not the same thing as safety and details the risks of marijuana on mental and physical health.?Clinicians talk about how the vast majority of their patients have been addicted to marijuana, and recovering addicts themselves vividly describe their struggles with addiction. Their stories illustrate how marijuana has affected their school and family lives, their ability to drive a car, and their mental health. A scientist describes her research showing that marijuana use by teens causes decline in mental functioning and IQ. The program stresses that even in states that have legalized marijuana it is still illegal for anyone under 21, and it is still illegal at the federal level. | DVD |
Brain (The): Understanding Neurobiology Through the Study of Addiction | The brain controls everything a person does. This module seeks to provide students with a fundamental knowledge of how the neurons in the brain convey information to regulate the diverse functions of the body. Also the module provides students with factual information on how drugs of abuse alter the function of the brain. | Book |
Brain (The): Understanding Neurobiology Through the Study of Addiction | The brain controls everything a person does. This module seeks to provide students with a fundamental knowledge of how the neurons in the brain convey information to regulate the diverse functions of the body. Also the module provides students with factual information on how drugs of abuse alter the function of the brain. | Book |
ABC Primetime: Family Secrets Inside Addiction | Drug addiction is a secret that can hide in plain sight. ABC News reports on an addict whose out of control behavior has always been just a camera click away Daniel Baldwin. How did he get that way, and can he stop? And what do his famous brothers think? ABC News is with him every step of the way through his ninth stint in rehab, this one could be his last chance. The hour delves into the mind of an addict, and the step-by-step, sometimes excruciating, process of ridding the mind of a drug that has taken hold of it. Baldwin gives ABC News unprecedented access over seven months, as he goes into one of the most luxurious celebrity rehabilitation centers in Malibu. He has struggled with addiction for 18 years and, with financial, health and legal problems looming, ABC News cameras track his ups and downs, his successes and failures at the $50,000 a month rehabilitation center. | DVD |
Life As a House | A heartfelt and humorous tale of a man who decides to tear down his house and winds up rebuilding the world around him. Not appropriate for school use due to language, sexuality and drug use. | DVD |
Feed Your Head | This book provides interesting information for teens on self-talk, healthy and unhealthy anger, body image, coping with crisis, depression, why people use drugs, understanding feelings, friendship, when to seek help, and other topics! | Book |
CADCA Strategizer 50: Coalitions and Drug Testing | This publication will help coalitions gain a better understanding of how drug testing fits into the prevention/intervention picture. Also provided are examples of testing in action and how coalitions can integrate drug testing into their activities. | Other |
28 Days | A big-city newspaper columnist is forced to enter a drug and alcohol rehab center after ruining her sister's wedding and crashing a stolen limousine. | DVD |
Intervention #55-Ben & Josh | Ben experienced a childhood rife with domestic violence, homelessness and isolation. He has an IQ of 170. Sadly, he found DXM and has never reached his full potential. A typical day finds Ben shoplifting, panhandling, and mindlessly roaming the streets. He even prostitutes himself to get money to buy DXM. Josh is a food addict who weighs in at 546 lbs. His father, also overweight, is a controlling person and their home life is very difficult & stressful. Josh had a girlfriend who loved him very much, but he broke up with her because he can't love himself because of his addiction. | DVD |
Intervention #3: Cutting / Vicodin Addiction | Tamela, was molested as a child and now cuts herself with razorblades. Jerrie is addicted to Vicodin and has been forging physician signatures on prescriptions and scouring the waterfront for dealers. | DVD |
Sustaining Grassroots Community-Based Programs A Toolkit for Community- and Faith-Based Service Providers | Contains six books to help grassroots organizations and faith-based organizations develop substance abuse and mental health treatment services. Discusses organizational assessment, marketing, financial management, sustainability and funding, and evaluation | Book |
What Mommy Does | This model graphically illustrates how alcohol, nicotine, and other substances can pass through the placenta and damage a fetus. | Other |
Intervention Episode 8 (Vicodin & Gambling | Tina, a wife and mother, cannot get through the day unless she takes 20 or more Vicodin tablets. She also has spent $15,000 in the last year on Bingo and pull tabs. Her husband, brother and friends plan an intervention. | DVD |
Heroin Rising: Cheap, Addictive and Deadly | Heroin use can result in significant health problems including overdose and death. This program interviews recovering teen heroin addicts to tell their cautionary stories. When, how and why did they start taking heroin? What damage did it do to their bodies and lives? How hard is it to stay clean? How many friends have OD on heroin? Drug abuse counselors add their advice and guidance | DVD |
Inhalant Abuse Prevention | Inhalant Abuse is material that helps recognize the issues and how to give advice and how to talk to kids at certain age levels. Includes stats about inhalants and what's in them, plus how they are abused. Will help with prevention and intervention ideals | Book |
Drugs Of Abuse | Drugs of Abuse lists all controlled substance, chemical control charts, introduction to drug classes, narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, marijuana/cannabis, steroids, inhalants, drugs of concern such as bath salts, dxm, salvia divinorum. Offers great pictures of the drugs, how abused, what is the effect on mind and body, overdose effects, common street names and what it looks like. | Book |
Dangerous Behaviors | Real People: Dangerous Behaviors provides educators with the material they need to help teens understand why huffing and choking are life-threatening activities, not harmless experiments to enjoy with friends. The program also shows teens who may be at risk for cutting or self-injury that there is another and better way to deal with the pain they are feeling. The program gives vital information and insight to teens that can save lives, and prevent needless suffering | DVD |
Natural Highs and the Truth About So-Called "Natural" Drugs | This video contrasts the positive effects of a true natural high and the risks and problems of relying on drugs for pleasure. Using real-life teen case studies, the program emphasizes the many benefits of learning, growing & having fun through naturally stimulating activities while also demonstrating how drugs harm the brain and body. | DVD |
High On Spice: The Dangers of Synthetic Marijuana | Viewers learn the dangers of a newly banned drug called "spice" or "K2". The program interviews drug counselors & law enforcement personnel who emphasize the dangers of experimenting with any substance that contains unknown quantities of experimental chemicals. The program clearly lays out the truth about this unpredictable drug and its potential to cause great harm. | DVD |
Marijuana: Just the Facts Please | There is still a great deal of confusion surrounding marijuana and its effects on the mind and body. This straightforward program does not preach or distort, but simply supplies students with the latest science based information. Is marijuana addictive? Does marijuana lower IQ? Is marijuana a gateway drug? Is marijuana valuable as medicine? Does marijuana use cause cancer? These and other questions are explored by scientists and physicians and contrasted with generally held opinions by the public, teenagers, and college students. | DVD |
Core Elements for Responding to Mental Health Crises: Practice Guidelines (A) | Presents guidelines to improve services for people with serious mental illness or emotional disorder who are in mental health crises. Defines values, principles, and infrastructure to support appropriate responses to mental health crises in various situations. | Book |
Core Elements for Responding to Mental Health Crises: Practice Guidelines (D) | Presents guidelines to improve services for people with serious mental illness or emotional disorder who are in mental health crises. Defines values, principles, and infrastructure to support appropriate responses to mental health crises in various situations | Book |
Core Elements for Responding to Mental Health Crises: Practice Guidelines (C) | Presents guidelines to improve services for people with serious mental illness or emotional disorder who are in mental health crises. Defines values, principles, and infrastructure to support appropriate responses to mental health crises in various situations | Book |
Core Elements for Responding to Mental Health Crises: Practice Guidelines (B) | Presents guidelines to improve services for people with serious mental illness or emotional disorder who are in mental health crises. Defines values, principles, and infrastructure to support appropriate responses to mental health crises in various situations | Book |
Methamphetamines: A Killer in Your Midst | Disc One: In order to protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of meth, you need to know what it's all about. This video explains the drug's history, its dangerous killing power and effects on people, their families and our land. You'll also get practical advice on how to look out for meth, and what to do if you suspect it. Disc Two: If you had any doubts about the destructive power of meth, you must watch this disc. You'll see meth from the eyes of a physician, law enforcement, former addicts and family members. This set is geared toward Native Americans. | DVD |
Methamphetamines: The Hard Facts | In this hard-hitting program, students will learn what methamphetamines are, how they are illegally produced in underground "labs" by drug dealers, and how addictive and deadly they are to those who experiment with them. Known by dozens of street names, these powerful central nervous system stimulants are highly addictive and can cause permanent damage to all systems of the body. The emotional roller coaster of devastation that results from methamphetamine use is also described. Viewers will hear harrowing true stories from young people who have learned the hard facts about meth, and are now struggling to regain control of their lives. The program provides viewers with many startling details, including the fact that possession of methamphetamine carries a mandatory prison sentence of at least five years. | DVD |
Crystal Meth Addiction | This book sheds light on Crystal Meth addiction and contain numerous unknown facts about this drug. By reading this book you will learn useful and lifesaving information about this addiction. If you are an abuser, you will learn about the extensive damage this drug does to the body. | Book |
No More Sunsets: The Last Days of a Meth Addict | No More Sunsets: The Last Days of a Meth Addict is a short documentary film that presents a warning to people about the drug meth by way of an object lesson: the ravage of Shawn Bridges' long-time meth use and its effect on his family. He used meth for most of his adult life, suffering his first heart attack at the age of 26. By the time he eventually quit, it became clear that the damage done was lethal. He had intended the film to be shown at his local church; instead, it sparked international attention and media coverage. Bridges died in late March 2007, age 35. | DVD |
Opioids Epidemic: How I Became a Heroin Addict | With approximately 28,000 overdose deaths a year it's very clear that America has a serious opioid problem. Add to that the recent sudden death of megastar , Prince to a fentanyl overdose and the dimensions of the problem only seems to get worse.This video looks at the opioid epidemic through the eyes of 4 recovering young addicts; Jesse, Peter, Cindy and Sam. By revealing their stories, viewers will learn how quickly and easily it is to transition from pain-killer pills to shooting up heroin. The young users talk about how they stole money from their friends and family members to get enough money to feed their habit. Two of them, Peter and Sam, attempted suicide. They also talk about hope?hope to not use again?hope to get through the pain of detox, and the hope of a better, sober life ahead. Video and print curriculum delivers a strong no-use message. Includes: Video, plus teacher?s resource book, student handouts and pre/post tests in digital format. This program is intended for teaching use in a classroom setting. | DVD |
Prescription Drug Abuse: A Prevention Video | A drug is a drug is a drug, whether it's a prescribed pain-killer, a stimulant, a depressant, or a steroid. This timely video equips teens with important information about prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs. The teacher's guide will help you get teens thinking & talking. | DVD |
High on Painkillers: Addiction and Overdose | The truth about the abuse of prescribed pain-killers is startling. Abused pain-killers such as Oxycodone, Vicodin and Methadone are responsible for more deaths than cocaine and heroin combined. According to the Centers for Disease Control, prescription pain-killers have surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States. Students learn the dynamics of pain-killer addiction and abuse through the personal stories of teens who have been hooked on legal pain killers. These teens describe the downward spiral of addiction that can eventually lead to death by overdose. Former users, physicians and drug education experts communicate the hard facts to viewers including how difficult it is for users to cope with withdrawal symptoms such as depression, anxiety, shakiness and lack of energy. | DVD |
Fentanyl: The Deadliest Opioid | This program arms viewers with the most updated information on fentanyl, an opioid drug responsible for thousands of accidental overdose deaths. The program describes how fentanyl is made in dirty, illegal labs and that drug dealers often mix it with heroin and sell it to whoever is looking for a cheap high. Viewers will learn that fentanyl is 100 times more powerful than heroin and only a minuscule amount, the equivalent of three grains of salt, is needed to kill an adult. The program also alerts viewers to a sister drug, carfentanil, which the Toronto Sun called "the drug of mass destruction," because it is 100 times more powerful than fentanyl and 10,000 times more powerful than morphine. This program speaks directly to young people in a way they will understand. The video delivers a strong no use message to anyone thinking of experimenting with fentanyl or carfentanil. | DVD |
Prescription Drugs Update | This program introduces a diverse group of young people who share their experiences about their prescription drug abuse addictions and the consequences they have suffered. The participants abused various Rx drugs: pain relievers (OxyContin and Vicodin), depressants (Xanax and Valium) and stimulants (Concerta and Adderall). The stories of their descent into addiction and destructive life choices powerfully make the point that experimenting with pharmaceuticals ?recreationally? without a doctor?s supervision is a prescription for danger. Information and recent statistics on many commonly-abused Rx drugs are provided in addition to these personal narratives. Viewers will be gripped by the video?s strong no-use message, delivered by real teens who admit that they did not realize how powerful these drugs were until it was too late. The stories include their efforts to seek help and pursue recovery from addiction. Includes 40 pg pdf guide | DVD |
Everything You Need to Know about Prescription & OTC Drugs | This fast paced video for teens dramatizes how prescription and over the counter drugs can be just as potent and addictive as illicit drugs like cocaine and heroin. We take a close look at the do's, don'ts, and dangers of these medicines including the potentially deadly impact of drugged driving. Students learn how abuse of OTC drugs can lead to addiction, overdose, and even death. They also learn to read and heed warnings against mixing medicines together and that drugs should only be used by the person for whom they are prescribed. | DVD |
Do No Harm - The Opioid Epidemic | Do No Harm: The Opioid Epidemic puts the spotlight on the worst man-made epidemic in our nation's history. Narrated by Golden Globe winning actor Ed Harris, the film talks to leading doctors, law enforcement, and other experts while following stories from more than a dozen locations including poignant narratives from recovering addicts and families with losses. In addition, it reports which drug companies are responsible for the crisis; reveals what monies Congress members have received; and focuses on those who fight back in our nation with effective, long-lasting treatment programs. Do No Harm offers hope that together we can diminish, and eventually eradicate, this devastating public health crisis. | DVD |
Chasing the Dragon: The Life of an Opiate Addict | In an effort to combat the growing epidemic of prescription drug and heroin abuse, the FBI and DEA have released "Chasing the Dragon: The Life of an Opiate Addict," a documentary aimed at educating students and young adults about the dangers of addiction. | DVD |
Effects and Hazards of Opioids | This educational folding display helps viewers understand the dangers of prescription opioid abuse and heroin use. The display covers what opioids are, their addictive nature, the relationship between prescription opioid abuse and heroin use, health effects of opioids, opioid use during pregnancy, opioid overdose and death, and getting help. An important teaching tool to combat opioid misuse and its devastating consequences. 58" x 22?" opened. Also comes with review questions. | Other |
Avoid Opioid SD Prescription Safety (A) | Avoid Opioid SD Prescription Safety Tabletop Display | Other |
Avoid Opioid SD Prescription Safety (B) | Avoid Opioid SD Prescription Safety Tabletop Display | Other |
Heroin, Fentanyl & Other Opioids | A Comprehensive Resource for Families with a Teen or Young Adult Struggling with Opioid Use. Parents and families need to be prepared with the knowledge and skills to identify opioids, spot early use and take action effectively. If your son or daughter is actively using opioids, you?re probably experiencing many negative emotions and concerns. You?re not alone in this struggle. We hope that the information and resources in this guide will empower you with the important tools and guidance you need to help you, your child and your family | Book |
Opioids: Addiction, Overdose and Death | This program, aimed at middle school and high school students clearly describes the dangers of prescription-based opioids, which have been causing thousands of overdoses and many deaths. Four young users talk about how they first started on drugs like Oxycodone or Percocet, and then spiraled down to using heroin, morphine, fentanyl, and others. | DVD |
Heroin & Prescription Painkillers: A Toolkit for Community Action | Preventing heroin and prescription painkiller abuse is a commonsense, cost-effective approach to promoting safe and healthy communities. This toolkit provides the resources for presenting targeted educational events on preventing abuse and for intervening when necessary. The Toolkit for Community Action includes: Opioid Basics, Guide for Community Leaders, Guide for Schools, Guide for Parents, Guide for Health Care Professionals, Guide for Policy Influencers, Guide for Employers, Campaign Resources, Resource Directory, and Video. | Video-Based Curriculum |
Community Toolkit to Prevent Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse | Includes PowerPoint presentations for adult and teen audiences; fact sheets for distribution to retailers, healthcare providers, schools, and parents/caregivers; handouts that can be revised to reflect YOUR community information, as well as information to assist in hosting town hall meetings and implementing a ?Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet? campaign; and information to assist in developing a Prescription/Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse Prevention Coalition/Task Force, including suggestions of key stakeholders to invite. | Other |
Prescription Drug Abuse: A National Public Health Crisis | Information on prescription drugs from the nation's leading research, enforcement, substance abuse and policy making organizations in order to offer the best educational tool available on prescription drug abuse. This customizable program contains over 80 high quality slides and detailed notes to educate the presenter as well as your audience.Sections include: Prescription Drug Overview, Emergence of the Prescription Drug Crisis, Prescription Drug Issues Among Youth and Adults, Changes in Availability, Advertising and Promotion, Actions to Reduce Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse, Reproducible Face Sheets, Creating Your Own Slides | Curriculum |
Choking Game (The) | Despite the name, this is no game. This video explains the physiology of what happens when the brain is deprived of oxygen. Some parents who have lost children to this activity are interviewed. Students will know what symptoms to look for if someone is suspected to be playing the choking game and what to do if they find themselves in a situation where this is going on. | DVD |
STOP STD.. Educator's Guide to HIV/AIDS and other STD | The Guide was written by teachers and has classroom ready to use activity sheets. Stresses life skills or behavioral skills such as decision-making, assertiveness, self control to avoid unhealthy risk taking, behavioral and provide resiliency skills. Pre/post evaluation exercise measure student's knowledge, attitudes and behavioral intentions regarding HIV/AIDS/STD. . | Curriculum |
Project Charlie's SAFE Program | This curriculum combines the same basic components taught in the Project CHarlie Drug Prevention program: self-esteem, relationships and decision making, with specific information related to physical and sexual abuse. | Curriculum |
Teens in Action: # 5 Drugs. Sexuality and Violence part 1 | DRUGS, SEXUALITY, AND VIOLENCE: Reducing the Risks Part 1. Learn ten strategies for avoiding risk; negative and positive influences; talking about sexuality | DVD |
Teens in Action: #6 Drugs, Sexuality and Violence part 2 | DRUGS, SEXUALITY, AND VIOLENCE: Reducing the Risks Part 2. Learn about the risks of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs; explore bullying and relationship violence; recognizing peer pressure (both positive and negative); confronting high-risk behavior. | DVD |
From Santa to Sexting | It's a rough, tough world for middle schoolers today. Yet the decisions they face are pivotal, affecting the whole of life. From Santa to Sexting discusses the myriad pressures middle schoolers face and empowers parents to guide and protect their children during these important years. Not long ago most kids believed in Santa Claus. Now, barely on the cusp of adolescence, they are thrust into an adult world, stripped bare of the protections afforded previous generations. Under greater pressure than ever before from the culture, school, and parental expectations middle schoolers are growing up at warp speed. Dr. Brenda Hunter and Kristen Blair courageously address hard and controversial topics the power of media in kids lives, kids experimentation with sex, alcohol, and prescription drugs, cyberbullying, and self-destructive behavior. | Book |
Developing Cultural Competence in Disaster Mental Health Programs -A | Gives background information, guiding principles, recommendations, and resources for developing culturally competent disaster mental health services. Includes suggestions for working with refugees and guidelines for using interpreters. | Book |
Developing Cultural Competence in Disaster Mental Health Programs -B | Gives background information, guiding principles, recommendations, and resources for developing culturally competent disaster mental health services. Includes suggestions for working with refugees and guidelines for using interpreters. | Book |
Question Of Intent | A Question Of Intent is a book about public policy that turns into a compelling story. This is a lucid and gripping account from the front line of the Tobacco Wars which offers extraordinary insight to what it means to regulate our corporate economy. | Book |
SD Youth Risk Behavior Survey Report 2007 | The YRBS is a questionnaire that assesses the six priority health-risk behaviors that result in the greatest amount of movability, mortality and social problems among youth. | Book |
Mystic | Trevor Howard, the sheriff of Teton County Wyoming, is contemplating an explosion of cocaine addiction, four structure fires and the murder of a six-year-old boy in his jurisdiction. The boy had a wooden cross penetrating his heart indicating a possible religious connection. Trevor has the idea of hiring a young woman deputy with experience in under cover narcotics investigation. Simultaneously, Doctor Abe Anderson, Trevor's best friend, meets Heather Cutler, acting in a play as the red headed demon of seduction. Abe falls in love with her and even more with his first experience with cocaine. Trevor is usually a confident police officer but these crimes, coming all at once, leave him feeling deeply troubled. Before it's done his whole life, friendships and family will show him how terribly he has underestimated his greatest fears. | Book |
Preventing Eating Disorders, Promoting Positive Body Images | This program helps teens accept their bodies despite media-glorified images, develop healthy eating habits, and recognize the signs of eating disorders. The facilitator's guide includes discussion questions, activity ideas, and a parent newsletter. | DVD |
What's Eating You? | This workbook takes aim at the motivation behind your relationship with food and helps you to better understand how your need to control what you eat can end up controlling you. Each worksheet includes questions and exercises targeting the cultural myths, perfectionism, stress and lack of self-confidence that are often at the heart of a dysfunctional relationship with food. | Book |
Understanding & Treating Binge Eating | This video profiles real young people who have suffered from binge eating and have learned to control it. Experts on binge eating present the latest science on the underlying causes of this disorder and describe the best treatments currently available. | DVD |
Dying to be Thin | This video introduces you to students, ballet dancers, fashion models and other young women who are seeking recovery or have conquered their disease. Plus, you'll discover how leading eating disorder specialists are making dramatic advances in the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders. | DVD |
Thin | This HBO documentary takes the viewer inside the walls of Renfrew Center, a residential facility for the treatment of women with eating disorders, closely following four young women (ages 15-30) who have spent much of their lives starving themselves. Some swearing. | DVD |
Girls' Clubs Rock! | A prevention approach for helping groups of Teen girls navigate through the challenges of adolescence. Includes lessons, role plays, activities & discussion questions. | Book |
Adolescent Psychotherapy (The) | Treatment plan components for 36 behaviorally based presenting problems. Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions plus space to record your own treatment plan options. New edition features empirically supported, evidence based treatment interventions including conduct disorder, substance use, low self-esteem, suicidal ideation, ADHD, and eating disorders. Easy to use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem. Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA. | Book |
Lifestyle Diseases | The decisions teenagers make about diet, exercise, smoking, and alcohol have an immediate impact on their health. Teens assume they are too young to get cancer, diabetes, chronic lung diseases, or other lifestyle diseases. But, in fact, the choices teens make can damage their health now and in the future. Program profiles overweight teens with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and other problems. Shows how teen smokers are at greater risk for cancer and chronic lung disease and often already suffer respiratory problems impacting daily life. Also profiles a teen alcoholic to understand the impact of alcoholism on a teen?s physical and emotional well-being. Identifies healthy behaviors and urges teens to make smart choices to improve health now and in the future. Emphasizes these keys to health: stop smoking, avoid alcohol, eat a balanced diet, avoid stress and get enough sleep. | DVD |
Understanding: Obesity | This video explains the current scientific research and genetic causes of obesity, the science of appetite, health risks associated with obesity and the benefits of exercise to override genetic makeup. | DVD |
Real People: Eat Right! Have a Healthy Body Image | Body Image comes from the world around us and also from within us. This video discusses those outside factors as well as the factors from within that can lead to dangerous habits such as anorexia and steroid use. Includes a teachers guide. | DVD |
Power of Girls: Inside and Out | Girls talk about challenges they face growing up: bullying, eating disorders, early sexual activity and coping with loss. They describe how support from peers, parents or another caring adult made the difference. Includes discussion guide. | DVD |
Body Image Workbook | This workbook offers help for improving body image. With over 40 help sheets, Dr. Cash shows how to discover your personal body image, harness knowledge for change, improve private body talk, practice relaxation, stop self-defeating behaviors. | Book |
Choosing Health High School: Body Image & Eating Disorders | This manual explains the relationship between eating disorders, body image and self-esteem, differentiates between normal teen eating behaviors and disordered eating behaviors, gives student opportunity to assess & ways to improve body image perception. | Curriculum |
Media & Body Image | A multimedia educational resource on media literacy and body image. It can help you improve your ability to access, analyze, evaluate and produce media messages and to become an active participant in our media culture. | DVD |
Learning to Like Yourself | Most teens have something they'd like to change about themselves. This program tells the story of teens who broke the "norm" to find out who they are whether it's an artist, a swimmer, a teen with dyslexia. Also has teens telling about the effects eating disorders have had on their lives. | DVD |
Diversity in Counseling / Edition 1 | Designed to help readers gain a better understanding of cultural dynamics, this book encourages readers to examine their own biases and perspectives and apply the material to clinical practice. The book provides a comprehensive examination of issues concerning ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and mixed cultural identities and assists the reader in applying the information to counseling. Each chapter includes critical thinking material, consisting of insight exercises, personal stories, and questions to consider. | Book |
Demonstrating Your Program's Worth | Evaluation | Book |
Healthy Communities, Healthy Youth: Tool Kit | This tool kit provides tips, checklists, handouts, and other practical ideas for asset building communities or schools interested in Search Institutes Profile of Student Life Survey. | Book |
Early & Often: How Social Marketing of Prevention Can Help Your Community | If you want to use Social Marketing to affect social change then this booklet is for you. It is filled with thoughts on lessons learned from experience in social marketing. | Book |
Understanding Evaluation: The Way to Better Prevention Programs | This was written to enable school and community agency staff to carry out required evaluations under the Drug-free Schools and Communitites Act. | Book |
Chicken Soup Teenage Soul Journal | Your hopes, your dreams, your life - Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Journal gives you the perfect outlet to record your personal stories, feelings and experiences, in a way that is both fun and challenging. Sections called Friendship, Tough Stuff, Follow Your Dreams and more will help you to focus on what matters most to you, how to feel about your life, how to love yourself and others. With lots of space where you can write and where you can have friends and family share their feelings with you, it is also filled with great poems, thought provoking quotes, inspirational vignettes, and more. This Journal is sure to become one of your most valued keepsakes | Book |
Changing For Good | To uncover the secret to successful personal change, three acclaimed psychologists studied more than 1,000 people who were able to positively and permanently alter their lives without psychotherapy. They discovered that change does not depend on luck or willpower. It is a process that can be successfully managed by anyone who understands how it works. Once you determine which stage of change you?re in, you can:create a climate where positive change can occur maintain motivation turn setbacks into progress make your new beneficial habits a permanent part of your life. This groundbreaking book offers simple self-assessments, informative case histories, and concrete examples to help clarify each stage and process. Whether your goal is to start saving money, to stop drinking, or to end other self-defeating or addictive behaviors, this revolutionary program will help you implement positive personal change for life. | Book |
Mobilizing for Evidence-Based Character Education | The guide is organized in a logical sequence that reflects the order in which to undertake the eight basic steps of planning and implementing an evaluation. The introduction explores the federal mandate for evaluation and notes the many ways that evaluation can contribute to the improvement, recognition and sustainability of an intervention. | Book |
100 Interactive Activities Workbook and Cards | 100 Interactive Activities for Health and Substance Abuse Recovery. Ages 8-80.?With 100 plus activities, groups work through Anger Management, Assertion, Stress, Self-Esteem, Sobriety, Problem Solving, and much more to learn self-sufficient survival skills. Spiral bound for easy reproduction. Innovative techniques target different groups and ages, and are presented using: worksheets, art, games, feedback, visualization, poetry, and more. 100 Interactive Question Cards Ages 13-80, help participants think, communicate, and interact on important, relevant topics. Each card supplies a succinct therapeutic concept from the book with a related question. Each card also has an optional interactive component in a box at the bottom, to be used at the leader's discretion. | Book |
Boundaries Workbook | Draw the line. Used with its companion book, Boundaries, this workbook will provide practical, non theoretical exercises that will help you set healthy boundaries with parents, spouses, children, friends, co-workers, and even yourself by drawing on God's wisdom. This workbook helps you discover what boundaries you need and how to avoid feeling guilty about setting them. | Book |
Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook (The) 6th Edition | In the first chapter, you'll explore your own stress triggers and symptoms, and learn how to create a personal plan for stress reduction. Each chapter features a different method for relaxation and stress reduction, explains why the method works, and provides on-the-spot exercises you can do to apply that method when you feel stressed. The result is a comprehensive yet accessible workbook that will help you to curb stress and cultivate a more peaceful life. Additional topics this book covers: mindfulness, breathing, progressive relaxation, meditation, acceptance, focusing, self-hypnosis, visualization, refuting irrational ideals, worry control, coping skills, exercise, nutrition, anger management, time management, assertiveness, work-stress management, quick relaxers. | Book |
Emotion Regulation in Children and Adolescents | Emotion regulation difficulties are central to a range of clinical problems, yet many therapies for children and adolescents lack a focus on emotion and related skills. Each of the eight treatment modules can be used on its own or in conjunction with other therapies, and includes user friendly case examples, sample dialogues, and engaging activities and games. Emotion informed assessment and case conceptualization are also addressed. Reproducible handouts can be photocopied from the book or downloaded. | Book |
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff | Don't Sweat the Small Stuff is a book that tells you how to keep from letting the little things in life drive you crazy. In thoughtful and insightful language, author Richard Carlson reveals ways to calm down in the midst of your incredibly hurried, stress filled life. l including advice such as Choose your battles wisely; Remind yourself that when you die, your in box won't be empty; and Make peace with imperfection you'll also learn how to live in the present moment, Let others have the glory at times, Lower your tolerance to stress, Trust your intuition, Live each day as it might be your last. | Book |
Beyond the Bell: A Toolkit for Creating Effective After School Programs | Helps after-school program staff plan in 6 critical areas: management, collaboration, programming, integration with the traditional school day, evaluation and communication. | Book |
South Dakota Youth Tobacco Survey 2003 | Grades 6-12. The South Dakota Youth Tobacco Survey is a 59-item questionnaire that assesses seven tobacco related topics among youth in South Dakota. | Book |
South Dakota Youth Tobacco Survey 2000 | The South Dakota Youth Tobacco Survey is a 59-item questionnaire that assesses seven tobacco related topics among youth in South Dakota. | Book |
16 Dominoes Games | In practically all domino games the players strive to block the game so that others cannot make a play. There are 16 games listed to play in the instructions. | Game |
Twister | The classic game with 2 more moves! The mat has dots and you have to spin and call out the moves. Player must move the body part to the color spot. | Game |
Apples to Apples | Card game for 4 to 10 people. Select the card from your hand that you think is best described by a card played by the judge. If the judge picks your card you win that round. Everyone gets a chance to be the judge. Fast moving and game last 30 mins. | Game |
Words with Friends | Create a word on the board by placing tiles vertically or horizontally. Words must connect to previously played words, except the first word in the game, which has to cover the plus sign. | Game |
Adventures in Odyssey | Adventures in Odyssey is approaching its 30th birthday! For nearly 30 years, AIO has been entertaining families with enthralling storylines that teach biblical values disguised in humor. Young and old alike will be delighted to meet all the characters of Odyssey and follow them on their adventures. In this Adventures in Odyssey volume, wedding bells are finally ringing for Penny Wise and Wooton Bassett, but the journey to the altar takes several unexpected side roads. Meanwhile, the Jones and Parker Detective Agency faces its most perplexing case yet, Olivia and Matthew compete against each other for student body president, and Whit finds himself in the middle of a feud between two warring clans. Celebrate marriage, family, and friends in Odyssey with this hilarious six-episode collection! | DVD |
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University | Learn practical steps to beat debt, take control of your money, build wealth, give generously, and secure your family's future! FPU is a nine-week class, which is local and led by a volunteer coordinator. Member Workbook The workbook follows along with each lesson, highlighting valuable information and includes a space for you to record key take-away's. Be sure to bring this to class with you each week! Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money This book provides you with all of the practical answers to the "How?" "What?" and "Why?" questions about money! Every Dollar Plus Includes access to 90 days of EveryDollar Plus, the premium version of the budgeting tool that?s helping people save thousands. Access your 90 days of EveryDollar Plus through FPU Central. Envelope System This is Dave's easy-to-use cash management system. Put money in. Take money out. Stay on budget Resources Sign in to FPU Central using your activation code and get access to loads of resources to help you along your journey, including downloadable audio of all nine lessons plus two bonus lessons! | Video-Based Curriculum |
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University (B) | Learn practical steps to beat debt, take control of your money, build wealth, give generously, and secure your family's future! FPU is a nine-week class, which is local and led by a volunteer coordinator. Member Workbook The workbook follows along with each lesson, highlighting valuable information and includes a space for you to record key take-away's. Be sure to bring this to class with you each week! Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money This book provides you with all of the practical answers to the "How?" "What?" and "Why?" questions about money! Every Dollar Plus Includes access to 90 days of EveryDollar Plus, the premium version of the budgeting tool that?s helping people save thousands. Access your 90 days of EveryDollar Plus through FPU Central. Envelope System This is Dave's easy-to-use cash management system. Put money in. Take money out. Stay on budget Resources Sign in to FPU Central using your activation code and get access to loads of resources to help you along your journey, including downloadable audio of all nine lessons plus two bonus lessons! | Video-Based Curriculum |
Kissing Hand (The) | School is starting in the forest, but Chester Raccoon does not want to go. To help ease Chester's fears, Mrs. Raccoon Shares a family secret called the Kissing Hand to give him the reassurance of her love any time his world feels a little scary. Comes with a teaching kit. | Book |
Anxiety and Avoidance | Do you suffer from panic, anxiety, and fear in your day to day life? Do you often avoid social situations, activities like driving, or even going to the store because of a fear of being overwhelmed or triggering a panic attack? The book includes present moment awareness (mindfulness) techniques, motivational tools for overcoming experiential avoidance, and cognitive tools for refraining anxiety and fear. In addition, you will learn how to use your personal values as a vehicle for lasting change. | Book |
Worrysaurus (the) | The perfect book to help every anxious worrysaurus let go of their fears and feel happy in the moment at hand! | Book |
Overcoming Trauma and PTSD | If you?ve experienced a traumatic event, you may feel a wide range of emotions, such as anxiety, anger, fear, and depression. The truth is that there is no right or wrong way to react to trauma; but there |